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My account got hacked but we were able to get that all fixed. Now it seems the hackers paid with a bogus CC and the acount is in the negative and my account has been frozen until i pay for the hackers time. WTF?
I believe most people who get their accounts hacked truely deserve it. Blizzard is the only place you can get help so why on earth would you post here EXCEPT to feed trolls to hate WoW?
I don't know, maybe because he's upset over how Blizzard is treating him and would like to make their hijinks public knowledge? Additionally, I don't see how anyone deserves having their account hacked. Even if they did something stupid, why is being computer illiterate something that should damn them to misery, identity theft, and account loss?
Something like this is bullshit. They know the account was hacked, they restored his account, but they expect him to backpay for the fraud caused by the hacker.
Bans a perma, but so are sigs in necro posts.
why did you put this kind of title in the topic, where in hell is blizzard wanting you to support the hackers?
You and only YOU are the one responsible of whatever happened to get you hacked, they cant help you being irresponsible.
there is no freaking way unless you shared your account, got keylogged or just dumb enough to click on the OVER 9000 phishinge-mails of noreply@blizzard etc etc that this idiots try to trick you and get hacked, I feel very sorry for you, but i agree with them.
There is no knowledge that is no power.
Deserve based on not being net smart nowdays. I have played with people who will freely give out their account info to strangers without hesitation.
Example: I was playing with a guy in a dungeon one day and some gold seller/account thief spammed a bunch of players "Free minipet and achievements! Log into your account at to get yours!" And so he said brb. 1 minute later he says "I hope its something cool!". I yelled at him and then laughed and warned him to change his password right this second.
There is a Tip of the day during loading screens that says "Blizzard will NEVER ask for your password". Keyword NEVER.
Maybe he didn't deserve it and was not careless with account info like most people, but his topic saying Blizzard wants me to support hackers is utter crap and just serves to create more hate on a game that does not deserve it.
My advice to the topic creator, contact Blizzard about it is your only option because only they can do something about it. Be prepared to wait because of people who I mentioned, the support staff have their hands full 24/7 but they will be very helpful.
From reading it, it seems that the hacked account in question is old and was rectivited with a goldsellers (possibly stolen) credit card, so blizzard removed the card and refunded the the amount..
I think the complaint here is that the orginal user thinks that the gametime 'belongs' to him and it's 'unfair' Blizzard removed it.
Bring on the WARRRRGGHH!
How do we deserve it?
My account was fine for 4 years until the new battle-net system was forced on us. I did not reply to any e-mails that were sent to me with fake blizz names so i dont know how they hacked me. My brother got hacked the excact same day has me and we live in diferent city's. I guess the hacckers were at the letter F for that day of hacking. So dont blame us for getting hacked, it's blizzards fault and the accounts are getting hacked like crazy since the new battle-net system , they Fed up something
I had my account hacked, not too long ago. I do not share my infomation, and I am very careful. I have had my account for 5 years and played on and off. At the time it was hacked the account was inactive. I waited for 40 min. to talk to Blizzard, and then fixed in less then 5 min. I have no clue how it happened, but took me off guard. I ordered the blizzard authenticator, not sure how well it works though.
I use time cards and the last i played was just this pass december and after only 2 months inactive it got hacked this pass february. What gametime are you talking about, im not trying to claim gametime i just want my account unfroze so i can return to the game when i want.
It's called easily obtained information, with everyone practically advertising themselfs with facebook, twitter, MSN etc, it's hardly hard to find workarounds with just basic information, and with many many people using the same information for password questions and in fact passwords themselfs, the only real thing you can do is stay one step ahead and make sure nothing is common..
{edited out to repond to new post]
Bring on the WARRRRGGHH!
FYI 'frozen' doesn't mean locked, it's just inactive, I've had that all the time each time I canceled my account, just add gametime then it'll unlock itself
Bring on the WARRRRGGHH!
I did nothing to get hacked and dont know how they did it, i read all the farums and know there tricks.
Blizzard wants me to pay the month the hackers billed on my account with a bogus CC so that mean there asking me to pay for the hackers= supporting them
To the OP
Contact Blizzard billing department by phone and if there is any error i am sure they can work it our as long as you are polite and explain what has happend.
And as far as i undestood it they removed the paid gametime but did not unflag the account so the OP now owes blizzard a month pf gametime before he can even activate his account, If this is the case i am sure Billing can fix this as it is most likley a mistake. Having worked in a bilingdepartment myself things like this happens form time to time but can be hard to sopt unless the account owner points it out.
This have been a good conversation
Wrong. I like all of your high and mighty theories, but you are mistaken if you think getting your acct. hacked takes something blatant on the acct. holders part.
Its not blizzards fault, its the hackers fault. One could say its your fault.
The ONLY way this could be blizzards fault is if there was a hole in their security. I guarantee you thats not the case. Blizzard / Activision is a multibillion dollar company and the have very expensive security protocols in place. If you value your account get an authenticator either the 7 buck one from Blizzard or the 99 cent one for your phone. This will pretty much make you 90% hack immune.
As for how you were compromised, its most likely some form of trojan, malware, spyware etc. Download Malwarebytes scan your pc and see what pops up.
These days technology is pretty nuts and its a lot easier than it used to be to get compromised. Get yourself an authenticator and problem is solved.
again Blizzard aren't asking you to pay for the hackers at all, you are not using it, and from the sounds of things the hackers have been removed from the account so unless you havn't changed your passwords and added the authenicator before you reactivite the account to PLAY YOURSELF how are you 'funding' the hackers?
I honestly beleave you've got your wires crossed somewhere
Bring on the WARRRRGGHH!
Same day and different cities. Sounds like you downloaded a malicious program that keylogged your account info. Usually from WoW based websites such as botting site, sites that claim to have hacks and gold selling sites. You just have to visit a site like this once and it downloads stuff right to your PC. They could have had both you and your brothers info for a duration and decided that day they will take control of it.
Best thing to do is scan for viruses and spyware weekly and change your password every so often. Knowing your system is clean and having a fresh password is a great way to protect your account. If you really want to feel safe, buy an authenticator(which comes with a bonus minipet) which forces anyone who might have your account into to also require a physical object that is unique to you and your account.
And again I said MOST. Maybe you were very careful and it was an accident, but read my example and you will understand how I feel about it.
Happened the same to me as well, got my account hacked a few days after I stopped playing (again). Got it back, Blizz recovered the items sold/ditched by the hacker AND get to keep the account with my sub paid.
Try to send them an e-mail, they're usually sensitive when it comes to account management and billing.
They hacked my account and used it for a day or 2 gold selling or farming now blizz wants to get paid for that time they used.
I did not play during that time so that means i have to pay for them, is that hard to understand???
Be ready to pay for that time now if the card the hackers used was bogus.
title doesn't make much sense. Blizz is prolly mad that they got duped by somebody. THey just freeze your account and sell it on Ebay, prolly the same story here and then they got duped. ROFL at bliz. I feel sorry for you though. MMORPG companies are starting to piss me off at how they treat their customers.
What I don't understand is why you are here, trolling for responses instead of taking the advice of a number of posters AND CONTACT BLIZZARD.
It seems like wow is being targeting by every hacker out there atm.
If I checked my email right now I bet there is atleast 20 emails from some hackers saying my account in wow was hacked, or stolen, or info is wrong, etc... to please visit some fake ass website (they got the same url as wow but with a couple extra letters)
But I could care less about my wow account, I really dont care if it was hacked or not. I have noticed the hackers on the rise, and I never once recieved a email like this until I had to transfer my wow account over to a battle net. account.
It's not the fault of You come here and most people are registered with the same email if not here, on other places.
I never said it was battle nets fault.... Thanks for putting words in my mouth.
Lol I didn't mean it like that. Just saying it because people will look at the change to is the reason their account gets hacked.