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This week's edition of Wayback Wednesday features a venerable old game, Anarchy Online. Grakulen is joined by Anarchy Online's Game Director Fia Tjernberg and Dave Williams from Funcom. Check it out to find out what they discussed and experienced during Anarchy Online: Wayback Wednesday with AO Devs.
Nice videos! Loved AO for the last 11 years. This game is just pure awesomeness.
Funny thing: At 28:22 Lindelu starts talking about heavy twinking in AO. Seconds before she noted about picking up another player. Frisha, the enforcer that came to the group, is a very good example of something that can be considered a temple twink. From what we were able to see of his equip he is badass. Even if he may just have the AI tank in social slot, the weapon he had rocks badass.
Oh, and Drakulen is also playing Enforcer... The profession (or class) that can be seen as the definition of Tank any day.
"The UI is robust but can be complicated at first."
Complicated at first, yes, but it's not that hard to get into it. But this is the part I really would like updated, because even after getting used to the UI, I still found it horrible. This, and the newbie hostile elitist community was the combined reason why I quit.
"Someone ganked the Game Director!"
AO is one of a kind in MMORPG genre. Twinking in AO style (overequipping higher and highter stuff and laddering implants etc etc) and the whole background story are unique. But seeing the population nowadays makes me sad. I played AO about 2,5 years (unsubscribed when LE launched) and AO gave me a great ride. Thank you Funcom!
Wasn't that the best part?
I still look back and think that the twinking system is one of the coolest features I have seen in any game.
I also really like the UI. It has grown on me. While I'm sure they will change portions of it I hope they can retain some of the key artistic styling's that make it immediately recognizable as AO.
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This game is a classic. I just wish FC would operate on this sick dying patient. And I don't mean some "new" graphics engine that itself is half as old as AO is.
The Twinking is unique and challenging, and a conerstone of the game. What they did for you, though, barely passes for twinking. They mainly swapped out a 2-hand blunt based implant for a 2-hand edged one to allow you to equip a different style of weapon then you had started with. Serious twinking, what with laddering and a comprehensive knowledge of buffs and gear, is something some players realize weeks or months into the game when a 'lightbulb' pops on over their head and they suddenly understand *why* the org veteran twinking them is swapping them back and forth between agility and stamina implants over and over.
Why doesnt she take the chance to give more information about the game in this video? She should explain stuff a little bit more in-depth.. does she even explain such basics as how to shift+click to see stats on items etc? Frustrating to watch at times tbh. Very nice and inspiring video, but at times probably pretty confusing to someone whos not at all familiar with this game.
Well even if the dreamworld engnie is half the age of AO The games that use it are the best looking MMORPGs on the maket hands down.. Age of Conan even today has no match when it comes to graphics and TSW is gonig to be even better
AO was an awesome game i guess the main reason i dont play it at the moment is because it looks so dated.. if that changes then ill play it again
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I don't mind the current graphics at all. I never played AO because of graphics. I was all into the metagaming like twinking tweaking and planning new setups for my characters. That said, I still kinda find the current graphics pleasing and if you think how old the game is the graphics are pretty good IMHO. There are two things holding me back to resubscribe though. Small population size and item store (and 17+ euros monthly sub cost).
was one of the best sci fi games ever, I was a pure everquest addict when this came out and was there the horror of launch but even then I still remember lightening crashing and I was lagged for 20 minutes with the gm next to me only he and I were in the city rest crashed as they tried leaving the starter area and we couldn't figure out why I made it out .
Some lead and some follow I prefer to stand beside!