I'm talking about connecting to games using MUSHclient.
These games have dedicated coding staff that have built functioning systems such as combat, space flight, character skills, weapons/inventory items. So on and so forth.
Plus, administrators running plots and maintaining theme/rules. Its not just anarchy, no rules.
Chat rooms can be alright, but are usually far more directionless.
What I like most about Gemstone4 and Dragonrealms, is the interaction with the Gamemasters. A merchant will come into town selling trinkets, or possibly altering armor, and everyone swarms the tent! Everyone vies for that merchants attention! THEN the RP goes through the roof! Perhaps a random comment will start the fun...
Dipper comes through the tent flap. "Hey! Anyone here can tell me how to get my mana back?"
Merchant X raises his eyebrow quizically at Dipper. "What, pray tell, is "mana?" How did you lose it?
Dipper says, "You know, the stuff you use when you cast spells! It's all gone, and is too slow to come back. I wanna KILL!"
Merchant X rubs his chin thoughtfully, then raises one hand, waving it nonchalantly at Dipper.
Dipper explodes into a thousand pieces!
Merchant X says, "I don't recommend trying to resurrect Dipper. You might miss a piece, or two. Like... his brain."
Roleplaying is 10x better in geocities chat rooms.
*Sephiroth enters the chat room*
*Angel of death music begins to play*
*Sephiroth pulls out masamune and slays 20 chatroom attendee's*
*Sephiroth leaves the chat room*
*Angel of death music subsides*
Well, I'm not talking about chat rooms.
I'm talking about connecting to games using MUSHclient.
These games have dedicated coding staff that have built functioning systems such as combat, space flight, character skills, weapons/inventory items. So on and so forth.
Plus, administrators running plots and maintaining theme/rules. Its not just anarchy, no rules.
Chat rooms can be alright, but are usually far more directionless.
I know what you meant
nothing beats a good old chatroom roleplay.
My sword damages you for 9000 pts of damage.
- Nu uh your sword missed and I smash your face in for 10,000 pts of damage.
no as I dodged your attack got deflected off my amazing armor of indestruction!
Oh my! Visions of "Red Dragon Inn" on AOL just went flying through my brain! Thank you!
I do sort of miss the chatroom stuff. It was fun!
What I like most about Gemstone4 and Dragonrealms, is the interaction with the Gamemasters. A merchant will come into town selling trinkets, or possibly altering armor, and everyone swarms the tent! Everyone vies for that merchants attention! THEN the RP goes through the roof! Perhaps a random comment will start the fun...
Dipper comes through the tent flap. "Hey! Anyone here can tell me how to get my mana back?"
Merchant X raises his eyebrow quizically at Dipper. "What, pray tell, is "mana?" How did you lose it?
Dipper says, "You know, the stuff you use when you cast spells! It's all gone, and is too slow to come back. I wanna KILL!"
Merchant X rubs his chin thoughtfully, then raises one hand, waving it nonchalantly at Dipper.
Dipper explodes into a thousand pieces!
Merchant X says, "I don't recommend trying to resurrect Dipper. You might miss a piece, or two. Like... his brain."
Gotta love random GM moments!