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I predict..

TribeofOneTribeofOne Member UncommonPosts: 1,006

..a total combat / powers  redesign within 6 months.




  • ShadowStyleBShadowStyleB Member UncommonPosts: 315

    I doubt that happens maybe some tuning for PvP purposes but not an entire redesign.  I like it the way it is maybe their promise or rumor of more powers like light but not a whole redesign.

    Problem with predictions is that they are hit or miss.  You pick an aspect you would want to change for your own personal agenda and hope they do.

    "You think this "A" stands for France?" Captain America

  • illeriller Member UncommonPosts: 518

    the threat of unemployment in THIS economy is a pretty good motivator... yeah, enough to motivate a total overhaul that actually puts it in either the MMO with standard MMO User-interface, or in the Action-game with "l00t" & class dynamics like Borderlands/Tf2/L4D has.   ...instead of the current sluggish standard-MMO combat with 1/10th the content and depth of a reall MMO....

  • whilanwhilan Member UncommonPosts: 3,472

    I really hate to be that guy but here it goes.


    What he predicts could happen.  Remember the game is owned by the same company that owned SWG, and they did a complete overhaul of a game before.

    Just to clarify i'm not saying it will happen or how much of a chance but it is possible, it's still the same company.


    Like i said i hate to be that guy but oh well.

    Help me Bioware, you're my only hope.

    Is ToR going to be good? Dude it's Bioware making a freaking star wars game, all signs point to awesome. -G4tv MMo report.


  • comerbcomerb Member UncommonPosts: 944

    sadly, I think it needs one to be competitive in the long-term.  It's just poor game design.

  • SilacoidSilacoid Member UncommonPosts: 237

    I don't know what the people on this thread are talking about.  I find the combat to be extremely fun.

  • OcirusskdOcirusskd Member Posts: 212

    There’s nothing that would point towards a overhaul, most of the people who play it love the combat and describe it as addictive, those who don’t like the combat will never like it, unless they make it exactly the way they want it, but then they will find another reason not to like it.


    However, I do think they will make the pc UI more like a pc UI and less like the ps3 version, and think they will add in more powers with minor tweaks to the existing power trees; the last two patches show us that they still are trying to balance the skills and configure class roles.

  • theartisttheartist Member Posts: 553

    More powers seems to be the only real issue here. 

    What's wrong with the combo combat now? With combo breakers, blocks, popups and what have you?

    Seems the general slow-MMO crowd doesn't like it. Oh well, you guys have RIFT.

  • IkedaIkeda Member RarePosts: 2,751

    .. Yea.. cause we need more auto-attacks... (rolls eyes)

    I wanna be able to hit 1 and autocycle through my macro's!  I want to hit a button and single handedly take down the biggest boss in the raid, ninja the raid loot, and say something witty before I leave the group...

    Stick to Tera.. I'll buy my DCUO and I'll enjoy every freakin moment of it.

  • ParadoxyParadoxy Member Posts: 786

    So for once a MMO offers a combat which is not similar to our traditional MMOS and people are still unhappy? This is why i think devs need to do their own thing and ignore such fickle and unpredictable playerbase.

    Who could have thought that WOW could bring super power like USA to its knees?

    Originally posted by Arcken

    To put it in a nutshell, our society is about to hit the fan, grades are dropping, obesity is going up,childhood the USA is going to lose its super power status before too long, but hey, as long as we have a cheap method to babysit our kids, all will be well no?
    Im picking on WoW btw because its the beast that made all of this possible

  • OcirusskdOcirusskd Member Posts: 212

    Originally posted by Ikeda

    .. Yea.. cause we need more auto-attacks... (rolls eyes)

    I wanna be able to hit 1 and autocycle through my macro's!  I want to hit a button and single handedly take down the biggest boss in the raid, ninja the raid loot, and say something witty before I leave the group...

    Stick to Tera.. I'll buy my DCUO and I'll enjoy every freakin moment of it.

    lol, love this post

    We all know that using a macro to run through any mob or scenrio with one button is way better combat.

  • EvelknievelEvelknievel Member UncommonPosts: 2,964

    All I can say is that I am enjoying DCUO, especially playing on the PvP Server... Yep, thats about it..

  • SchockeySchockey Member UncommonPosts: 58

    I can think of several, maybe all the games I have played where they at least retool classes. They definately will nerf some classes lol.

  • ShadowStyleBShadowStyleB Member UncommonPosts: 315

    You will see nerfs that is going to happen to balance PvP but a complete overhaul is unlikely.  I doubt they will change the way they do their powers or combat considering how many like it.  Everyone who hates it is obviously thinking their mouse is going to explode or break apart if they click too much.  I will be getting the PS3 version so it matters not to me and I enjoy the combat and the way the powers are set up.  I look forward to what they have planned in the future.

    "You think this "A" stands for France?" Captain America

  • comerbcomerb Member UncommonPosts: 944

    Originally posted by Silacoid

    I don't know what the people on this thread are talking about.  I find the combat to be extremely fun.

    Combat is fine.  The Power systems limitations are pretty terrible, and they can't really fix it w/out redesigning the basic concept of how powersets interact w/ class roles.


    And thats counting a lot of problems w/in the actual powersets (and lack thereof).

  • Daffid011Daffid011 Member UncommonPosts: 7,945

    I don't think the answer to this question rests in if a few people like the combat or if it should be auto attack like other games.  The answer lies in how successful the game will be.  Thats it.  DCU is at its core a basic MMO outside of the combat mouseclicking and thrusting. 

    If it doesn't do well you can bet there will be big changes and most likely they will focus on the combat/powers, if that is even possible.  That seems to be the biggest make/break that people run into.  Long before anything else in the game.

    On top of that, this is soe who almost make it a habit to revamp combat systems in the games they run.

    Free Realms, combat revamped.

    EQ2, combat revamp.

    SWG, twice combat revamped.

    Matrix Online, combat revamp.



    All things considered I don't think a combat revamp is to hard to imagine.

  • MykellMykell Member UncommonPosts: 780

    If they overhauled it to be like standard mmo combat i predict just about every subscriber at the time would quit...myself included. SOE has stated that the NGE was a BIG mistake i doubt they would do that again. Besides DCUO is going to be on a PS3 so how are they all supposed to handle massive changes like this would be?

  • OcirusskdOcirusskd Member Posts: 212

    Originally posted by Daffid011

    I don't think the answer to this question rests in if a few people like the combat or if it should be auto attack like other games.  The answer lies in how successful the game will be.  Thats it.  DCU is at its core a basic MMO outside of the combat mouseclicking and thrusting. 

    If it doesn't do well you can bet there will be big changes and most likely they will focus on the combat/powers, if that is even possible.  That seems to be the biggest make/break that people run into.  Long before anything else in the game.

    On top of that, this is soe who almost make it a habit to revamp combat systems in the games they run.

    Free Realms, combat revamped.

    EQ2, combat revamp.

    SWG, twice combat revamped.

    Matrix Online, combat revamp.



    All things considered I don't think a combat revamp is to hard to imagine.

    I disagree, if it doesn’t do well they will make it Dcuo extended ( f2p, seeing how good its gone for eq2 ) with the addition of LoN to soak as much cash out of the base before ever redesigning the combat.


    And more than a few people like the combat, my made up statistic would say that 90% of the people who are playing it now and that will be buying it like the current setup. Although that is a completely uninformed guess at best.

  • Daffid011Daffid011 Member UncommonPosts: 7,945

    Originally posted by Ocirusskd 

    I disagree, if it doesn’t do well they will make it Dcuo extended ( f2p, seeing how good its gone for eq2 ) with the addition of LoN to soak as much cash out of the base before ever redesigning the combat.


    And more than a few people like the combat, my made up statistic would say that 90% of the people who are playing it now and that will be buying it like the current setup. Although that is a completely uninformed guess at best.

    Well SOE has a history of revamping combat systems in almost every single mmo they have, that is a fact.  What isn't a fact is that a revamp of the DCU game would mean changing it to the more traditional systems that are on the market now.  I don't think people are being as open minded to the possibilities of what a revamp might be as they should be.  A combat revamp in DCU could end up going a lot of different ways.

    You bring up a good point about the game going free to play if it encounters problems. It will not solve the problem of why people might be leaving, but it is a good possibility. 

    90% of the people currently playing isn't a good indication of how many people might like the current version of the combat.  For all we know that is only 1 out of 50 people who tried the game.  It could also be 1 out of every 2.  Who knows right now.



  • VesaviusVesavius Member RarePosts: 7,908

    Originally posted by TribeofOne

    ..a total combat / powers  redesign within 6 months.




    Maybe, depends on how well the PS3 does for them...

    It woulnt be out of character for them though it that version bombs and they want to to keep their PC market happy.

  • Chile267Chile267 Member UncommonPosts: 141

    Originally posted by TribeofOne

    ..a total combat / powers  redesign within 6 months.


    Redesign, no. Tweeking and balancing, yes. I believe they will add new powers and continue to balance the sets but a complete redesign is out of the question for SOE. Wait, did I say SOE?!

  • ElikalElikal Member UncommonPosts: 7,912

    Could be. I suspect SOE will face many unkind truths after the launch of DCU.

    People don't ask questions to get answers - they ask questions to show how smart they are. - Dogbert

  • ShadowStyleBShadowStyleB Member UncommonPosts: 315

    Originally posted by Elikal

    Could be. I suspect SOE will face many unkind truths after the launch of DCU.

     Or they could have a game that the people who are playing enjoy.  If what they promise comes true it doesn't matter about the people who hate the combat and power system if the content comes out every month then those who continue after the first month will continue to subscibe.  So what unkind truths are you talking about?

    "You think this "A" stands for France?" Captain America

  • kiernkiern Member UncommonPosts: 428

    Originally posted by vboydjr

    Originally posted by Elikal

    Could be. I suspect SOE will face many unkind truths after the launch of DCU.

     Or they could have a game that the people who are playing enjoy.  If what they promise comes true it doesn't matter about the people who hate the combat and power system if the content comes out every month then those who continue after the first month will continue to subscibe.  So what unkind truths are you talking about?

    Well, what they promised has changed.

    They initially said that they wanted to get away from a class based system that relies on specific group roles. However, a couple of weeks ago they implemented a patch that changed the game so that you need to have specific roles in the groups. You are now reliant on other roles. The problem is that the game was not designed as a class based system from the beginning, so it doesn't quite fit. It's like fitting a square peg into a round hole. They are wedging it in, but it isn't a good fit. If they continue down this route, I can see them redoing the power sets to fit better with the new concept.

  • ShadowStyleBShadowStyleB Member UncommonPosts: 315

    Originally posted by kiern

    Originally posted by vboydjr

    Originally posted by Elikal

    Could be. I suspect SOE will face many unkind truths after the launch of DCU.

     Or they could have a game that the people who are playing enjoy.  If what they promise comes true it doesn't matter about the people who hate the combat and power system if the content comes out every month then those who continue after the first month will continue to subscibe.  So what unkind truths are you talking about?

    Well, what they promised has changed.

    They initially said that they wanted to get away from a class based system that relies on specific group roles. However, a couple of weeks ago they implemented a patch that changed the game so that you need to have specific roles in the groups. You are now reliant on other roles. The problem is that the game was not designed as a class based system from the beginning, so it doesn't quite fit. It's like fitting a square peg into a round hole. They are wedging it in, but it isn't a good fit. If they continue down this route, I can see them redoing the power sets to fit better with the new concept.

     I don't know what you were playing.  Last night I did Area 51 with all damage not one person was anything else and we successfully completed the mission.  There still is no real class in the game but simply powers that give you options so that promise has remained since you can always switch your role to what you prefer and not locked into a role at the beginning.  You will have to explain better where this change that broke the game is coming from.

    "You think this "A" stands for France?" Captain America

  • Thomas2006Thomas2006 Member RarePosts: 1,152

    Originally posted by vboydjr

    Originally posted by kiern

    Originally posted by vboydjr

    Originally posted by Elikal

    Could be. I suspect SOE will face many unkind truths after the launch of DCU.

     Or they could have a game that the people who are playing enjoy.  If what they promise comes true it doesn't matter about the people who hate the combat and power system if the content comes out every month then those who continue after the first month will continue to subscibe.  So what unkind truths are you talking about?

    Well, what they promised has changed.

    They initially said that they wanted to get away from a class based system that relies on specific group roles. However, a couple of weeks ago they implemented a patch that changed the game so that you need to have specific roles in the groups. You are now reliant on other roles. The problem is that the game was not designed as a class based system from the beginning, so it doesn't quite fit. It's like fitting a square peg into a round hole. They are wedging it in, but it isn't a good fit. If they continue down this route, I can see them redoing the power sets to fit better with the new concept.

     I don't know what you were playing.  Last night I did Area 51 with all damage not one person was anything else and we successfully completed the mission.  There still is no real class in the game but simply powers that give you options so that promise has remained since you can always switch your role to what you prefer and not locked into a role at the beginning.  You will have to explain better where this change that broke the game is coming from.

    Yeah, I'm not sure what he was playing eather. You can easly switch your role at any time when you are out of combat. There is no requirement ot have XX role in your group to do a instance or anything for that matter.  The roles are simply there to help the que system better place people togeather when they que. But if there are no healer or tank roles in the que then it could care less and just make a group of all dps.  Theres no requirements on it nor are the plans to place a requirement on it. It was added in as an option and its super easy to switch your role. Heck even your hotbars change based upon what role you have yourself set in at the time. Makes it super easy to have your hotbars setup as dps in dps role and then switch over to tank and have your hotbars change into tank setup.

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