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Hey All,
Just got done playing the BETA3 from RIFT (great game). I realized that I am a HUGE fan of having OPTIONS when creating my character. Not just about what they look like but about what Spells/skills they can use. What kind of pets I can or cannot have.
I guess what I am saying is I need a game that Has as many options for my character as possible. Any Ideas?
Two games come to my mind: Istaria (former known as Horizons) and Champions Online.
City of heros/villains/going rouge.
19 Free content issue expansions, 2 major paid expansions more AT's then you can shake a stick att.
with each AT having a vast ammount of power sets.
and a character creator with so many options you will most likley
never see someone with the exact same thing you have on..
I could go on and on, just check it out for yourself.
Ive been playing it off and on for almost 6 years now..
the hopepage is
I was impressed with Pirates of the burning sea F2P,as a former beta tester i thought what the hell so tried the F2P model and was very suprised at the progress it has made,one thing though they have a Captains Club option basically an upgrade on the F2P element so if u like the game the option is always there to get most out of the game.
Also Avatar and ship customisation is some of the best i've seen and the wide range of skills gives a varied choice to which route u want to take your toon and ship ,also the country of origin IE:Spain gives different options and add a whole new element to the gameplay.
Ok I just checked out Istaria... I just could not get into it. I don't know why, maybe its the amount I had to drink tonight. Ill try it out again at a later date I think.
I'm going to check out CoH and Pirates of Burning Sea now.
any other great suggestions out there?
Hmm, when I play Rift I'm reminded of all the cool classes in EQ2.
Drop the next-gen marketing and people will argue if the game itself has merit.
Guildwars seems to have the most possibilities for a unqiue build. They have thousands of possible builds with little to no grind. I have never played a game with that many options that you can change at almost any time.
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I'd probably say EQ2, loads of classes as well as races. Good PvE and graphics as well.
is that open pvp?
Anyone know when Champions Online is going F2P like they said?
If you don't mind instances, DDO is your game. This game is all about character building, and if you build it wrong, you can gimp yourself and it may be irreversible. Races matter, choices of weapon matters, multiclass matters, and the combinations of these choices matter. A lot. It is very satisfying to build a character right, especially one where everything converges at certain levels and you feel the power of your choices coming to bear.
A lot of the veterans stick around just to see what they can create.
The caveat is, once you play it enough, the fun is not in the content, but in the growing of your character project. It's too one-sided in this respect.
If anyone ever did a complex character development like DDO for a virtual world mmo (with instancing not emphasized), I'd be all over it.
Maybe GW is? But it's too late for me, I think I'll wait for GW2.
This is a EASY ANSWER - Rift Played the Beta Extremely Customizable multi classes all choice and amazing graphics and character customization