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Hi, I'm still fairly new to Aion and I was in the starter town and got a new pair of boots from doing a quest and I then said to myself "Oh I should try and get the HP Manastone out of my old boots so I thought I go to the Manastone Remover npc to take the stone out. But little did I know I did not get the HP Manastone back and I wasted 38 of my money. I thought those npcs were there to remove and give back the manastone, not remove and destroy it...
And you know what sucks, you can't send mail if your below level 10, that's very sad because I wanted to get my money back quick by making another character and send all the money to my main character. =(
If you were intended to keep the manastone you would be able to take it yourself.. no point in getting a NPC to do it huh? :P
How, is there a self opinion to remove Manastones without destroying it?
He intended to say, that if the manastones were not supposed to break, you would be able to remove them yourself. No you can't remove them without destroying them and they will also get destroyed if you fail when gemming the items.
This happens often too. Get used to manastones breaking and needing more of them than you think.
Whats wrong with you I dont even.... O_o
Oh nevermind, me fusing over nothing. =p
If you are on telemachus (EU) pm me your char name I will send you some money to pimp up your gears or send you some pimped up gears.
Starting fresh with no money is damn hard and when manastones and things fail it just makes it more and mroe difficult.
My advice is not to socket anything untill level 10. You level up too fast to make good use your investment untill that lvl. After level 20, only change gears once every 5 lvls. If you keep updating gears as you find them, youw ont have money to but good gears later on. Sell all the things you find (which you cannot use), check merchant price and broker price - whichever 1 is higher sell it at that.