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My Favorite Wow moment was the AQ event. It was the zenith of community involvement for WoW. High level raiders helping lower levels gather things to help open AQ faster. It was the first time I recall working together with the alliance (via Ventrillo) to make our server the 3rd to open AQ. I challenge anyone who says wow never had a good community to look at the time of Aq and before and I'll show you a community that was very much like any other mmo if not more cohesive.
So AQ was my favorite wow moment, now I'm interested in your's.
It sucks being a hardcore player at heart but a casual player in availability. ~NightCloak
Fav moment: quitting before WOTLK came out.
But in all particular epic moment for me. But I do have to say ganking lowbies in STV was epic in amount of fun. It's just great forcing alliance to rage log in STV.....good times
I knewed you reply like that lol.
The week i finally got rank 14..
To bad wow has only gone downhill since they launched TBC
Miss vanilla wow
Currently Playing Path of Exile
It's sad but I can't recall a single favorite WOW moment. In contrast, I could probably tell you stories for about an hour about the good times in SWG.
when my subscription expired.
It's hard to pick up favorite moments, there have been so many. But I think one that ranks among the highest was in beta when I logged in, first set foot on Teldrassil and ventured forth. I knew Azeroth because of the great games Warcraft 2 and the even greater Warcraft III (I never forget the chills the trailers for WC3 gave, alltime classics: look here and here ), I loved the lore and the story, so when it dawned on me that I was walking around in its world with all the eyecatching sites to see, I got goosebumps.
Also, my first massive fight, where Horde and Alliance groups fought for more than a hour, the battle going back and forth, that was pretty intense too.
The ACTUAL size of MMORPG worlds: a comparison list between MMO's
The ease with which predictions are made on these forums:
Fratman: "I'm saying Spring 2012 at the earliest [for TOR release]. Anyone still clinging to 2011 is deluding themself at this point."
One Ulduar run during TBC. We had just done SM, and since we had a nice group we went into Ulduar even tough we were too low level for that. I was playing healer (priest), we had paladin tank, a mage and a warlock. There was fifth member in the group but he leaft early in the instance, so we were 4 manning with too low level group.
In the later part of the instance, the mage and the warlock AoEd the larger groups, and the mage allways pulled the aggro. I'm still not sure how he didn't die, and I had to heal so much I was allmost out of mana after every pull. But it was fun.
Then came the boss fight. We tried our best, and somehow managed the first part. Then the 3 adds spawned, and we were completely overwhelmed. I got all 3 adds on me, ran out of mana, and got killed.
I quickly used soulstone, and got also mana from the recurrection, and started healing again. And of course got all those 3 adds on me again, since all the groupmembers were just focusing on taking the boss down. I got killed second time in a row. But I managed to give the tank enough hp, and keep the adds occupied for enough time, that the others got the boss down shortly after. And the paladin was able to recurrect me.
It was the most fun I've ever had in WoW even tough I died twice during a single fight.
oh wait, one time we were running a dungeon of some sort.....beat final boss.....the pally ninja looted, bubbled and hearth. True story. My friend and I were like ummmmm did that just happen?
That and the first time I saw a gnome....I was like wtf is that?
I guess I'll add my other favorite moment. I was sitting in Bear Form in Undercity as we were all gathering to go run SM at like lvl 34-ish. And my hunter friend was standing next to me . He had two level 10 ish hunters ask him where he tamed me at. so I promptly turned into a cat and really f*&^ed with em.
It sucks being a hardcore player at heart but a casual player in availability. ~NightCloak
When the guild I was in beat Ragnaros.
Back in vanilla, once during a MC raid, I was the last man standing after a Ragnaros fight. I killed him solo so to say :P
Not the best moment, but it was funny.
I always loved to enter Stranglethorn, even if the zone was a PvP hell.
playing in beta for the first time. Great experience-one I'll never forget!
Taking screenshots of a friend who just got his first mount at 40. He was so pround to have achieved it.
One man, a small pile of money, and the screwball idea of a DIY Indie MMORPG? Yep, that's him. ~sigh~
Possibly my favorite also..i remember finding a 'green' colored shield for my hunter (could equip them back then) and getting utterly lost in stonetalon mountains trying to reach thundrtbluff from the troll starting clue where i was and murdered by goblins was an epic adventure.
The other would be being one of the first guilds in Molten Core and someone agro'd Golemagg from the ledge above where he stands and then the screen shaking with this giant lava guy with friends boring down on us wiping out everyone (except us hunters with feign death) :P
My first few months in WoW in general were my favorite. I started playing a few days after launch and it was my first MMO, so everything was new and awesome. The first person I grouped up with was a girl from Hong Kong, and just the idea of a game letting people from around the world play together blew my mind.
That and my first, open-world PvP fight at Astranaar in Ashenvale. I was only level 17, but some Horde had invaded that were already in their high 40s with their mounts. The few of them fighting against all of us and the city guards was so freaking awesome at the time. After we eventually ran them off, the sense of camaraderie was high. I was still friends with some of them years later when I eventually quit.
Current: None
Played: WoW, CoX, SWG, LotRO, EVE, AoC, VG, CO, Ryzom, DF, WAR
Tried: Lineage2, Dofus, EQ2, CoS, FE, UO, Wurm, Wakfu
Future: The Repopulation, ArcheAge, Black Desert, EQN
My favorite WoW moment was the first night I decided to try out the game.
I remember creating a night elf and logging in for the first and seeing how mystical the starting zone forest looked and how badly I wanted to explore the world. I remember running a bit to far out of the starting zone and getting facerolled by a level 11 mob :x
What added to my experience was that I came from a very difficult game (huge timesinks, forced groups, bad death penalty). It was such a fresh start and a relief when I realised I could kill a mob on my own and that when I died I didn't have to spend hours backtracking.
Best experience I ever had.
Not long after the release of BC, being the last one standing and being able to drain tank Broggok with my Warlock. It was epic fun. Not long after, I found myself running away from squirrels in Elwynn on my yeah, anyway, a bitter memory.
I miss the MMORPG genre. Will a developer ever make one again?
Explorer: 87%, Killer: 67%, Achiever: 27%, Socializer: 20%
Too many moments to choose from, which makes logic since most play WOW more than any other thing in the last decade.
- First Pala horsie chain quest that ended in Scholomance with ... 2 wipes included at the end and a complete broke bank account.
- First win over the very first DM Van Cleef
- AQ event (although always laggy back then)
- High King Maulgar (I always had a weak spot for that awesome control fest with tanking mages etc..)
- The first time I came with the boat to the Northrend Fjords, burning ship views, incredible.
- Mostly the last close fight in the last BG I played (like winning AV with a 2 reinforcement difference).
- Since the buff to AV bases: the mid field AV fighting and re(catching) of towers.
- The first time I ran into Miss Pig and her neckless and died 3 times.
Least liked moments:
The upgearing of your alt in redoing the daily Crusader quests with jousting. Tip: never invent daily quests with non standard fighting mechanics, because whatever you class is: you end up doing exactly the same thing of pushing 3 buttons UNRELATED to your class. Fixed now by simply upgearing in doing heroics.
AV Blitz (hopefully fixed now).
Elite monsters in early leveling zones.
And as much as I regret it: the cross server LFG tool for dungeons was fantastic, the new LFG tool for BG's is terrible. Everyone clicks random, I want to choose the Bg's I play...
Want a real mmorpg? Play WOW with experience turned off mode and be Pve_Pvp King at any level without a rat race.
My favorite WoW moment was hitting the "Cancel" button.
I really enjoyed vanilla wow raiding and the old school pvp system (only made it to knight before it was taken away).
Aq20,Aq40, MC, ZG i think? the place in stv with the animal named bosses. All were fun back in the 40men raid days, also the 40man pug raids were the best lol
Ridiculous statement.
And so typical for
Get a life.
Want a real mmorpg? Play WOW with experience turned off mode and be Pve_Pvp King at any level without a rat race.
I always loved that moment too when the "Sword of Azeroth dropped" and then 3 seconds later he put the sword on ebay, while the other party member did a buy out, so he could be "the master of Azeroth".
I loved that moment too ! Brilliant television.
Btw, ... why did the pala bubble since it dropped from the final boss ?
... And wasn't it a rogue Night Elf that Sheldon was playing as an avatar "you should know my character class before you complain about me stealing the loot". Leonard only could stand in awe.
Want a real mmorpg? Play WOW with experience turned off mode and be Pve_Pvp King at any level without a rat race.
For me it was a time in Hillsbrad . I was bored one Sunday and logged my hunter and sat on that hill just oppersite tarren mill and sent my pig (named Porksword) in to annoy the horde . After a while I got someone log their ally character and ask me to stop or I would regret it . So i ganked him again . This led to serveal horde coming after me which spiralled into the biggest battle I had ever seen around south shore . Loads of lag but great fun . Its a pity that players starting today will never know the once great pvp game that Warcraft was . I would love to see it return to something resembling what the game was in its first two years .
When I hit the cancel button and deleted my characters I can't say i felt great about it like you . I just had had my fill of Blizzards relentless push to make the game kiddie friendly by making everything in it apart from a few end game raids and the arenas so much easier . Not for me but to each his own .
Standing shoulder to shoulder with my rl freinds the first time we did Zul'Farrak, on the steps of the pyramid as that huge horde of mobs come charging at you. that moment was kick ass