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Hi peeps.
I've not played any MMORPGs since burning crusade on WOW and haven't followed any new releases etc.
I'm now considering getting back into it all again and thought i'd ask peoples opinion on what game or games they'd suggest for me to play again.
I'm 36 so i'm not really interested in kiddy games, i want a bit of depth and a lot of killing !!!
Any suggestions? (am i best to go with the old tried and tested WOW?)
GB x
Well, if you haven't played WoW since BC, you'll find that a lot has changed. I haven't played it post-Cata, but I know that they've revamped the whole world, more or less. You may find that renewing your sub will give you a lot of fun even without buying the newer expansions. That said, I know a lot of people have nothing good to say about the game any more. I haven't played it enough to judge, but it would save you a box purchase to give it a go.
If you're looking for something new, I can recommend holding on a bit and looking into GW2. It's promising a lot of innovation and an anti-grind, pro-fun philosophy which I can't wait for. It also has positional-based active combat, rather than tank n' spank. If you can't wait, GW1 is still alive and kicking and cheap.
Other than that I know a lot of people are rating RIFT, though a lot of other people are hating it. Haven't played it, but it's probably worth a look.
The general consensus seems to be that Aion and the Final Fantasy XI MMOs are grindy or dull. Probably worth a miss. (Anyone who has played them feel free to contradict me, as I'm just going on hearsay!)
Reality Bites. I'm only Barking
If you want a P2p I would go with Rift. A game with alot of no-boundaries and options and interest that can keep you hooked for hours.
Lotro would be your best for F2p , the world is complex and the races can keep you skilled. Also another game that can be time consuming.
Rift lacks any replayability and content the pvp gets boring fast. If you want an honest opinion.. Don't play anything. pick up something like League of Legends and play. MMOs today just plain blow bro...
Don't listen to the poster above me. {mod edit} There are PLENTY of fun mmo's on the market.
But to be honest, I would wait for Star Wars: The Old Republic or Guild Wars 2.
Well if your looking for a recently new mmorpg you could try Rift it is p2p and Trion the company is working hard to make this game wroth wild with major content updates.
For a buy to play game you could try Guild wars it is probley the best buy to play game out there.
Free you could try Global Agenda it is a third person squad shooter mmorpg with lots of differnt modes includeing AvA (Agency Vs Agency) and with Missons and it is update every couple months.
If you want an older mmorpg you could try Everquest extened which is free and if you like the game you could all subscripe.
Another great F2p game is Lotro it has a massive world with plenty of expansions and antoher one about to come out and you could earn everything compeletly free if you put the time into the game.
If you want like a super hero mmorpg you could champions online it is the only current free super hero mmorpg it has a good bit of content and the charater custiomize is not bad. If you wait a ltitle bit though you could play City of Heros which is going f2p over the same.
Another great F2p option comng over the summer would be Age of Conan which is beign relaunched as Age of Conan Unrated. If you are looking for a brutal mmorpg with a differnt combat system then other games and alot better visual then most other games then you would probley like age of conan :P
Hope this helps
Playing: Single player games |
Awaiting: Wild Star |Blade & Soul | The Repopulation | The Elder Scrolls online | ArcheAge | Firefall | Survarium | Bless | Black Desert |
Played: Guild Wars | Diablo 3 |The War Z | Runescape |World of Warcraft |Combat Arms |Perfect World | Rift | Fiesta | DC universe online | Aion | Age of Conan |Allods | Vindictus | The Secret World | Forge | Battle of the Immortals | Global Agenda| Cabal Online | Tera |
I'd say get GW. $29.99 with no sub fee and you get 3 campaigns and you warm up for GW2
And i agree with him. All today mmos are glorified signle player grinders.
All games can be "Fun" guy. I won't deny that Rift was "Fun" Darkfall was "Fun" APB was "Fun" most MMOs are "Fun" the excitement of any new game anticipates "fun." The logic however, is fun can be short term or long lasting. MMOs today lack "long lasting concept" and die out fast because or repetitive bs and dull creativity. You played one MMO today, you've pretty much played them all thats how much they differ. They are too busy now trying to clone eachother to take concepts ppl like out of one and remake it to draw them. Its a game of fucking cat and mouse now days.
Buy yourself a Wii if you don't have one , if you already do .... well ... I dunno :P
Sorry if this didn't help you in picking a MMO , there are a wide range of MMOs to choose from : You got those MMOs for rich people. You got others meant for sleepless people , then you got some for the hardcore PVPers fanatics , also you got some for ass holes ....
It depends on what type of person you are , some will say that a certain game sucks , but you might like it. Posting on what to try is pointless because only you know what is good for you.
So with that typed , I wish you luck on what these so called " professional gamers " have to tell you. :P
GW is cool game if you didnt play it yet. But nowdays you will be stuck with henchmen. neverless story is great and you should have great fun even doing it with henchmen.
Personally i'd revist WoW if i were you. It has changed a great deal since TBC. In my opinion its lost some of its flavour since then but its still solid nevertheless. You can pick up Wotlk for £10 and Cata for £16 as and when you get to the required levels. You will be greeted with the Deathknight class at Wotlk and Goblins/Worgens at Cata.
Raiding has changed a great deal, back in the TBC the raids we're multi tiered as you probably know but now Blizzard has opted for a system that keeps everyone in the same raids and its now very easy to get started with raiding as you won't have attunements in your way like in TBC etc. In my opinion TBC did it right and Blizzard is going offtrack at the moment with some of their decisions but its definately worth another shot, depending on you as a gamer.
If you really want to hop into an mmo right now, i'd say there simply is nothing better then WoW...still!
Plenty of potentially good games coming up though, but right now it's slim pickings. Most of the more recent releases lack content and depth, some have terrible storylines and some just seem to have very little content at all.
Personal opinions:
Aion - Fun and very pretty game, but it gets old quite quick and it's nothing really new.
DDO - F2P but it gets boring quite fast.
LOTRO - A good solid game and now a F2P but again it's same-ol-same-ol.
Rift - The more recent marmite of mmo's, good solid game, well made, visually appealing and a lot of fun to play but again, it's nothing new and gets boring very fast.
STO - Poorly made, avoid this one atm.
Fallen Earth - F2P now (or soon anyway) but it's a poor game with little content and it's just not anywhere near as good as Fall Out.....2.
Darkfall - PvP mmo, some love it, some hate it. Not much in the way of pve appeal.
Mortal Online - A semi-decent stab at a pvp sandbox, but it has a lot of problems right now.
Age of Conan - Another game some love, some hate. Personally i think this is a relatively good game, quite good visually and fun to play.
Warhammer Online - A good stab at the IP but it's plagued with problems and population issues.
Earthrise - Another game with "potential" but avoid it at the moment.
Final Fantasy - Grindy.
There are so many mmo's around right now, but these are the bigger ones that spring to mind.
Expresso gave me a Hearthstone beta key.....I'm so happy
I'll me in the category of i'm happy to pay money if the games good and at weekend i'd be the sleepless one.
As for getting a Wii.... i mentioned i'm not intop kiddy games, once they get the graphics up to scratch i might buy it again ( i bought it and gave it to my nephew after a month) got an X-box that sits in a cupboard after only 2 months use (gameplay and online connection poo compaired to PS3).
To all others thanks for the info... keep it coming, i'm leaning towards WOW or LOTRO atm, i'm a nerd in a jocks body
I recommend Rift. Based on what you have said it sounds like you probably won't be hard core 20+ hours per week so you won't run out of content any time soon. Rift has a lot to offer and they have technological flexibility to allows them to drop new content into the game on a regular basis, which they do. If you are a more casual player I have a feeling they will be adding content much faster than you'll be able to experience it all and game is very high quality. Plus, it is enough like WoW, although imo much more fun, that you'll be able to jump in without a huge learning curve.
I would be remiss, though, if I didn't give a shout out to Dungeons and Dragons Online. There you will find a game with a little more variety in terms of what you need to do to succeed in dungeons and such. Character building is very complex and almost creates a game within a game - assuming you don't mind starting over once in a while when you realize you've jacked up your character! The biggest problem with DDO is that the opening area and first few levels pretty much blow in every way so it doesn't tend to be a game that hooks people quickly. Fortunately, I have a friend who is a D&D fanatic who kept me going and I have grown to really enjoy the game. And with a pay for content model it is very light on the wallet for the casual player.
I was pleasantly surprised when I went from Apprentice to full 5 star Elite in under 2 months. I was pleasantly surprised again when I went from Elite to just barely Hardcore in 2 weeks. Apprentice, here I come!
WoW is still fun. I tried Rift it was boring real quick for me. If you're more into straight up mindless combat then Rift might be for you though.
My brother enjoys it, but hes a hardcore min/max kinda guy. He doesnt really care about fluff, lore, or exploration and world feel of any kind. He enjoys the killing.
For me, however. WoW is still a well made game with a rich environment. Its not perfect by a long shot, but lots to do still.
Rift seems to be the top dog on the market right now, but I would check out a demo of Rift, Aion, WoW, and go from there. I even still like playing LotRo every now and then.
Any of the games currently out that people mentioned, have a free trial, so you can test it and see if you like it or not without spending any money.
The upcoming games people mentioned might be a while to come out, so if you want to play now, that is kind of out of the question hehe.
If you want something new just do the free trial of rift, but you can't go wrong trying out wow again. I personally didn't like lotro once it went f2p, but a lot of others like the newer model.
I was given 10 or 14 days free of cata soon after it came out and gave it a shot after not playing for a while. I did have fun for a bit, but wasn't worth me subscribing or buying the new expansion, hehe.
I agree with the free trial advice and would like to add EVE to the list. Challenging it is but you might like it, and it has a free trial.
Currently bored with MMO's.
Vanguard, it is a more mature game with an excellent crafting system , a challenging combat system, something no other mmo has which is Diplomacy, there are death penalties although not severe enough to make you quit, you can solo but may be more fun to join groups. You may want to try this and then when gw2 and the new star wars comes out like everyone I am sure you will be switching I know I am excited about those potentially great games. If all else fails but still want a challenging rpg game try Witcher 2