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Who here has not ran into those people that just randomly start talking in their native language and expect everyone to know it. I hate those people and Im glad that Anet made servers for these people. I just dont want to run into something like this.
Lold IRL when I watched the stream:P
I prefer international servers like FFXI had. Always something going on 24/7.
Make some friends outside of your own country.
I totally agree. but the thing i hate about it is this.
when matchmaking occurs for WvWvW and your pitted againt lets say 2 french servers. because you can see where they are comming from. u are automaticly fucked.
Not only that but lag times take its tole on stuff like competitave pvp haveyou ever played dragon nest pvp or gunz.
There like warping everywhere and stuff. Games have been desroyed by this, Rakion and Exteel. This is a great move imho the reason why it worked in ff11 is because all battles moved at the speed of turtle and there was no real worry about lagtime. This is why ps3 pvp sucks when it comes to front mission evolved, dcuo, and Most likely dust 514 when it releases because anyone can make a region account for another region and play on thier servers. They use the massive lag they have as an advantage to cheat. Gunz cheaters tdo the same thing by turning proxys on and off to increase or reduce lag.
most Europeans and Canadians are bilingual due to their school system requirements, can't imagine why he didn't choose English American if he knew he was coming here. Weird.
I love Japan as a country if i thought for a second that i would be able to go over there alot or even once a year i would have definitely brushed up on the language and the customs. Just think it's odd.
that's actually a really good idea, because it keeps people honest even more so, unless your team has a french speaker in tow you wouldn't be able to understand what they were planning anyways. meh a non issue for me, now if they made those people part of your own team that would be a problem.
Isn't the girl supposed to ask the question in FR/DE/SP, and the guy responding be an English speaker by your scenario? I don't get it, isn't the video actually disproving your point?
I hope you'll never have to leave your awesome country with the kind of mentality you have honestly, you will have a rough time adapting if you do so.
They should also have added a couple of Russian and Italian servers.
Well thankfully we can easily avoid the "unofficial" ones by using
Respect, walk
Are you talkin' to me? Are you talkin' to me?
>.> Then you probably remember the japanese saying in auto translate English No Thanks. Or getting groups that since they had no idea what you were saying would leave when youre like 1k tnl and just say zzzz i'm tired and leave
i would totally avoid fissure of woe then.
50 from your server standing there waiting for the enemy. then on the horizon you see 400 'fissure of woe invader'.
you start attacking them.
after you killed 2-4 they all start running for their lives.
Acutally, that was one of the coolest parts of Ultima Online for me. Seeing all these differnt languages (and character sets) really made me feel like I was part of something bigger than the video game on the screen in front of me. Russian, Japanese, French, German, Spanish, various Nordic languages... I miss all that.
There isn't a "right" or "wrong" way to play, if you want to use a screwdriver to put nails into wood, have at it, simply don't complain when the guy next to you with the hammer is doing it much better and easier. - Allein
"Graphics are often supplied by Engines that (some) MMORPG's are built in" - Spuffyre
Many of you sound pretty racist to me.
You either don't realize, or do and hide it, but the reason that those countries you are talking about have more non-english speakers is because in those countries age span for mmorpgs is different. I'm not from any of the countries mentioned before in this thread, but in my country also mostly kids play mmorpgs, and they just starting to learn english, that + fact they are little annoying kids that don't give a damn.
You are old and play games, hmm good for you. But realize that in other countires majorty of players are very very young brats that will be annoying and will talk in their native language.
Kids with english as their native language will speak english, so you don't have that problem. The same applies to japanese games. How many of foreign people that played PSO2 spoke japanese, well when I played it, almost none. They spamed chat with english, how is that different. English speakers are no better, only they have less opportunity to show it, since most games are in english.
In most of Europe countries like France for example, at the end of high school everyone needs to know two other languages except their own. So in the end we Europeans know 3 languages. Superior to only english speakers that have no clue. But in games we are represented by kids.