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from a player post
Races: 300 sc each
classes: 750 sc each
Rk2 spells : 750 to unlock all your rk2 spells (character specific, not account wide; do not see a rk3 version)
AA cap increase: 250SC per 100 AA (character specific, not account wide)
Inventory slot increase: 250 sc per slot (character specific, not account wide)
task cap increase: 100sc for 5 tasks
That is all I see.
NO prestige item unlockers, NO shared bank unlocker, NO journeyman merc unlocker
most returning NonGold player gear will be identified as prestige and unuseable due to augments being used
currently, f2p players will need to remove their augments to use old gear
SOE made a questionable decision that most augments are prestige
Q: What is a Prestige Item?
A: Prestige items are basically a subset of items that are limited to Gold members. It's a new flag that can be added to items, similar to lore, no-trade, no-rent, etc. Currently prestige items are upper tier items from the last two expansions like raid or top tier group items. Mostly all augments are prestige (excluding House of Thule zone augments, epic augments, and quest augments from the Heroes Journey, and the vendor melee augments in starting cities).
Player criticism at SOE forums regarding augments
EQ2 fan sites
100 SC = 1 usa dollar, read SC as pennies
example: 750SC = $7.50
EQ2 fan sites
1$ = 100 points
With these mats a character class cost 750$ USD to unlock
and $2,5 for 1 inventory slot, which isnt even account wide. And i thought allods extra bags were expensive )
ya I was off by 100 in my original reply
EQ2 fan sites
Wonder if they are actually making money with those rates. Honestly, it seems cheaper to just sub instead of this cash shop. It is amazing what cash shops have become over the years.
its 100 to 1$
5 $ = 500 SC or you could just pay the regular sub fee or even the 20$ station pass fee and get 500 a month for free..... ive unlocked 3 expansions for EQ2 for free so far so..
agree - considering that EQ has thousands of AA
it can cost someone
$25.00 to expand ONE character to have 1,000 more AA
$100.00 to expand ONE character to have 4,000 more AA
AA is $2.50 per unlocking 100 more
EQ2 fan sites
They do make money, the thing is people have a choice. Yes generally if you are someone that will utilize everything the game has to offer, and you want to take your character to the max and end-level, you should subscribe gold and it's the same cheap price of $15 a month (even cheaper if you buy multiple months or have purchased SC during half-off since you can buy gold membership time using SC now). The last point is important, you can pay for monthly subscription using station cash now. And with gold membership, you get 500 SC a month. So by default it's already cheaper than $15 a month standard subscription.
So yes, it's cheaper to just pay for the gold membership. But there are always people that will want to nickel & dime for small savings, and there's nothing wrong with that. Someone with a buffbot account or a porter account can have those characters for very cheap, and pay nothing monthly to play them along with their main characters. Or someone who plays this game on a casual basis, they no longer have to worry about paying monthly for a game they don't play a lot, they can just login anytime they want to and pay a few bucks here and there for unlockers as they go along. In the long run for those casuals it'll be a lot cheaper to go F2P route.
The key is options folks, and even for us subscribers this new model has made monthly subscriptions cheaper already.
One important thing ot remember with AA's, don't count how much you would have to pay for thousands of AA's. For a gold membership (under $15), you can go gold for 1 month, crank out all the AA's you want/need, and then drop to silver and play for free. You get to keep those AA's you've earned while under Gold. This is something a lot of people will be doing, and you can max your AA's with just $15 for 1 month.
both good points
recurring subs earn 500 SC monthly
already earned AA you keep w no unlocking required
EQ2 fan sites
Double station cash starting at 12pm pst. That means you can buy monthly gold membership ($14.99) for $7.50 a month if you stock up on station cash during double SC.
I believe you but can i get a source heh
nevermind, its both on the HOME tab of and on launcher
x2 SC from 12pm PDT 03/16 to 12pm PDT 03/17
EQ2 fan sites