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War or WoW im so very very confused soz bout reposts?

i know this discussion is probably everywhere what mmorpg should u play but i just want to look in one post my post that relates to my current situation not sure if this is in right topic 

-i have a lv 70 WoW Tauren druid and  i kinda like it but its getting kinda boring though as its not being very fresh and all my friends play it with me (but are on stupid alliance) also my lv70 brother. but i think i wanna switch as the game Warhammer age of reckoning looks so good  

-i have watched tons of warhammer online videos looked at loads of discussions and reviews but i  still cant decide without a trial to play (i didnt realise beta was on for warhammer so i missed it ) and  i cant decide 2 play  wow till wrath of the lich king prepare my resto druid for it and practise or switch games completely and play the good warhammer online which is making me so jealous of how good it looks help me guys im so confused i need wow and war players to post here to convince me on both arguments like graphics,fees,gameplay stuff like that plz as direct  forum posts are better than reading stuff sorry if it just a repeat of other posts just need some opinions.... oh and if any1 knows when warhammer trial come out tell me  i have posted this topic in warhammer as well to get opinions from both communities  soz if im clogging forum areas


  • JonnyBigBossJonnyBigBoss Member UncommonPosts: 702

    WoW lacks content but has good gameplay.

    WAR has too much content but has moderate gameplay.

    Too much is a good thing but I'm just stating the fact that the game is packed full of things to do. A few reviewers have already stated the same thing so I'm not the only one noticing the abundance of stuff to do.

  • Deadm0ney4uDeadm0ney4u Member Posts: 127

     Warhammer looks great in some of the videos but IMO it is a horrible game. It feels like a single player game no one talks in general chat and the mobs just stand there most of the time. I stopped playing Conan a while back because I didnt like it that much but honestly Conan is a much better game then warhammer. WOW is the king of MMOs and it will be for a very long time WOTLK will be awesome and a huge success. If I were you I would roll an alliance toon it will be a very dif. experience. Love it or hate it no game has ever touched WOW and I bet never will.

  • Fireside286Fireside286 Member Posts: 72

    I agree I know right now your hearing alot of oh this game is great the pvp is awesome the graphics are great...

    If I could do over I wouldn't have bought this game and saved my money for Fallout 3 which I am still buying and just stayed playing WoW.

    This game is great for the first few days or till about lvl 14 than it just goes down hill..Like the above poster said no one talks in general and if anyone says anything in scenarios is almost always " learn to play your F'ing character nub"  or " where are my heals nub."  I have been seeing alot of naked people in scenarios also, and I know its a tomb unlock and the moral of the group really goes down when you see alot of people naked, and how can you really take anything serious with them naked...

    Trust me on this, walk away and get WAR out of your head its not even close to what WoW is and its just a step above DAoC in graphics but the gameplay isn't there at all.

    I am sure the Fanbois will be in to flame, but serious you will waste money if you buy it..My advice roll alliance get on vent and have a good time with your friends and hit up Wrath when it comes out..


  • I quit WoW a couple of years ago and never looked back.  I had a lvl 60 druid and I liked it but I just got a bit tired of the game and the prospect of doing 40-man raids was disgusting to me.


    I like Warhammer much better and I will probably have multiple guys at level 40 eventually and play a number of them in RvR fairly long term as I like RvR action and it is more sustainably fun than the gear grind that is WoW.


    Do this mean you should switch?  I dunno you sound a bit bored.  The real question is are you just tired of the perpetual never ending carrot?  I was but maybe you just want something fresh.


    WOTLK might be that something fresh, but it won't change the neverending never reached carrot.  You might find the world PvP zone in WOTLK fairly fun but will it last for you or anyone else?  I doubt it.  In the end it will be more of a persistent battleground.  Sounds like it might be fun but i doubt it is sustainable.


    So it depends on why you are a bit tired of WoW and it depends on whether the idea of the ebb and flow of RvR sounds like something that would keep your interest versus the constant carrot chasing that is WoW.  Some people like to perpetually cahse carrots, there is nothing wrong with that.  I don't, it has its place but eventually I want to get off the treadmill.

  • Originally posted by Fireside286

    I agree I know right now your hearing alot of oh this game is great the pvp is awesome the graphics are great...
    If I could do over I wouldn't have bought this game and saved my money for Fallout 3 which I am still buying and just stayed playing WoW.
    This game is great for the first few days or till about lvl 14 than it just goes down hill..Like the above poster said no one talks in general and if anyone says anything in scenarios is almost always " learn to play your F'ing character nub"  or " where are my heals nub."  I have been seeing alot of naked people in scenarios also, and I know its a tomb unlock and the moral of the group really goes down when you see alot of people naked, and how can you really take anything serious with them naked...
    Trust me on this, walk away and get WAR out of your head its not even close to what WoW is and its just a step above DAoC in graphics but the gameplay isn't there at all.
    I am sure the Fanbois will be in to flame, but serious you will waste money if you buy it..My advice roll alliance get on vent and have a good time with your friends and hit up Wrath when it comes out..


    Have you ever done a keep battle?  Or any sustained RvR at all?


    The only thing i see is that you think the low level scenarios is full of immature people and noobs.  So what?  That is true of WoW as well or any match play stuff.


    The fanbois probably will be in to flame.  But not because they are scared you are telling the truth but because you completely neglected pretty darn important parts of the game and then say it sucks.  You deserve to get flamed.

  • Originally posted by Deadm0ney4u

     Warhammer looks great in some of the videos but IMO it is a horrible game. It feels like a single player game no one talks in general chat and the mobs just stand there most of the time. I stopped playing Conan a while back because I didnt like it that much but honestly Conan is a much better game then warhammer. WOW is the king of MMOs and it will be for a very long time WOTLK will be awesome and a huge success. If I were you I would roll an alliance toon it will be a very dif. experience. Love it or hate it no game has ever touched WOW and I bet never will.


    The mobs just stand there most of the time?  What does that even mean?  Is there something wrong with your computer?  The mobs work mostly like they do in any other MMO.  There are some issue of rubberbanding although they have lessened recently.  And some animation issues.  But other than that they are perfectly normal.


    Where do people get this stuff?



  • William1193William1193 Member Posts: 14

     thanks guys u helped a lot im gonna ressurect my character hopefully someone ressurects me sent my email out then ill see if those 10days on my lv 70 is worthwhile and maybe even start paying again i might even dare i  say it roll.....a ally nelf druid *dramatic music and thunder in background* it woudnt really matter left WoW for so long my guild broke up and my brother stopped plying his 70 troll but if a warhammer trial comes out i  still gotta try it or i might seem like im missing something out thanks guys  but i still look here to check if anything might change my confused mind like a update or something 

  • DuraheLLDuraheLL Member Posts: 2,951

    Best MMORPG I've played so far.

    $OE lies list
    And I don't want to hear anything about "I don't believe in vampires" because *I* don't believe in vampires, but I believe in my own two eyes, and what *I* saw is ******* vampires! "

  • damian7damian7 Member Posts: 4,449
    Originally posted by gestalt11

    Originally posted by Fireside286

    I agree I know right now your hearing alot of oh this game is great the pvp is awesome the graphics are great...
    If I could do over I wouldn't have bought this game and saved my money for Fallout 3 which I am still buying and just stayed playing WoW.
    This game is great for the first few days or till about lvl 14 than it just goes down hill..Like the above poster said no one talks in general and if anyone says anything in scenarios is almost always " learn to play your F'ing character nub"  or " where are my heals nub."  I have been seeing alot of naked people in scenarios also, and I know its a tomb unlock and the moral of the group really goes down when you see alot of people naked, and how can you really take anything serious with them naked...
    Trust me on this, walk away and get WAR out of your head its not even close to what WoW is and its just a step above DAoC in graphics but the gameplay isn't there at all.
    I am sure the Fanbois will be in to flame, but serious you will waste money if you buy it..My advice roll alliance get on vent and have a good time with your friends and hit up Wrath when it comes out..


    Have you ever done a keep battle?  Or any sustained RvR at all?


    The only thing i see is that you think the low level scenarios is full of immature people and noobs.  So what?  That is true of WoW as well or any match play stuff.


    The fanbois probably will be in to flame.  But not because they are scared you are telling the truth but because you completely neglected pretty darn important parts of the game and then say it sucks.  You deserve to get flamed.


    um, the same fanbois that say there are no bugs and the game had a spotless release?

    when every day in guild/alliance or even party/warband chat i hear of new problems and/or repeats of all the old bugs?


    yeah, maybe the fanbois get as intelligent of critiques as the excuses they make...

    could we please get correspondent writers and moderators, on the eve forum at, who are well-versed on eve-online and aren't just passersby pushing buttons? pretty please?

  • SlampigSlampig Member UncommonPosts: 2,342


    My brother does'nt even play online games and he told me he likes cheese, and if I wanna troll WoW I gotta like cheese...I love cheese....


    Wait, what is my post count?

    That Guild Wars 2 login screen knocked up my wife. Must be the second coming!

  • damian7damian7 Member Posts: 4,449
    Originally posted by gestalt11

    Originally posted by Deadm0ney4u

     Warhammer looks great in some of the videos but IMO it is a horrible game. It feels like a single player game no one talks in general chat and the mobs just stand there most of the time. I stopped playing Conan a while back because I didnt like it that much but honestly Conan is a much better game then warhammer. WOW is the king of MMOs and it will be for a very long time WOTLK will be awesome and a huge success. If I were you I would roll an alliance toon it will be a very dif. experience. Love it or hate it no game has ever touched WOW and I bet never will.


    The mobs just stand there most of the time?  What does that even mean?  Is there something wrong with your computer?  The mobs work mostly like they do in any other MMO.  There are some issue of rubberbanding although they have lessened recently.  And some animation issues.  But other than that they are perfectly normal.


    Where do people get this stuff?





    i like when you're fighting a mob and all of a sudden he takes a step into a rock and can still hit you but your party can't touch him.


    or... when you and your party are fighting a mob, have it almost dead, and all of a sudden it says he's unattackable (for like 10 seconds) and then he heals and runs back to his starting spot, 5 feet from where he was.


    or the dead mobs that just appear at random spots in the war camps?  they look alive, they're standing there, half the time they have full health bars but can't attack or be attacked, half the time the health bars are empty.

    or the invisible mobs that you can damage and can damage you; but you just can't see them.


    or how about when you change from ax to sword and you're now showing a sword and ax both displaying at the same time?


    what's the magic trick to sending messages?  half the time it sends the message, half the time it tells you that the person you're looking at on your screen and you were JUST messaging, isn't a part of the realm.

    but, you can rest assured that those gold spam messages you get constantly... well they're still going to get to you thru ignore.

    and that you'll have to scroll down and click the eula every time you log onto the game; because unlike all other mmos... this one is "special"... like short bus and all.


    that's just "wtf" items off the top of my head real quick.


    could we please get correspondent writers and moderators, on the eve forum at, who are well-versed on eve-online and aren't just passersby pushing buttons? pretty please?

  • crunchyblackcrunchyblack Member Posts: 1,362

    If the only mmo you ever really played (besides trying and hating f2p games ect) is wow, then you have got to be ready for a learning curve with warhammer, as it plays very diffrently.

    One of the big diffrences, which is a huge plus over wow, is the fact that you have a lot of options on what you can do while playing, starting at level 1.  You dont have to PVE quest and grind untill endgame, and the aquire all the best equipment, or be gimped, you can enjoy RvR once you have enough skills to play comfortably.

    Your goin to hear a lot of wow players tell you why the game sucks, sure there are some bugs,  nothing game breaking, and the unable to attack mobs bug has been fixed for the most part, and really only occured during the public quests. Some dont like the gameplay, and for the first 10 or so levels its kinda slow, untill you get enough skills.

    I have heard lots of complaints about the community not chatrooming it, and for the most part its true, however, the community is there and chatty if you go out and find it.  I have yet to see chuck norris spam or arguments over the chat system.

    If you want to take a stab at team based strategy RvR, this game will satisfy you.  Dont expect to play war as a solo PVP kill spree.

    Honestly, if you got $50 to burn, i dont know a lot of people who havent had an absolute blast playing war, for all its good andbad qualitys, warhammer succeeds in instant RvR actions.

    So if you can get over the first 5-10 levels feeling like, omg this sucks compared to wow, than i suggest at least giving warhammer a try.

    I think youll like the option to level up by PVE, public quests, open field RvR (protecting and taking keeps) and scenario RvR (each tier and map has its own "game" involved)

    So right off the bat youll notice a diffrence between the two games, as youll have the option to do any of four activites, all that will get you xp and loot.  Its a great idea to offer these options, as it really breaks up the style of play, especially for those with low attention spans.

    So you have to ask yourself, is $50 worth trying something new or diffrent? If you love wow, like really love it, then i dont think it would be worth it, but if your looking for something diffrent, why not? you might just like it.

    despite what you will hear, war and wow, are completely diffrent games as far as content and gameplay are concerned.

  • GladeousGladeous Member Posts: 49

    Totally aggree with Damian, don't bother with this game. You're way better off staying with WoW or any other game. I'm still pissed I wasted money on this.

  • Protus-AOCProtus-AOC Member Posts: 81
    Originally posted by Gladeous

    Totally aggree with Damian, don't bother with this game. You're way better off staying with WoW or any other game. I'm still pissed I wasted money on this.

    Yeah right in 2 months its gonna be world of death knights anyway if you want a game that actually has hardcore PVP try AOC not Carebear-hammer online


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