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Well, just more bricks to add towards Obama's stupid thick headed wall of a brain. In his 3 to 4 trillion dollar budget he is proposing (which is the most any US President Spent....EVER) Obama is planning on dramatically reducing the amount of money people can write off as charitable tax donations when donating to hospitals, non profit organizations (United Way, etc), and to Universities.
What will this cause? Many non profits will close as they are struggling right now due to the economy; Hospitals will be even more strapped for supplies and Colleges will start to see diminishing contributions which will cause tuition rates to go higher than ever.
Here's a link from a liberal newspaper (in case some of you cry foul that I found this on Fox or something):
I tell you, Obama fits the bill perfectly with "Stupid is as Stupid does."
People who have to create conspiracy and hate threads to further a cause lacks in intellectual comprehension of diversity.
The title of the thread kept me from reading the post.
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Was it "democrates" that did it? What do you have against philosophers?
Edit to make more on topic: I'm more worried about them trying to pass the AWB again.
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"The great thing about human language is that it prevents us from sticking to the matter at hand."
- Lewis Thomas
So when people give freely in a USA spirit Obama wants these same people to be subject to the laws of his USSA? (His current version of the USA)
Wow this contradicts his income redistribution theory....
Definitely contradicts Biden's "Unpatriotic to not pay taxes" nonsense.
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Refugee of Auberean
Refugee of Dereth
Yea I was listening an economist the other day that was saying that Americans will be having to pay like 90% of everything they make in taxes in one form or another to be able to afford Obamas budget. This of course will not be all in one lump sum you pay at once to make you fully aware of it's impact. It will be in the Taxes applied to everything you buy and own. Food, clothing, mileage, electric bills, charities .. everything.
interesting how some die hard Obama kool aid drinkers on the forums refused to read the article but still makes a post on the thread.
Many Obama followers are just like that in the real world. They stick their fingers in their ears and hum to themselves or cover their eyes hoping not to see anything bad or hear anything bad against their beloved dictator....even when the article is from a liberal newspaper.
Ignorant people voted him into office and when Obama starts to do the shit he does, these same ignorant people remain ignorant by just ignoring the severe issues this idiot of a president has.
Liberalism is a mental disorder indeed. They would rather see this country go into the shitter than to say anything critical to their new Jesus.
People who have to create conspiracy and hate threads to further a cause lacks in intellectual comprehension of diversity.
Was that on Glenn Beck by chance? Saw the same thing after I saw him showing a chart that I saw on the internet like a week ago.
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Was that on Glenn Beck by chance? Saw the same thing after I saw him showing a chart that I saw on the internet like a week ago.
I have no idea if this guy was on glenn beck ,it was on the radio in my car on a radio show in the morning. They were interviewing economists to get a better understanding of what is going on, and having people call in and ask them questions.
Was that on Glenn Beck by chance? Saw the same thing after I saw him showing a chart that I saw on the internet like a week ago.
I have no idea if this guy was on glenn beck ,it was on the radio in my car on a radio show in the morning. They were interviewing economists to get a better understanding of what is going on, and having people call in and ask them questions.
It might have been then, but I doubt it. Suffice to say that the same thing was said on his show.
Now with 57.3% more flames!
Truth is people will always find something to fault political leaders.
But consider this: The reason we are in such a bad position now is the failed policies of the past. Maybe shaking things up is a good thing. Frankly, I don't mind pissing off hospitals, democrats, republicans, universities, non profits, your momma, etc etc etc. Everybody wastes too much money in this country anyway. Time for a reality check. No matter what anyone, including SuperObama, does, we're probably heading into a deep depression that will last years anyway. Doing nothing would he would hear more flak.
Don't you remember all-mighty savior Bush who's administration implented a huge bank bailout, tax refunds for everyone, and lost 3, 4, 5000 points in the stock market? Maybe it's time to try the other method?
All I see here is blind hatred for a President who hasn't had time to prove anything yet.
There's a difference between bailing out a bank (which I dont believe in...Bush was an idiot to do that) and giving money to charities who needs the money to function.
If you don't mind money not getting to hospitals to fund research in cancer and juvenile diabetes, etc., then you are pretty messed up.
But the majority of people these days are all about themselves and not helping others so I can understand if you cannot understand the concept of giving. It' s cool.
People who have to create conspiracy and hate threads to further a cause lacks in intellectual comprehension of diversity.
but it didnt keep you from posting in it. You make yourself look foolish just by posting one sentence saying you're too ignorant to read the thread, but you dont mind posting something unconstructive in it.
@OP: what i dont get is that obama said he wouldnt make the same mistakes bush made, but he is pushing bail out and stimulus plans just like what bush did (at the end of his term). Where is the change in the economy? I mean the change thats not supposed to fuck over all us younger people.
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