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Why does Korea bring out so many F2P games and so few P2P games?
Why does the F2P formula works so well in Korea? Do they actually update the content in the Korean version of alot of these clients and they just don't update them when they reach Europe or the US?
Are their item malls really fair and balanced ?
Do Korean gamers just not care about balance in item mall as long as they can play a game for free?
Do Korean gamers actually like the F2P grind mmo style with PvP as end game? or Do they like the EQ and now (wow) style of Quests and Raid at the end?
Not trying to offend anyone here but I always wonder these questions myself ever since I Started playing mmorpg games and I never really got up the nerve to actually ask them for fear of people being insulted or offended.
I take it you mean South Korea..
Had to remove signature because of lame code of conduct...
Go to Korea
Current: Puzzle Pirates
Waiting: SWTOR,Aion, CO
Played: AC, WoW, SB, EVE
The market there is enormous, way bigger than any other country's excepting China maybe, and with a bigger cake, you can get more pieces.
That being said, the real successes there (other than maybe mapplestory of Nexon, which is F2P and few other exceptions) are P2P, don't fool yourself, until the arrival of Aion (which is P2P there) wow was the king (which is P2P also) and before that, Lineage 2 was the king (which was P2P also), and before that, Lineage 1 was the king (which also was P2P), so yeah, you can get the picture.
As the above poster said, is not that F2P market works better's just that there are plenty of games there and only a very small amount of them come here (being in english). They still have P2P, but Asia has loads of F2P mmorpgs.
About the tendences, a korean guy used to post around here often, and iirc he said as well as he could that the koreans are more into MMOs than into RPGs, they use to play these for the social interaction, unlike a big part of the western market who want to be guided through a story and what not. I'm personaly more akin to the "korean" way, that doesn't mean I enjoy mindless grinders, however, but I do like the drama and social interaction you get in some of their games.
Ah i see so F2P games don't really make it huge in Korea its still mostly the P2P games?
Thats kinda neat. I mean I didn't know that I thought Korea was all about F2P and hated P2P modle from all the games we get that are korean or the vast majority are F2P.
Also, in Asia they don't have a super big "game at home" population like we do. Most of the people go to gaming cafes where they can also buy point cards with their drinks and food. So free games work better over there. Also, from what I can tell the subscription model works similar to the way points work on free games some of the time. They'll buy points to then buy 90 days of game time with those points, for example.
Honestly I like the free to play games better, as I can put them down and pick them up any time I want to and don't have to worry about paying some fee that I might not use.