I've heard many people say they dislike maplestory. They obviously haven't played it long enough to find out. Even though it's a 2-D based game, it's still very addictive. The variety of jobs are great and there are a huge number of monsters and towns. This is the best 2-D game out there...
Can I make a signature? I would if I could, but I can't so I won't.
Hi... I have heard it is good... i think so... but i cant downloading this game , its a closed beta test or?
yes it is a close beta now, and its is hot, very fun
Guild Wars
-Danish Kokor-lvl 20 monk/mesmer
-Ettarde Aoi- lvl 7 warrior/ranher
Maple Story
-Danish-lvl30 Hunter
-kokore-lvl8 Mage
-Lady Ettarde-lvl 58
Many people would just totally slate this game because it's a 2D platformer, but as you start to play maple, you'll realise just how effective the platformer-style is. Suprisingly addictive, with a wide variety of jobs, armour and weaponry. I'm sure as more updates are developed and the game advances a bit (more features etc.) maple will be truly great, just read the description on this site for more info! At the moment hot, in the future, VERY hot.
This game suck!! I played the open beta, and if they didn't change anything the game suck even more. You could chose youre second job on lvl 30. It takes about a month to become that lvl (at least if you play like normal people and not 8-10 hours a day)
So the game suck
TFDguild - A Dutch/Belgian guild
then they have probably changed the exp after it turned in a closed beta
TFDguild - A Dutch/Belgian guild
yea its easy to lvl up to 30, took me like 2-3 weeks
but the problem, after lvl 30.....it gets boring, but i still lie it
Guild Wars
-Danish Kokor-lvl 20 monk/mesmer
-Ettarde Aoi- lvl 7 warrior/ranher
Maple Story
-Danish-lvl30 Hunter
-kokore-lvl8 Mage
-Lady Ettarde-lvl 58
most definitly not hot
I've played maple for the past 6 months, and its a good game. It all depends on what you are into really. It's a cute and friendly game, dispite its awful lvling system. That's the only problem with it. If you get bored with it, then switch back and forth with a diffrent game. Iv'e been doing that with Rose and Maple.
The only thing I disliked is that for most things you had to play real money, such as hair, different hair color, etc. But others wise I liked it.
I was a level 30 Paladin when I quit I think..
Well, I would have to say that I've enjoyed it. I've been playing for well over a year now. :]