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Instead of just sitting here in a forum, you log onto an MMORPG.
There is a window, where you can read the forum topics, and post.
Plus, you can see the other forum members walking around, doing the same thing, and you can whack them and kill them, or get killed.
But you can still post and read posts while you're dead.
Your post count gives you bonuses.
one, really simple question: why?
I was going to say "What?", but "Why?" is probably better.
more details would be nice.
seeing ops post count while i dont know what it is about it will be a great game for him lol o.0
I interact with the posters here instead of playing an MMORPG. I still get the social stimulation, but don't have to worry about gear grinds, talking on the phone (voice chat), or monthly subscriptions.
Vault-Tec analysts have concluded that the odds of worldwide nuclear armaggeddon this decade are 17,143,762... to 1.
I don't need or want facebook, twitter, forum integration into the games. These are just an alt tab away.
I want Ventrilo quality voice service integrated into the game with the raid or party leader having the expected level of control.
I also want an IMer in game. I get so distracted in the game I'll leave an im window blinking for hours. The company providing this should provide an in-game integrated client and a standalone client.
I'd love to see a company work with say Google talk, for two reasons--Google talk is a lightweight but efficient IM and it would encourage those without to get gmail addresses and Google fanboyism aside (though I am), Gmail is the best free email address you can get for spam filtering and a variety of features.
Spec'ing properly is a gateway drug.
12 Million People have been meter spammed in heroics.
I LOL, because I'm the same way. Once I stopped having fun in WoW, I stayed subsrcribed so I could continue to participate in the forums for like two months. The forum group built a facebook group where most of us joined so we bs (unmoderated) on facebook, and I no longer have to pay a $$$ fee for a game I don't want to play.
Spec'ing properly is a gateway drug.
12 Million People have been meter spammed in heroics.
Not a bad idea at all :-)
An honest review of SW:TOR 6/10 (Danny Wojcicki)
Why is the op trying to disguise his post as if he were staff. Really third time today i see somebody trying to do that.
Think of all the honor points available from victory in forum PvP.
LOL, this idea reminds me of the World of World of Warcraft....,14240/
Hell hath no fury like an MMORPG player scorned.
3 classes
1. Haters - the ranged pyromancer mages, burning all in sight
2. Trolls - the rogues, using a slingshot to hurttle pebbles, fieces, you name it
3. Fanbois - the sword&board gaurdians, always willing to throw up their sheld in defense
Sounds fun to me, but not very group friendly.
"If you're going to act like a noob, I'll treat you like one." -Caskio
Adventurers wear fancy pants!!!
I definitely thought of it as a solo friendly game .
Where would you get this idea from? I didn't say anything about being staff.
It was just an idea that if you're gonna discuss MMORPGs, why not do it in an MMORPG?
you don't have to grind anything, just wander around and whack people if you want.
Or the game could have some examples of all the things we talk about. An MMORPG that is not made for playing, but meant for logging on an discussing why it sucks and is a WoW clone.
I feel a little sorry for Darkpony.
I mean, sure the game has mounts, but he's =it=. Break his poor widdle pony back.