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HarabeckHarabeck Member Posts: 616

Ok, I've looked through the main site but the preview stuff doesn't talk about PvP at all. The forums have lots of threads of people asking about PvP and trolls telling them to go search newb... and the search doesn't allow to use a term as short as "pvp". I did find a few threads where posters made claims about the PvP, but in the same thread other posters claimed that no info had been released and that it was all speculation.

So, are there any official sources of information that talk about the PvP? Is it FFA? Player loot? Are their guild or faction warfare elements (someone did mention castle sieges).


  • crmznoutlw16crmznoutlw16 Member Posts: 142

    They haven't set a ruleset in stone, however TERA is primarily a PvP game and the notion that it will be FFA is pretty widely accepted.  Castle sieges have also been confirmed to be a large part of the PvP system however not many details have been released about either subject. 

  • HarabeckHarabeck Member Posts: 616

    If it's primarily a PvP game, why isn't there much about it on their site? A dev sticky said they would focus on both equally. What I'm really looking for are details. Saying that it's generally accepted to be FFA, is pretty lame. There have been 3 closed beta stages, why can't we say for sure? Unless it's in game or stated by the devs, it's just hearsay. So what makes you say it's probably FFA?

  • jrs77jrs77 Member Posts: 419

    Hop over to


    Unconsentual flagging system like in Lineage basically.

  • BloodaxesBloodaxes Member EpicPosts: 4,662

    Hopefully from an interview it has been said there will be pve servers and you can pvp in them in battlegrounds and normal duels or so they said:

    "Q: Does the company plan to support servers where PvP is everywhere (PvP servers) as well as servers where you have to flag yourself to be part of PvP (PvE servers)?

    A: Yes. We expect to have both PvE and PvP servers. PvE servers will still have consensual PvP content such as battlegrounds and duels."

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