I personally like the Horde, but i'm still interested in why players choose Alliance. Any takes? I know NEs have nice agility and there are paladins, but what else does it offer?
Hahaha foolish horde. The alliance will prevail. I used to like being evil and rebelious against the "good" side but now i have came to my sences. All Orcs, troll, and tauren will fall a gruesome death! But seriously lets review who is fighting who Orcs, trolls, tauren vs Human, Gnome and Nightelf by the looks of it the alliance would be crushed. But someway somehow the paladins of the alliance will annihalate the shamans of the horde
I didn't know the lore of warcraft. I chose Alliance because I thought it was the "good" side.
Jinjirok will prevail victorious for his own reasons. He just happens to be a Troll so the Horde is gonna take the house.