World of Warcraft, due to what its done to the industry recently... Its much thanks you WoW that we have this extreme inflow of themeparks with same elements over and over again. It got to easy.
Don't be silly.
For a honest, realistic, non-troll answer I submit either Tabula Rasa (played about 15 minutes, literaly cracked the disk and took it back to On-Cue and friend/worker gave me a full refund) or FF14 (obvious reasons are obvious).
While it's far from the worst, his response is completely valid. Anyone thinking otherwise hasn't been around long enough or is completely blinded by fan lust.
This thread is nothing but personal preferences, in a way like someone preferes spagetti over pizza.
I wish someone would create a similar thread but with thoughts put in. Something where we could judge mmos under different groups.
I mean you can NOT compare... lets say, Dark and Light, a skeleton of a game that got abandoned durring early stages of development but still released just to rob people and earn some money. A true vaporware game can not be compared to a game like AoC or Mortal Online. Games like these two (f.ex) were maybe hurendously underdeveloped (for some standards) at release, however developers kept working and are made their products into very playable and VERY enjoyable product (ofc if the type of game floats your boat - ie if you don't like pizza, you won't give it credit but that doesn't mean it's bad).
Welcome to the Internet! Disapointment is around every cyber-corner!
I agree their are different "levels" of incompetence involving a fail MMO. Yes DaL is a whole 'nother level of shite compaired to the diaster that was FF14 at launch for instance. Ff14 is getting better. DaL never had a chance.
I will take umbrage at MO being "very playable and VERY enjoyable product" that "developer kept working on". I'm sorry but their is no "personal preferences" involved in seeing that MO is a dumpster fire needing a hobo to piss it out. Common sence is all that is needed. Sorry but i have to throw that out there.
Bartoni's Law definition: As an Internet discussion grows volatile, the probability of a comparison involving Donald Trump approaches 1.
World of Warcraft, due to what its done to the industry recently... Its much thanks you WoW that we have this extreme inflow of themeparks with same elements over and over again. It got to easy.
Don't be silly.
For a honest, realistic, non-troll answer I submit either Tabula Rasa (played about 15 minutes, literaly cracked the disk and took it back to On-Cue and friend/worker gave me a full refund) or FF14 (obvious reasons are obvious).
While it's far from the worst, his response is completely valid. Anyone thinking otherwise hasn't been around long enough or is completely blinded by fan lust.
Ohh I am no fan of WoW. Played it on and off since launch. It's not my thing.
It is silly to say the most sucessful MMO in history is the worst MMO in history.
I believe YOU are completely blinded by hater lust. See how that works?
Bartoni's Law definition: As an Internet discussion grows volatile, the probability of a comparison involving Donald Trump approaches 1.
Looks like a lot of games have been labeled "worst" mostly due to disinterest. How can you play a game for 20 minutes and ascertain that it's the worst in its genre? Sounds like you genuinely had no interest in playing the game to begin with. Some games are harder than others to get into at first, but once you get past the early stages and begin building your own unique character in a new world, you find yourself enjoying it.
There truly are some shit games out there, but I won't pretend to know which is the best or worst. The game I probably disliked the most out of all of the ones I've played would have to be RF Online, but I'm sure there are worse ones out there.
Looks like a lot of games have been labeled "worst" mostly due to disinterest. How can you play a game for 20 minutes and ascertain that it's the worst in its genre? Sounds like you genuinely had no interest in playing the game to begin with. Some games are harder than others to get into at first, but once you get past the early stages and begin building your own unique character in a new world, you find yourself enjoying it.
There truly are some shit games out there, but I won't pretend to know which is the best or worst. The game I probably disliked the most out of all of the ones I've played would have to be RF Online, but I'm sure there are worse ones out there.
Not sure if you are talking to me personally but if the quote fits right?
I was VERY interested in TR. But the shit mechanics honestly turned me off instantly. My problem is that I get bored easily ( just look at my XFire profile). My fault I know. But if a game does not "grab" me early on I will stop playing it. Especially one I have to pay for every month. Having a full time job and a family I am VERY selective in how I spend my "me" time. Besides why would I buy a game if I have no interest in it?
Bartoni's Law definition: As an Internet discussion grows volatile, the probability of a comparison involving Donald Trump approaches 1.
According to all the "vets" on any MMORPG released after 2004.
But my personal picks are.....
Star Wars Galaxies a great idea that became a god awful unfinished buggy mess of a game that should have been shot at birth.
Rift a load of copied ideas thrown together in a souless (pun intended ) world that was so generic it was see through and that combat was painfully slow and boring. A small unimaginative world with no lore or real story. It also had zero challenge to the gameplay that I played naked for 5 levels until I could not take it anymore from being in fits of laughter that they wanted people to pay for it.
Warhammer another bad game bugs and exploits out the wazoo, class balance was non existent, the PvE was as bad as Rift's PvE and the tiered zones who the hell came up with that should be shot with the same gun that shot SWG.
This doom and gloom thread was brought to you by Chin Up the new ultra high caffeine soft drink for gamers who just need that boost of happiness after a long forum session.
1. Dark and Light - If you never played this you should take a look back the forums. A dev compnay has never lied more about a game. They made promises there was a magic secret build that never existed for 6 months prior to release. Fanboys were out of hand. It was advertised as having the largest world ever. It may have bt it was completely empty. I have never seen a more interesting bad launch than Dark and Light. The game was so bad I had to buy the game just to be part of it. I have never seen mroe gullible obnoxius and defensive fanboys than on this game. If you want to have some fun really take the time to read the Dark and Light forums here from release.
2. Mourning Released before DnL another game with outrageous lies by devs.
3. AoC What makes it bad was the lies by the devs prior to release. They told beta testers the beta client was 2-3 builds behind the release client which would have all kinds of content that would be avaiable upon release. Not to mention the bait and switch lvl 13 only open beta. This whole game was designed to generate asmuch money from box sales as possible with little to no interest in any long term subs. The game was marketed at children with blood, gore, nudity, profanity and simplistic follow the arrow combat system.
4. Horizons A pretty big budget game that was absoluetly terrible but great at the same time. The adventure side was awful, stability was terrible but the crafting was amazing.
5. Anarchy Online the actual game was not bad if one could suffer through launch. Literally this is what launch was like. Log into Tir, crash, log back in walk 10 feet towards the quest giver, keep crashing until you eventually got the quest for the mission, then walk across Tir to the instance crashing over and over. Usually it would take 45 minutes to an hout to walk 30 seconds across the town with crashes.
6. Shadowbane - Some really cool stuff here. But after the longest beta possibly ever (3+ years) the game was completely unstable. It was one constant crash after another. Ireally loved a lot about Shadowbane. But the lack of stability killed the game.
Honorable mention
1. Darkfall It would have probably been on this list but ti was so bad i deleted it during beta testing. It was started by 4 guys in a basement in Norway and when I beta tested it looked like that is all who worked on it. Complete empty world.
2. Alganon Just an ugly looking game. I was kind of excited about Alganon because of David Allen. I hoped that David Allen was responsible for the good crafting in Horizons but after playing Alganon I began to realize he must have bene responsible for all the bad in Horizons to.
3. WWII Online I never played it. But i have heard from many people it had the worst launch ever. In fact I think the launch was so bad that they closed it down after launch and sent it back to beta . Sort of like what they did with Mourning minus the banruptcy and ndver reopenning.
4. Not a game but I am going to add in SOE here for a number of reasons. Dishonesty and a destroyer of games. In EQ1 SOE released unfinished expansions with bugs that would purposely bottleneck progress so they could finish the content ofthe expansions. In SWG they lied to the community and told them that the Jedi quest was in game for a year. People spent untold hours looking for it and it was not even in game. SWG again they made people buy the NGE expansion wthout telling them of the combat and crafting changes. Vanguard they took oer the game nad basically added no content for their first two years other than APW and the Griffon quest. Basically they tookover the game for the purpse of marketing its customers to EQ2. Tthey introducded a bug their 1st patch that caused a ton of crashing of good and bad machines. It took them 3 months to fix this bug. By then the population was gone and soon after all the devs were gone and the gamewas on life support to wither and die.
I agree with another poster that this list should only include P2P games. there is a huge difference in quality of P2P games than free games. There is almost something to like about a P2P game even most on my list. But mant F2P games are simply beyond awful.
Looks like a lot of games have been labeled "worst" mostly due to disinterest. How can you play a game for 20 minutes and ascertain that it's the worst in its genre? Sounds like you genuinely had no interest in playing the game to begin with. Some games are harder than others to get into at first, but once you get past the early stages and begin building your own unique character in a new world, you find yourself enjoying it. There truly are some shit games out there, but I won't pretend to know which is the best or worst. The game I probably disliked the most out of all of the ones I've played would have to be RF Online, but I'm sure there are worse ones out there.
Not sure if you are talking to me personally but if the quote fits right? I was VERY interested in TR. But the shit mechanics honestly turned me off instantly. My problem is that I get bored easily ( just look at my XFire profile). My fault I know. But if a game does not "grab" me early on I will stop playing it. Especially one I have to pay for every month. Having a full time job and a family I am VERY selective in how I spend my "me" time. Besides why would I buy a game if I have no interest in it?
That wasnt directed only at you, there were a few posters who said something similar: "played for x minutes and quit." I actually enjoyed the first few hours of Tabula Rasa, but after that it became boring. I certainly wouldn't call it the worst though.
I'm the same way, get bored easily. Must be A.D.D. or something.
I was referring to Vanguard in that first post. Vanguard improves immensely after leaving trial island and players start doing the better group content. But players have to survive the first 10 to 15 levels. Past that point, Vanguard becomes one of the most immersive, engaging, challenging, and rewarding gaming experiences. Playing it for 20 minutes means never even giving the game a chance. Sad really, I don't blame anyone though, Vanguard does seem like garbage for the first few levels.
This thread is nothing but personal preferences, in a way like someone preferes spagetti over pizza.
I wish someone would create a similar thread but with thoughts put in. Something where we could judge mmos under different groups.
I mean you can NOT compare... lets say, Dark and Light, a skeleton of a game that got abandoned durring early stages of development but still released just to rob people and earn some money. A true vaporware game can not be compared to a game like AoC or Mortal Online. Games like these two (f.ex) were maybe hurendously underdeveloped (for some standards) at release, however developers kept working and are made their products into very playable and VERY enjoyable product (ofc if the type of game floats your boat - ie if you don't like pizza, you won't give it credit but that doesn't mean it's bad).
Welcome to the Internet! Disapointment is around every cyber-corner!
I agree their are different "levels" of incompetence involving a fail MMO. Yes DaL is a whole 'nother level of shite compaired to the diaster that was FF14 at launch for instance. Ff14 is getting better. DaL never had a chance.
I will take umbrage at MO being "very playable and VERY enjoyable product" that "developer kept working on". I'm sorry but their is no "personal preferences" involved in seeing that MO is a dumpster fire needing a hobo to piss it out. Common sence is all that is needed. Sorry but i have to throw that out there.
First of all you're about 15 years too late to welcome me to internet. Thanks anway!
Second of all I am an example that proves how very wrong you are.
Why? Because I'm having a blast in MO right now (started playing recently). You on the other hand probably had a bad experience in past and now your view is distorted by that old experience, making you at least a tad of a hater. Forgive and move on mate. Things change. MO has changed to better and in fact is very enjoyable.
p.s. I played dozens of MMOs and I do have a very good picture about general standards regarding how good an mmo is developed, so it's not just personal preference when I judge a game.
Also remember this conversation is not about SV. It's about their product.
First of all you're about 15 years too late to welcome me to internet. Thanks anway!
Second of all I am an example that proves how very wrong you are.
Why? Because I'm having a blast in MO right now (started playing recently). You on the other hand probably had a bad experience in past and now your view is distorted by that old experience, making you at least a tad of a hater. Forgive and move on mate. Things change. MO has changed to better and in fact is very enjoyable.
p.s. I played dozens of MMOs and I do have a very good picture about general standards regarding how good an mmo is developed, so it's not just personal preference when I judge a game.
Also remember this conversation is not about SV. It's about their product.
I'm not that guy you're argueing with, but I suggest for the sake of your both sanity, just wait 2-3 weeks and rate MO again after that time. I had a blast in my noob days as well. They pass quickly. ;D
I nominate Mortal Online, for shady and downright illegal business tactics (never delivering the boxed version, using obtained bank account data from the boxed version sale for debit transfers for subscriptions that were never ordered by the customer - so, scamming and bank-fraud), horrible relationships to their customers involving lying, trolling, fighting, blaming, for damaging the sandbox genre as a whole (simply by claiming that they are a sandbox, not by actually being a shitty one), for being the buggiest mess I've ever played or rather, for being the most buggy program I've ever used at all, including Windows ME, the fanmade patcher, etc etc.
The devs probably haven't made a single promise that came true since launch. Mortal Online is so shit that it's simply hard to keep track of how shit it is. Every single feature in MO is a broken placeholder. Corrupt mods, tons of cheating, nonstop coverup tactics, 14 year old moderators, etc etc.
As I said, it's simply impossible to keep track of how shit it exactly is.
First of all you're about 15 years too late to welcome me to internet. Thanks anway!
Second of all I am an example that proves how very wrong you are.
Why? Because I'm having a blast in MO right now (started playing recently). You on the other hand probably had a bad experience in past and now your view is distorted by that old experience, making you at least a tad of a hater. Forgive and move on mate. Things change. MO has changed to better and in fact is very enjoyable.
p.s. I played dozens of MMOs and I do have a very good picture about general standards regarding how good an mmo is developed, so it's not just personal preference when I judge a game.
Also remember this conversation is not about SV. It's about their product.
I'm not that guy you're argueing with, but I suggest for the sake of your both sanity, just wait 2-3 weeks and rate MO again after that time. I had a blast in my noob days as well. They pass quickly. ;D
I nominate Mortal Online, for shady and downright illegal business tactics (never delivering the boxed version, using obtained bank account data from the boxed version sale for debit transfers for subscriptions that were never ordered by the customer - so, scamming and bank-fraud), horrible relationships to their customers involving lying, trolling, fighting, blaming, for damaging the sandbox genre as a whole (simply by claiming that they are a sandbox, not by actually being a shitty one), for being the buggiest mess I've ever played or rather, for being the most buggy program I've ever used at all, including Windows ME, the fanmade patcher, etc etc.
The devs probably haven't made a single promise that came true since launch. Mortal Online is so shit that it's simply hard to keep track of how shit it is. Every single feature in MO is a broken placeholder. Corrupt mods, tons of cheating, nonstop coverup tactics, 14 year old moderators, etc etc.
As I said, it's simply impossible to keep track of how shit it exactly is.
Whatever floats your boat mate. Mine is full of joy right now and you're not changing that. Yours on the other hand seems full of hate. Don't let it sink you!
If someone is talking in general chat in a language you dont understand, chances are they're not talking to you. So chill out and stop bitching about it!
Whatever floats your boat mate. Mine is full of joy right now and you're not changing that. Yours on the other hand seems full of hate. Don't let it sink you!
Hate? This is the thread "Worst MMORPGs ever made". You've been playing MO for one week and you're already calling everyone who speaks facts about it a hater. Interesting development. Enough said, I guess.
I can´t say I hate any MMO (or other game for that matter) but the worst I played was probably "sword of the new world".
I just couldn´t stand the controls and the fact that all characters of the sameclass looks exactly the same was bad as well.
But it did look great...
WAR also upset me, but not really because it was so bad but because I played so much Warhammer fantasy RPG (and Blood bowl) that I just saw what the game should have been. If it had a different IP I would not have complained on it at all.
STO was also bad, it was made too fast and they totally missed the fact that the game should be for trekkies, not average casual MMO players.
But it is just my personal opinion and I can see if others enjoy those games, particularly the controls of sword is something that might turn off me but work perfect for others.
Star Wars Galaxies, now let me make clear it gave me the best MMORPG experiance I ever had and still today no mmorpg has matched that experiance FOR ME!!. While I did start with M59 and abit of UO, it was SWG that made me fall in "gamelove" for this genre.
Now why do I post this as being the worst ever made is not because of the issue's the game had, not because the changes the game had, but pure because it made me believe it would become a sort of norm where this genre would be heading which has sort of ruined almost every other MMORPG experiance that came after, perhaps if I didn't have the SWG experiance other MMO's might have been more enjoyable.
I like how people here are so spoiled. Maplestory? Vanguard? WoW? Runescape? ROFL Two games in the whole thread could be considered bad and those are Dark and light and MO, even then, ive seen some Korean grinders that make them look like gold.
Seriously people you all need to expand your horizons.
Worst ever made? Any game that was shut down early after launch or was cancelled before release. Aside from dev's running out of money, the only logical assumption is that those games were so bad that they had to close down.
The one I've enjoyed the least? Probably one of those Asian themed F2P MMO's.
Most disappointing? WAR and STO in my opinion. By no means are they the worst ever made, and I don't think they are entirely bad, but rather the developers did not give justice to the IP's.
And then of course there is an entire list of games that, while they were well made and many people play them, I did/do not enjoy.
Some people's responses for worst MMORPG ever made are absolutely just outright silly. I've seen things like Rift and Planetside and a number of other games that perhaps aren't everyones cups of tea but are still really well made and do what they were made to do well.
#1. Star Trek Online - Not only was the game HEAVILY Instanced, but Cryptic's blend of charging a monthly fee AND cash shops put a terrible taste in my mouth. The Borg, one of the most well known species within the Star Trek franchise, could only be played if you purchased a $300 lifetime subscription BEFORE THE GAME WENT LIVE. This was probably the worst business I had ever seen. I'll never touch a Cryptic game because of this.
#2. SWTOR - This is not a MMORPG. This is a Massive Co'op Role-playing Game. Everything about this game is for kids: The simple console-like space combat, the tiny PvP instances, the 100% linear path to 50, and Huttball.
I don't think people should be listing games like SWTOR and FF14. SWTOR is still in its infancy. Its basically still in beta stages. As for FF14, its not even out yet.
And that is exactly the problem. I wouldn't list SWTOR myslef unless perhaps it was worst MMORPG per dollar spent.
Troll response is troll.
While it's far from the worst, his response is completely valid. Anyone thinking otherwise hasn't been around long enough or is completely blinded by fan lust.
Welcome to the Internet! Disapointment is around every cyber-corner!
I agree their are different "levels" of incompetence involving a fail MMO. Yes DaL is a whole 'nother level of shite compaired to the diaster that was FF14 at launch for instance. Ff14 is getting better. DaL never had a chance.
I will take umbrage at MO being "very playable and VERY enjoyable product" that "developer kept working on". I'm sorry but their is no "personal preferences" involved in seeing that MO is a dumpster fire needing a hobo to piss it out. Common sence is all that is needed. Sorry but i have to throw that out there.
Bartoni's Law definition: As an Internet discussion grows volatile, the probability of a comparison involving Donald Trump approaches 1.
Ohh I am no fan of WoW. Played it on and off since launch. It's not my thing.
It is silly to say the most sucessful MMO in history is the worst MMO in history.
I believe YOU are completely blinded by hater lust. See how that works?
Bartoni's Law definition: As an Internet discussion grows volatile, the probability of a comparison involving Donald Trump approaches 1.
Looks like a lot of games have been labeled "worst" mostly due to disinterest. How can you play a game for 20 minutes and ascertain that it's the worst in its genre? Sounds like you genuinely had no interest in playing the game to begin with. Some games are harder than others to get into at first, but once you get past the early stages and begin building your own unique character in a new world, you find yourself enjoying it.
There truly are some shit games out there, but I won't pretend to know which is the best or worst. The game I probably disliked the most out of all of the ones I've played would have to be RF Online, but I'm sure there are worse ones out there.
Not sure if you are talking to me personally but if the quote fits right?
I was VERY interested in TR. But the shit mechanics honestly turned me off instantly. My problem is that I get bored easily ( just look at my XFire profile). My fault I know. But if a game does not "grab" me early on I will stop playing it. Especially one I have to pay for every month. Having a full time job and a family I am VERY selective in how I spend my "me" time. Besides why would I buy a game if I have no interest in it?
Bartoni's Law definition: As an Internet discussion grows volatile, the probability of a comparison involving Donald Trump approaches 1.
Well it would depend if you factor in the hype and development cost.
If yes then:
Those three are the biggest dissapointment in the triple A cathegory.
For indy games:
Mortal Online
Dark and Light
My gaming blog
According to all the "vets" on any MMORPG released after 2004.
But my personal picks are.....
Star Wars Galaxies a great idea that became a god awful unfinished buggy mess of a game that should have been shot at birth.
Rift a load of copied ideas thrown together in a souless (pun intended ) world that was so generic it was see through and that combat was painfully slow and boring. A small unimaginative world with no lore or real story. It also had zero challenge to the gameplay that I played naked for 5 levels until I could not take it anymore from being in fits of laughter that they wanted people to pay for it.
Warhammer another bad game bugs and exploits out the wazoo, class balance was non existent, the PvE was as bad as Rift's PvE and the tiered zones who the hell came up with that should be shot with the same gun that shot SWG.
This doom and gloom thread was brought to you by Chin Up the new ultra high caffeine soft drink for gamers who just need that boost of happiness after a long forum session.
You guys are aiming way too high.
Tyra (Banks) Virtual Studio
The Endless Forest
1. Dark and Light - If you never played this you should take a look back the forums. A dev compnay has never lied more about a game. They made promises there was a magic secret build that never existed for 6 months prior to release. Fanboys were out of hand. It was advertised as having the largest world ever. It may have bt it was completely empty. I have never seen a more interesting bad launch than Dark and Light. The game was so bad I had to buy the game just to be part of it. I have never seen mroe gullible obnoxius and defensive fanboys than on this game. If you want to have some fun really take the time to read the Dark and Light forums here from release.
2. Mourning Released before DnL another game with outrageous lies by devs.
3. AoC What makes it bad was the lies by the devs prior to release. They told beta testers the beta client was 2-3 builds behind the release client which would have all kinds of content that would be avaiable upon release. Not to mention the bait and switch lvl 13 only open beta. This whole game was designed to generate asmuch money from box sales as possible with little to no interest in any long term subs. The game was marketed at children with blood, gore, nudity, profanity and simplistic follow the arrow combat system.
4. Horizons A pretty big budget game that was absoluetly terrible but great at the same time. The adventure side was awful, stability was terrible but the crafting was amazing.
5. Anarchy Online the actual game was not bad if one could suffer through launch. Literally this is what launch was like. Log into Tir, crash, log back in walk 10 feet towards the quest giver, keep crashing until you eventually got the quest for the mission, then walk across Tir to the instance crashing over and over. Usually it would take 45 minutes to an hout to walk 30 seconds across the town with crashes.
6. Shadowbane - Some really cool stuff here. But after the longest beta possibly ever (3+ years) the game was completely unstable. It was one constant crash after another. Ireally loved a lot about Shadowbane. But the lack of stability killed the game.
Honorable mention
1. Darkfall It would have probably been on this list but ti was so bad i deleted it during beta testing. It was started by 4 guys in a basement in Norway and when I beta tested it looked like that is all who worked on it. Complete empty world.
2. Alganon Just an ugly looking game. I was kind of excited about Alganon because of David Allen. I hoped that David Allen was responsible for the good crafting in Horizons but after playing Alganon I began to realize he must have bene responsible for all the bad in Horizons to.
3. WWII Online I never played it. But i have heard from many people it had the worst launch ever. In fact I think the launch was so bad that they closed it down after launch and sent it back to beta . Sort of like what they did with Mourning minus the banruptcy and ndver reopenning.
4. Not a game but I am going to add in SOE here for a number of reasons. Dishonesty and a destroyer of games. In EQ1 SOE released unfinished expansions with bugs that would purposely bottleneck progress so they could finish the content ofthe expansions. In SWG they lied to the community and told them that the Jedi quest was in game for a year. People spent untold hours looking for it and it was not even in game. SWG again they made people buy the NGE expansion wthout telling them of the combat and crafting changes. Vanguard they took oer the game nad basically added no content for their first two years other than APW and the Griffon quest. Basically they tookover the game for the purpse of marketing its customers to EQ2. Tthey introducded a bug their 1st patch that caused a ton of crashing of good and bad machines. It took them 3 months to fix this bug. By then the population was gone and soon after all the devs were gone and the gamewas on life support to wither and die.
I agree with another poster that this list should only include P2P games. there is a huge difference in quality of P2P games than free games. There is almost something to like about a P2P game even most on my list. But mant F2P games are simply beyond awful.
Auto Assault
Dark and Light
That wasnt directed only at you, there were a few posters who said something similar: "played for x minutes and quit." I actually enjoyed the first few hours of Tabula Rasa, but after that it became boring. I certainly wouldn't call it the worst though.
I'm the same way, get bored easily. Must be A.D.D. or something.
I was referring to Vanguard in that first post. Vanguard improves immensely after leaving trial island and players start doing the better group content. But players have to survive the first 10 to 15 levels. Past that point, Vanguard becomes one of the most immersive, engaging, challenging, and rewarding gaming experiences. Playing it for 20 minutes means never even giving the game a chance. Sad really, I don't blame anyone though, Vanguard does seem like garbage for the first few levels.
First of all you're about 15 years too late to welcome me to internet. Thanks anway!
Second of all I am an example that proves how very wrong you are.
Why? Because I'm having a blast in MO right now (started playing recently). You on the other hand probably had a bad experience in past and now your view is distorted by that old experience, making you at least a tad of a hater. Forgive and move on mate. Things change. MO has changed to better and in fact is very enjoyable.
p.s. I played dozens of MMOs and I do have a very good picture about general standards regarding how good an mmo is developed, so it's not just personal preference when I judge a game.
Also remember this conversation is not about SV. It's about their product.
I'm not that guy you're argueing with, but I suggest for the sake of your both sanity, just wait 2-3 weeks and rate MO again after that time. I had a blast in my noob days as well. They pass quickly. ;D
I nominate Mortal Online, for shady and downright illegal business tactics (never delivering the boxed version, using obtained bank account data from the boxed version sale for debit transfers for subscriptions that were never ordered by the customer - so, scamming and bank-fraud), horrible relationships to their customers involving lying, trolling, fighting, blaming, for damaging the sandbox genre as a whole (simply by claiming that they are a sandbox, not by actually being a shitty one), for being the buggiest mess I've ever played or rather, for being the most buggy program I've ever used at all, including Windows ME, the fanmade patcher, etc etc.
The devs probably haven't made a single promise that came true since launch. Mortal Online is so shit that it's simply hard to keep track of how shit it is. Every single feature in MO is a broken placeholder. Corrupt mods, tons of cheating, nonstop coverup tactics, 14 year old moderators, etc etc.
As I said, it's simply impossible to keep track of how shit it exactly is.
Whatever floats your boat mate. Mine is full of joy right now and you're not changing that. Yours on the other hand seems full of hate. Don't let it sink you!
Mortal Online : Worst MMO ever!!!!!!!!!
The End
If someone is talking in general chat in a language you dont understand, chances are they're not talking to you. So chill out and stop bitching about it!
Hate? This is the thread "Worst MMORPGs ever made". You've been playing MO for one week and you're already calling everyone who speaks facts about it a hater. Interesting development. Enough said, I guess.
Mortal Online wins hands down. Total joke.
I can´t say I hate any MMO (or other game for that matter) but the worst I played was probably "sword of the new world".
I just couldn´t stand the controls and the fact that all characters of the sameclass looks exactly the same was bad as well.
But it did look great...
WAR also upset me, but not really because it was so bad but because I played so much Warhammer fantasy RPG (and Blood bowl) that I just saw what the game should have been. If it had a different IP I would not have complained on it at all.
STO was also bad, it was made too fast and they totally missed the fact that the game should be for trekkies, not average casual MMO players.
But it is just my personal opinion and I can see if others enjoy those games, particularly the controls of sword is something that might turn off me but work perfect for others.
I am going to be doing this abit strange.......
Star Wars Galaxies, now let me make clear it gave me the best MMORPG experiance I ever had and still today no mmorpg has matched that experiance FOR ME!!. While I did start with M59 and abit of UO, it was SWG that made me fall in "gamelove" for this genre.
Now why do I post this as being the worst ever made is not because of the issue's the game had, not because the changes the game had, but pure because it made me believe it would become a sort of norm where this genre would be heading which has sort of ruined almost every other MMORPG experiance that came after, perhaps if I didn't have the SWG experiance other MMO's might have been more enjoyable.
I like how people here are so spoiled. Maplestory? Vanguard? WoW? Runescape? ROFL Two games in the whole thread could be considered bad and those are Dark and light and MO, even then, ive seen some Korean grinders that make them look like gold.
Seriously people you all need to expand your horizons.
Worst ever made? Any game that was shut down early after launch or was cancelled before release. Aside from dev's running out of money, the only logical assumption is that those games were so bad that they had to close down.
The one I've enjoyed the least? Probably one of those Asian themed F2P MMO's.
Most disappointing? WAR and STO in my opinion. By no means are they the worst ever made, and I don't think they are entirely bad, but rather the developers did not give justice to the IP's.
And then of course there is an entire list of games that, while they were well made and many people play them, I did/do not enjoy.
Some people's responses for worst MMORPG ever made are absolutely just outright silly. I've seen things like Rift and Planetside and a number of other games that perhaps aren't everyones cups of tea but are still really well made and do what they were made to do well.
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#1. Star Trek Online - Not only was the game HEAVILY Instanced, but Cryptic's blend of charging a monthly fee AND cash shops put a terrible taste in my mouth. The Borg, one of the most well known species within the Star Trek franchise, could only be played if you purchased a $300 lifetime subscription BEFORE THE GAME WENT LIVE. This was probably the worst business I had ever seen. I'll never touch a Cryptic game because of this.
#2. SWTOR - This is not a MMORPG. This is a Massive Co'op Role-playing Game. Everything about this game is for kids: The simple console-like space combat, the tiny PvP instances, the 100% linear path to 50, and Huttball.
And that is exactly the problem. I wouldn't list SWTOR myslef unless perhaps it was worst MMORPG per dollar spent.
Crimecraft was horrible beyond words - Took longer to download the client than it did for me to figure out how bad it was.