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It's been about 3 months since I've started playing LoL and I've played most of the champs (gotta love the free weeks). I enjoy others like Kassadin, Ziggs, Le Blanc, Ezreal, Lee Sin and Karma; yet they simply don't do it for me like Ahri does.
What Champion do you have the most fun with?
*When not raging at your team*
Twitch so far, I can pop out of stealth and gank people. Usually getting a doublekill or triple kill later in the game, can't beat getting player kills lol.
-Currently playing FFXIV, and BDO.
Favorite champ is Teemo...dude just makes people rage. Most viable champ and still fun is Kennen. I guess I like little dudes.
Teemo is just a global taunt. Everybody wants to kill him. Me especially,
Anyway I just played 4 games of LoL. Played Vayne and lost, played Le Blanc and lost. Went back to my trusted Ahri mid and dominated the next 2 matches, even though my other lanes fed the enemy team. She's just so fun to play.
I.. don't know actually.
If I have to make me a decision, I would say.. Jarvan. He is just brutal.
Also enjoying loads: Ashe, Graves, Gangplank, Brand, Yorick, Talon, Wukong and last but not least, Jax.
Back when I used to play: Blitz
Hecarim. His ulti is awesome for breaking up tight teams and Devestating Charge is always fun to use.
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Teemo is the most annoying champ to play against, followed by Kennen who feels OP and for some reason I also dislike Annie. So I guess I am the opposite of you, I hate the little dudes.
My gaming blog
gotten a few pentas with Morgana. she spanks and it helps that she looks decent as well.
Nice Vid.
ProTip, stop wasting your ult on people you couldve killed with 1 basic, also, your ult can go through walls.
You're welcome.
"The problem with quotes from the Internet is that it's almost impossible to validate their authenticity." - Abraham Lincoln
LeBlanc ofcourse
I know. I know. But in those matches I became so fed and was having so much fun that I just felt like doing silly things and taking the piss, by wasting my ult.
Janna or blitzcrank. Because I have the ability to get my team mates killed if theyre trolling too hard or are being overly mean. You want a piece of me brah? YOU WANT A PIECE OF ME? EAT THEIR SOLO TOP *pulls/flash push their team*
''/\/\'' Posted using Iphone bunni
( o.o)
**This bunny was cloned from bunnies belonging to Gobla and is part of the Quizzical Fanclub and the The Marvelously Meowhead Fan Club**
Kog'Maw before they nerfed him. Played a pug where 2 of my team left instantly so it was 3v5. We had Kog (me), Akali and Sion...can't remember the other team.
Instead of quitting or raging we just played carefully and took a lane each. I managed to get a couple kills then they started pushing lanes and we'd fall back letting them take towers.
Got to level 18 and was quite fed so me and Sion took on their entire team 2v5. They being cocky all jumped on Sion and ignored me. He poped with lifesteal ultimate and i just went to town and got my first and only penta 5 kill lol.
Then we headed up the lane mowing down the towers in seconds and just as we entered their base they surrendered lol. Good times.
Late game tris
Be patience I am dyslexic.
hybrid jax by far
Ahri,malphite,Fiora,Riven for my main people ill try a random person every now and then
Mine has to be Rumble, I instalntly attached to himn when I first played him, mowing people down with my flamethrower, diving into teamfights cannons blazing XD
When it comes to Rumble you will fear your own Jungle XD
i have never played ahri, but i'm hoping she's free tomorrow so i can try her out.
been playing a lot of tristana. she's a little powerhouse. sona and morgana are also favorites.
I love Ahri free week. I just instant lock Ahri, so that I won't have a free week Ahri on my team and easily out-play any free-week Ahri's I'm up against. So just hope you're not against me this week.
Rumble would be my favorite.
After him would be Karma and Sivir.
Riven it is.
I like Leona alot too.
Lux would be my fav.
Sona or Leona since I solo queue a lot and no one plays support or tank.
I can normally get someone to roll a 'tank' if I say 'need tank since i'm support' though.
Gdemami -
Informing people about your thoughts and impressions is not a review, it's a blog.
Ezreal ,what the scouter says about their powerlevel ? "unable to detect powerlevel under 9000."
Haha ! thats what I tought.;TwAg0CnowxgjAHbNOck4siYMyGiJGA