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I have played Evony for roughly 2 years and loved the game but got tired of all the time i was sinking into it. Tried scaling back but wasnt happy playing less than all out. I am looking for something similar but with less time constraints where less time doesnt = getting farmed on. Thanks for the help
Heh the pretty big busted women on the ad drew you in, the grind kept you in, and the realisation that you were playing a shit game finally made you leave huh? No worries their are ALOT of better games out there, some of them may be FtP, who knows?
Bartoni's Law definition: As an Internet discussion grows volatile, the probability of a comparison involving Donald Trump approaches 1.
It had its bonuses, i even made it to the top 10 at one point far as prest. while maintaining 10 cities but was putting 16 hrs a day in the time. Met some great people there and was fun strategizing and co ordinating with others. But where i recently got a new job where for i am unable to be online much every 2-3 days really impacts the gameplay. Its either pay to holiday every couple days which i did for a couple months, or find something new. Been searching and nothing has caught my eye yet lol.
Are you looking for a city building style mmo? Or perhaps an rts?