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Returning player

I was a paid subscriber of DDo a year and a half ago.  My question is what do I have access to as a returning free to play character.  Are my orgianl character able to enter all the dungeons they allready finished?



  • GlenalthWGlenalthW Member Posts: 24

    You'll have all of your characters on your account with a few restrictions.

    If you've unlocked Drow, Warforged, 32pt builds, or Favored Soul (2500) favor those will be available.

    Monks and Warforged must be purchased with turbine points even if you already have one (it will be unavailable until purchased). If you had a lot of favor, you might have enough free points to do that without spending $. Each are around the 600pts area.

    Four character slots (instead of 2). If you had more character you will have to pick which character you wish to use. Any time you buy more slots you can reallocate them. Additional slots are around 500pts.

    Access to a good portion of the quests, but most of the major quest chains and major areas (Delera's, Greymoon, Gianthold, Vale, etc.) will be off limits unless purchased with points even if you had accessed them before. These typically range from 200 to 900pts each.

    As for the points...
    You will have points from your highest favor character on each server deposited into your Turbine Points account. These are cumulative and are only one time per server.

    3000 = 100pts
    2000 = 100pts
    1000 = 100pts
    500 = 50pts
    50 = 25pts
    25 = 25pts
    5 = 50pts

    For any further play you earn 25pts for every 100th favor on any character. It's very easy to earn an extra 400pts by playing for a few hours on each server if you need it to unlock things as well.

  • erickdeforeserickdefores Member Posts: 161

    Thank you Glenalth.  I earned enough favor to get the 32 point build and the Drow.  I did stop playing when the lvl cap was 16,  do I need to purchase the ability to work my way to lvl 20?  Can I enter VON  The Desert three barrel cove?

  • erickdeforeserickdefores Member Posts: 161

    OOps  sorry missed the part about the Moduels.  I will have a look at the points I have tomorrow.  Thank you again!

  • GlenalthWGlenalthW Member Posts: 24

    There are two obstacles to overcome to get your characters to 20 from 16.

    The first is that you need a leveling sigil. These drop as end rewards for level appropriate quests or can be purchased from the DDO store (I think the 17-20 sigil is around 200pts, but I'm not sure on that).

    The second is that there aren't really any level appropriate free quests. There are a few odd quests here and there, but nothing major and it takes a lot of XP to hit 20. You'll end up needing to spend some points.

    I was in a similar situation, I came back to the game after taking a little over a year off. I had a lot of favor built up so I received 350 points to start with. I farmed some additional turbine points by getting 50 favor on the other 4 servers (400 points in an evening of playing with new characters). Then I purchased Reaver's Refuge since I hadn't played that content before and it was fairly cheap and on sale on top of that. Earned some more points by doing some favor quests on my characters that were close to 100 favor thresholds and picked up a couple sigils since they weren't dropping and I was sick of level 16.

    In the end I spent $20 on some points and bought the Vale of Twilight and the new Shavarath/Devil's Battlefield area. Either of those areas has what you need to get to 20. My current plan is to do that every few months and slowly build up the areas that are accessible to me (I miss Titan raids).

  • erickdeforeserickdefores Member Posts: 161

    Oh yes  The titan raid was fun.  I Never did get to the Abbot, back when I stoped playing everyone was after green steel.  Oh well I will look at the new the store and see what I can get  thank you for the info.

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