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Very little new info in the article, but it does give a little vlearer insight into the approach to designing the game.
Favorite Quote:"I'm not a five-year-old. If I want to go in the cave and I want to die, that's my problem."
Sounds good to me
All nice and dandy, but still a few years to go before we can actually play it.
when I see "mainstream", what I comprehend is "WoW players". Don't misunderstand, I want this game to be a success, I just hope it isn't created to appeal to all the carebares and whiners. WoD is my last, desperate chance to fall in love with an MMORPG again.....
I agree completely.
No game has been able to make me "fall in love" like an MMO. At my age (33yo), single-player games rarely hold my attention. I recognize many as extremely well-made games, but for some reason I just don't get sucked in the way I used to.
Even among MMOs, the only ones which sucked me in were UO (since it was the first, and completely novel) and LOTRO (since I'm a Tolkien geek). LOTRO was great, but it followed the same recipe regarding basic gameplay as all the other MMOs; while this was fine for the time of when LOTRO was made, I think there's a big demand for something new. I bought SW:TOR, and while it had a few new ideas and some fun times, the fact that the gameplay itself had nothing new about it, I lost interest in less than a month and quit.
World of Darkness has great potential to be something totally new in the world of MMOs. Furthermore, I've been a die-hard fan of the pen-and-paper Vampire game for about 15 years now. The combination of this makes for a good chance I'll fall in love with World of Darkness Online.
What World of Darkness needs to AVOID:
1. Kill x of y quests as the *main* basis for questing.
2. Being a hot-key fest.
3. A classic leveling system.
4. Combat as the main basis for gameplay for all players.
5. Character "death" having only mild repercussions, and a simple respawning system. (by "death" I am referring to losing combat in a normal setting, not Blood Hunt permadeath)
6. Clearly delineated factional warfare.
7. Gear as being of any importance similiar to games like WoW.
wow won't be mainstream in 2 or 3 years time. it will have fallen off most peoples radar by then.
Thanks for the link Exciting stuff!
the poster formerly known as melangel :P