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Was anyone else hoping for one of the other world settings?

I dunno I've read a lot about this world they're using and can even see maybe why they might try it(I'll admit I'm curious about what it will be like to play the game), but I was thinking they'd use Forgotten Realms or Dragonlance.

I mean in Dragonlance you'd have a much better story going along with the pvp aspect for those who were interested, I mean I've known people that hoped for it since the word got out that wanted to be either solamnic knight or in the dragonarmies and even those who weren't interested in pvp thought it would make for a lot of interesting quests as well.

I favored the Forgotten Realms setting myself, it would've been a great setting especially with the engine they're using.

As I said at the beginning I'm still curious about the game itself and how it plays, but after reading a ton of books from some of these series I just wondered why they would chance a new world that people might not enjoy as much as opposed to one of the older more loved settings.


  • NovalarNovalar Member UncommonPosts: 32
    I have thought they were going to use the Forgotten Realms when I first heard about D&D Online.  Then it was said Ebberon would be used.  Interesting I thought as i had no idea what the setting was about.  I myself would love to see Greyhawk used as it was the first setting I ever played in and is still my favourite.  It will not happen of course, but I can hope. 

    Currently Playing:- nothing

  • ThoomThoom Member Posts: 436
    I like Greyhawk and Forgotten realms as well. They could put it in the game via spelljamming, or plane traveling.

  • GenjingGenjing Member Posts: 441

    Not really...i love FR as much as anybody but its been overdone in books and games already.

    Eberron is fresh and new, with lots of room for the DDO devs to take it in different directions.

  • MoleculorMoleculor Member Posts: 4

    Personally, if they had used FR for DDO, I would have said "Oh. A D&D MMOG. Nice. *shrug*" and walked off. FR has never appealed to me (and Greyhawk ain't much better), mostly because of it's forced religion that isn't based on faith whatsoever, bazillions of subraces that actually are more than RP backgrounds, half a dozen or dozen or so NPCs that could all step in and take over whatever quest my PC is on if I happened to fail (or hell, they could step in and take over a god's position if they really wanted to), and a general feeling of the world being pretty much totally described already.

    Too many people would assume I knew about FR's history, and still again others would completely spaz out if ANYTHING was in disagreement with the dozens of books that have already been written. And -I- would feel like I wasn't actually necessary in any way, because whatever quest-to-save-the-world I was on could be done by any other high level NPC that already exists if I wasn't there. Or hell, any of the dozens-hundreds of other players.

    Eberron is new, fresh, undescribed, has an ENTIRE continent in place that is specifically for the use of game developers like Turbine and anyone else who wants to plop in whatever strange things that don't fit on Khorvaire. The only level 20 NPC in existence is a pine tree that's over several millenia old, and it -doesn't- leave it's forest (on Khorvaire, no less, so the chances of him crossing the sea to Xen'drik are small). The next highest NPC (that I know of) is only 13, and just so happens to be an evil vampire who has significant ties to Khorvaire as well. Not so helpful for my PC, eh? On top of that, religion truely is based on faith (and I don't have a DM trying to force me to pick one when creating a character because of the fact that all characters "know" that if they don't worship, they suffer for eternity), and I don't have to deal with trying to remember the difference between deep gnomes, forest gnomes, and rock gnomes.

    So, Eberron? Love it. Love that they're using it, and it's probably the only reason I'm considering playing.

  • Destro85Destro85 Member Posts: 2

    I was sort of disappointed at first when I heard that Eberron would be used, only because I don't know anything about the campaign setting. I don't think the choice is going to make or break the game or anything, however I will miss my Forgotten Realms, I love playing in that CS.

    I also think that using Eberron limits them to content. For example if they had gone the FR or DL route there are literally hundreds of novels and game modules to provide players with constantly changing content, Eberron doesn't have that option. But then again maybe the devs were going for that, FR would be almost impossible to pull off simply because of all of the "must have" content and would likely really piss off a lot of the rabid fanboys simply because they didnt include their favorite dungeon or NPC.

  • ZerackusZerackus Member UncommonPosts: 47

      I want to know how could anyone whos ever played D&D want this realm they decided to use??? I mean come on, Forgotten realms, greyhawk or hard would it be to just pick one instead of using this peice of crap they decided on as a marketing tool to sell their new realm's products on pen and paper.


      Is there anyone here who doesn't see D7D on-line is nothing but a big on-line commericial for their new products?

    Zerackus the Bane
    Son of Myrkul
    Undead Lords

    Zerackus the Bane
    Son of Myrkul
    Undead Lords

  • KilguriKilguri Member Posts: 119
    Well, I for one am happy with this change. There are just too many D&D games based on Forgotten Realms.

    Always run with scissors. The quicker you go, the quicker you'll get to your destination and the quicker you'll finish using the scissors, therefore significantly reducing your chances of injuring yourself

  • KilguriKilguri Member Posts: 119

    Originally posted by Zerackus 

     Is there anyone here who doesn't see D7D on-line is nothing but a big on-line commericial for their new products?


    Always run with scissors. The quicker you go, the quicker you'll get to your destination and the quicker you'll finish using the scissors, therefore significantly reducing your chances of injuring yourself

  • JodokaiJodokai Member Posts: 1,621

    Originally posted by Zerackus
    I want to know how could anyone whos ever played D&D want this realm they decided to use??? I mean come on, Forgotten realms, greyhawk or hard would it be to just pick one instead of using this peice of crap they decided on as a marketing tool to sell their new realm's products on pen and paper.

    Is there anyone here who doesn't see D7D on-line is nothing but a big on-line commericial for their new products?Zerackus the Bane
    Son of Myrkul
    Undead Lords

    Actually Eberron was created specificlly for this game. It was the whole reason they started the contest to begin with.

    That being said, I am very disappointed with the Eberron setting. It feels too much like a steampunk genre than a fantasy genre. I mean I keep waiting for the write up for Jim West and Artimis Gordon. Sure they say it's magic instead of steam, but that's just...smoke (sorry couldn't resist). I mean they have a telegraph, a train, a formal bank that can give loans and credit, street lights, sky scrappers, blimps etc. I mean it IS the old west, but instead of everyone carrying 6 shooters they are carrying wands of Magic Missle, that have uses per day instead of straight charges.

    As far as your problem with religion, you do realize that the whole fantasy genre originated with books like the Illiad and the Oddessey? The gods walking the earth or being vengeful. As a god, if no one followed you, you lost power. Sure you could make your presense know, but could you take followers from other gods.

    Most of the problems you stated (NPC's becoming gods) are all problems with Forgotten Realms, not with Greyhawk. Greyhawk, while the oldest setting, is probably the least written about of the three (Dragon Lance, Forgotten Realms, and Greyhawk). It is a low magic game world where wizards are looked at in awe and sometimes fear. It's a world we all know, Gold Dragons are good, Red Dragons are evil, and Vampires all have negative energy.

    Then to top all that off, the things that make Eberron neat aren't even going to be in the game.
    Artificer? Nope.
    Changeling? no way.
    Shifter? Try again.
    Kalashtar? Umm nope.
    Well what about the Gatekeeper druids, they HAVE to be in there. Actually they aren't in there either.
    Since they are cutting so much out, they must have a killer crafting system. No crafting on release either.
    So this is going to be a straight Arcanum/City of Heroes rip off? You said it.

  • generatednamgeneratednam Member Posts: 8
    Im sure many of us would have loved to see FR or dragonlance as the setting for DDO but i tihnk eberron will be a fresh new exciting setting for a great game...and im sure it will all turn out for the best...the problem with FR and dragonlance is that there are simply just too many places that would have to be implemented for players to be happy...the worlds are extensive and huge and there is no way they would possibly be able to put in every dungeon or every city or every piece of content that all the fans would therefore i think that eberron will be a great new setting that will hopefully allow for some new innovative things.

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