Did they ever fix the memory leak issue that caused the game to crash when lots of people were on screen? My computer is much more of a beast than that and I had to turn the settings down during PvP due to a software issue. biggest reason I left the game
Did they ever fix the memory leak issue that caused the game to crash when lots of people were on screen? My computer is much more of a beast than that and I had to turn the settings down during PvP due to a software issue. biggest reason I left the game
Did they ever fix the memory leak issue that caused the game to crash when lots of people were on screen? My computer is much more of a beast than that and I had to turn the settings down during PvP due to a software issue. biggest reason I left the game
so should i just stick with wow is there really bad issues with this
Yes this is fixed.
Steam: Neph
need more answers bump
that setup is fine, bit better video card wont hurt imo, are you 100% sure you want to play Aion tho?
All is top notch except the gfx card. Get an ATi 5x series or a nVIdia GTX series.
CPU and Memory Suffice
Graphics Card EPIC FAIL
it'll play it though I would upgrade the graphics card as soon as you can afford to do so if you wish to enjoy some eye candy.