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Let me start by saying I am definetly not a rabid fanboi. I have been saying I though 14 would tank the moment I heard about it and a buddy convinced me to try 11. I got the CE just for the head start and security token (im a sucker for do-dads) and I want to say that I am plesantly suprised. I like the variety of classes...and assume there is some hidden out there we dont know about yet. The levelling is suprisingly solo or duo (especially duo) friendly. My major complaint is the lack of gear (from what i understand everything is player we have to wait for the crafters to get up their levels a little before we change out of our newb stuff). There is ton of hate going on, but I have played a ton of games and dont mind this nearly as much as i had expected.
Its almost refreshing to have to read quest text, and struggle with fights.
If you want to flame or spew or hate go here:
and respect peoples right to get a thread of guys that dont think the game is a pile of trash. I know most of you cant resist the oppertunity though but its worth a try. If you arent hating stop by and let me know if you dont think its that bad either.
This really is not WoW/EQ where Gear makes the man. Here in eVE, the man with biggest balls, willing to risk the most, will win. It is risk/reward here- not always wear best items 24/7 and beat the crap out of all else.
Yup, it's supposed to be an almost entirely player-driven economy. You won't find much for sale on npcs gearwise. I can't wait to see what some of the crafted clothes look like.
I'm enjoying the game too, though my server crashed earlier today when i was on. T__T
I am also enjoying very much as well. I think it's a great change as well to have a game that doesnt lead you by the nose until end game.