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Which Class are Underpowered in your opinion?

As an opposite to another thread, let's discuss which classes are consistently underpowered in WAR at all levels?   I will start:


1. SW and SH : ranged classes which activation is just a tad too long, and DPS that is a tad too timid.

2. SM : tank with no resist buff, and short (max 4 sec) buff/debuff skill, and capable attack skill that can only be activated as second chained skill.    

3. WL : paper thin melee DPS with a broken pet AI.


So there you have it.   



  • shatavaarshatavaar Member Posts: 10

    Magus - DoTs are under powered individually, best spec for magus requires you get up close or medium range and stack thos DoTs.. meaning .... y our dead! our long range spec is underpowered comapred to other rdps classes.


    one usefull skill chaotic rift was gimped to oblivion cuz everybody complained  that it was OP and used it as an excuse why order does not rvr... now that it has been nerfed... guess what.. nobody still playing rvr.

    pet damage is weak,

    utilities are gimped and what we do have other rdps have and is better.


    crowd control - LOL ..enough said.


    and the list goes on..


    makes your post about SW,SM, SH and WL look silly huh...


    stop complaining Destro has the same problems order has but much worse.

  • GregtheexconGregtheexcon Member Posts: 203
    Originally posted by shatavaar

    Magus - DoTs are under powered individually, best spec for magus requires you get up close or medium range and stack thos DoTs.. meaning .... y our dead! our long range spec is underpowered comapred to other rdps classes.
    one usefull skill chaotic rift was gimped to oblivion cuz everybody complained  that it was OP and used it as an excuse why order does not rvr... now that it has been nerfed... guess what.. nobody still playing rvr.
    pet damage is weak,
    utilities are gimped and what we do have other rdps have and is better.
    crowd control - LOL ..enough said.
    and the list goes on..
    makes your post about SW,SM, SH and WL look silly huh...
    stop complaining Destro has the same problems order has but much worse.


    this is a joke right? You can't mean this. Midrange you move in combat or a little at a time? Maybe the people who bitch about this class need to rethink there skills.

    THE only class I can think as being kinda ripped is the WH, only because of the balancing act of strength, balastics,weapon skill, toughness and wounds, they have more stats to care about then others

    Enjoy : )

  • IxnatifualIxnatifual Member Posts: 475

    The weakest career is probably Magus. Swordmaster and Squig Herder need some love as well. I'm not sure about the White Lion as I haven't much experience with it, so I won't comment on that class.

  • fungistratusfungistratus Member Posts: 437

    Everyone keeps mentioning the magus-- what about the engineer? Engineer is totally broken.  Rifle path is totally uslesss and tinker path is still no good.

    Engineers need a face lift and on the test server there is little to no difference. 



  • Nepenthe78Nepenthe78 Member Posts: 33

    The DoK.

    Even with good gear and a skilled player they just wont manage well (enough) to cope with the high en instances, they have a big disadvantage in RvR since they dont really do damage enough to be a damage dealer nor do they ahve the survivability.

    They dont do anything really well to justiy their exsitence.

    Especially the torture tree is just crap and broken atm.

    Now dont get me NOT saying they are useless they are just underpowered.

    They could be fixed by giving them more melee dps without sacrifying too much of the healing abiltes.

    Or giving them really good debuffs so a hit of them would really make them usefull in both encounter types


  • MagterMagter Member Posts: 289
    Originally posted by Nepenthe78

    The DoK.
    Even with good gear and a skilled player they just wont manage well (enough) to cope with the high en instances, they have a big disadvantage in RvR since they dont really do damage enough to be a damage dealer nor do they ahve the survivability.
    They dont do anything really well to justiy their exsitence.
    Especially the torture tree is just crap and broken atm.
    Now dont get me NOT saying they are useless they are just underpowered.
    They could be fixed by giving them more melee dps without sacrifying too much of the healing abiltes.
    Or giving them really good debuffs so a hit of them would really make them usefull in both encounter types

    DoK is similar to WP on Order right?


    I play a WP as my main and he seems to do quite well with Dps and healing + survivabilty. Sure I don't stand a chance against Witch Elfs and not so good against Mauraders but those are the 2 classes which give me a hard time. I say that my survivabilty is good because i acually heal myself, put debuff on those that dare to attack me, and of course teaming up with a tank which means doom to anyone who gets in my or his/her way.

    Purpose in life is not to gain things, but experience. - Rover64dd

  • markoraosmarkoraos Member Posts: 1,593
    Originally posted by Ixnatifual

    The weakest career is probably Magus. Swordmaster and Squig Herder need some love as well. I'm not sure about the White Lion as I haven't much experience with it, so I won't comment on that class.


    Yeah baby, bring on some hard love to us SMs (pun intended).

    No really, I'm thinking of switching to the path Of Hoeth (that's magical ninja kamikaze AoE tank to you) cause Vaul (indestructible, yeah right, tank) is pretty much useless unless you got a dedicated healer to keep you alive long enough to deal some pain... and I hear Khaine (armored DPS) is not that swell either.  They should either buff Vaul and Khaine's damage or survivability or whatever. It seems that Hoeth is the only path working really well right now.

  • EndlosEndlos Member Posts: 127

    Well the 1.05 answer should include SW, SH, Mag, Engi.  Some could also argue SM being as bad.  However, in 1.06 if all the changes work out correctly, I see SM being clearly at the bottom of the barrel.

    The changes being made to SMs in 1.06 simply don't help the class.  At all.  SMs by far have the least utility/cc of any of the other tanks, and the bit of utility they do have has to be specc'd for.  This really isn't changing in .06.  Their craptastic damage in Khaine spec also isn't being addressed, with Quick Incision being nerfed into the ground along with its "fix" of frontloaded damage and the various bugs (autoattack, clunkiness with Ether Dance for example).

    And don't get me started on what they're doing to the Hoeth spec.  Hoeth spec was already pretty bad off, because it had awkward combo cycles and cooldowns that were limiting.

    In .05 the combo setup for Hoeth looked like this (assuming you took proper skills in mastery):

    Normal balance attack: One skill with a 0 second cooldown.

    Improved balance attacks: Two different skills, each with a 10 second cooldown

    Perfect balance attacks: Two different skills, one with a 0 second cooldown and the other with a 20 second cooldown.

    A perfect combo rotation takes 4.5 seconds factoring in GCDs.  This means that in .05 a Hoeth SM could execute two combos before "hitching" and waiting for cooldowns.  The hangup comes with the Improved balance attacks each cooling down longer than the combo rotation would take.

    In 1.06 Mythic's plan to "help" Hoeth was to swap one of the Improved balance attacks with the zero cooldown Perfect balance attack.  This is, frankly, the dumbest thing ever.  It creates an even bigger hitch than in .05, and instead of hanging on a middle-combo skill (that you could fill off-spec if you really had to) it forces you to either give up your specc'd finisher or sit on your ass and wait for cooldowns just to maintain a combo string.

    .06 will still let a SM do two combos before the hitch, but then instead of waiting 1 second or half a second between successive combos, the user will be waiting for up to 5.5 seconds if they want to use abilities that they've specc'd for.  An absolute rubbish change.

  • EndlosEndlos Member Posts: 127

    I actually think WL is a really strong class.  It could use some improvements (how about make the pet immune to AOE damage, or highly resistant, or something?) but over all I think they perform really well.

    A good WL will keep the pet on a short leash, putting it on passive stance and manually ordering it to attack when the time is right.  The damage they can frontload with a proper Morale buildup is pretty nuts, in the span of 5 seconds they can unload an absolutely devastating amount of punishment on something, and enjoy a lot more survivability than WH / WE could ever hope for.

    The main thing is keeping the pet alive.  Sure, we have a few tactics that benefit us when the pet is gone, but frankly a lot of our damage hinges on the pet being alive.  While its own damage may be on the trivial side, it does add up, as do the benefits it gives us from being around such as coordinated strike, additional procs, additional morale, additional crit damage and even more morale depending on tactic loadout.

    It really only takes one sorc puddle to gib the lion, and that's my only real issue with the class.  Fluffy dies too easily.  Maybe making it 100% immune to AOE damage is too much, but have it work on an aura-like system.  Say if your pet is within 20 feet of you, it ignores AOE damage (which you'd probably be taking yourself anyway) or something along that line, otherwise it takes normal damage from all sources.

  • wintersclanwintersclan Member Posts: 33

    Ever read anything on various forums that would indicate that SM, or any of its skills or tree is OP.  Probably none.    



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