I played WoW for 6+ years, but I disagree with the articles writer. WoW over the last 2 expansions only made me want to quit playing. The constant dumbing down of the talents and gameplay being the major put off. Pandas running around just did not excite me. Blizzard could have created a 3rd faction (maybe the Forsaken breaking away). NOW that would have peaked my interest in continuing my subscription. If they wanted WAR then they should have done something fresh and new to the game's combat instead of nerfing and carebearing the crap out of the talent trees.
I am a vanilla player and remember the days when WoW was great. Those days are gone as is my subscription.
I played WoW for 6+ years, but I disagree with the articles writer. WoW over the last 2 expansions only made me want to quit playing. The constant dumbing down of the talents and gameplay being the major put off. Pandas running around just did not excite me. Blizzard could have created a 3rd faction (maybe the Forsaken breaking away). NOW that would have peaked my interest in continuing my subscription. If they wanted WAR then they should have done something fresh and new to the game's combat instead of nerfing and carebearing the crap out of the talent trees.
I am a vanilla player and remember the days when WoW was great. Those days are gone as is my subscription.
Blizz has turned a fun game with good content into a speed fest to lvl as quickly as possible.
I started playing in BC and I loved all the endless CHOICES and leveling up of weapons, skills, etc., and having to carry ammo, and all the micromanagement in general...the game was more realistic and immersive then, and you enjoyed the journey, not just the destination.
And although things like dungeon finder are time savers, I preferred finding a good group of people and grinding thru several dungeons and actually having to travel to each, it was just more fun that way and each of you adapted to the other persons playstyles, and had more fun that way cause it didn't really feel like a grind. Nowadays dungeons feel more like a "job" thus they get tiresome very quickly.
I enjoy wow like never before. It is best expansion and best gameplay ever, so much to do and so many good things happen in pvp. Nice article Reza, to bad you wan't find many wow players on forums because they like more to play than to read P.S pet battles are awesome, it is not some kind of mini game, it is good game inside the best game ever created
The problem with Big Bads is that if you aren't a raider, all the buildup tends to be wasted. I still think that stories are not the optimal way to breath life into an MMO, but if you are going to have them, then I think having an episodic story that rolls out a series of transformations to the land is a nice way to go. The main concern on my mind is the sustainability of the pace and fragmentation of the community through an increasing complex maze of phases. Will the open world evolve into a collection of open instances?
Originally posted by pmiles Blizzard blew a great thing the moment they changed the previous content. I would wager that if they had original vanilla wow running on just 2 servers, they would be packed 24/7. Once players had their fill of vanilla... TBC would await them... as it was, untouched. So on and so forth. This constant, dumbing down of the old to polevault players to max level was the dumbest move they ever made. Instead of years of content to digest, they merely have days. So for a company that lives off of subscriptions... they made the biggest blunder of all time. I loved having to find groups just to complete questlines... you know, actually interact with players. WoW today is very much so single player with a hint of multiplayer. Might as well be playing with a bunch of bots... because your connection to them is as fleeting. Nothing they have done as of late has been anything but garbage. No point in updating the old when it is nothing but a ghost of it's former self. Blizzard erased it. What made WoW great was erased. Players today have NO IDEA what they missed out on.
TOTALLY agree with this. I left because of the dumbing down of content, and the "single player feel". I loved trying to find groups, playing with people of different experience levels, teaching them how to play better, and them doing the same for me. Daily quests in sunwell felt really weird for me to do, and felt like it just detached the whole group experience that was WoW. All we have are memories now, and honestly im fine with that WoW is certainly dead in the eyes of a person who liked those 40 man groups, and the difficulity of organizing 40 people to complete a raid, it felt like pure unity and teamwork when you took down a boss and brought tons of people together.
I played WoW for 6+ years, but I disagree with the articles writer. WoW over the last 2 expansions only made me want to quit playing. The constant dumbing down of the talents and gameplay being the major put off. Pandas running around just did not excite me. Blizzard could have created a 3rd faction (maybe the Forsaken breaking away). NOW that would have peaked my interest in continuing my subscription. If they wanted WAR then they should have done something fresh and new to the game's combat instead of nerfing and carebearing the crap out of the talent trees.
I am a vanilla player and remember the days when WoW was great. Those days are gone as is my subscription.
Blizz has turned a fun game with good content into a speed fest to lvl as quickly as possible.
I started playing in BC and I loved all the endless CHOICES and leveling up of weapons, skills, etc., and having to carry ammo, and all the micromanagement in general...the game was more realistic and immersive then, and you enjoyed the journey, not just the destination.
And although things like dungeon finder are time savers, I preferred finding a good group of people and grinding thru several dungeons and actually having to travel to each, it was just more fun that way and each of you adapted to the other persons playstyles, and had more fun that way cause it didn't really feel like a grind. Nowadays dungeons feel more like a "job" thus they get tiresome very quickly.
So true, i loved bouncing back and forth through dungeons in The Barrens, like wailing caverns and razer fin craul. I remember when I had a level 39 show me RFC in the barrens when I was around level 29 at launch, and I was amazed beacuse the dungeon was so hidden from view! Now you can see the dungeons in the finder, new players have no idea what they missed! The feeling of finding something almost hidden was amazing
I love mop. The farming actually took me by suprise I didn't expect to like it having hated farmville and the like. But farming in mop is actually fun and since i need those crops to cook its not a bad thng to do.
I got into a funk after cata released didn't play much , alot of my freinds left wow and i just got bored, cata to me sucked. mop got me sucked back into wow and wanting to level so i can get to pandaria.
I love the whole continent. mop has made wow fun for me again.
I'm not sure "evolved" the best word to describe what has happened to WoW. It sure seems very dumbed down now. The complete degredation of the community ensures that those that thrive off that remain, while keeping others away. Its a babysitting tool for lazy parents to plop their children in front of.
But hey, whatever floats your boat.
You haven't done a heroic raid at 90 I take it...These are some of the hardest raids i've ever seen in 12+ years of raiding (i think EQ is 13 now right? or is it 14, i lost count lol) The bosses require you to move constantly in most of them, and in alot of them you have to have good communication and be in sync with your group if you want to kill the bosses.
As for Landfall, I absolutely love it. The one thing that I missed majorly (it stuck out like a sore thumb to me) was the lack of open world pvp content. With Landfall the capturable objects are making a come back to Azeroth. Now I don't have to go hang out in outland to open world pvp
World of Warcraft is a great game, I bought Mists of Pandaria and had some fun - but quickly got bored and left. I think for me, I have already played so much of World of Warcraft that even a new expansion doesn't do much for me. Maybe I'll go back in a few months and see what some of these content patches have changed.
I loved Azeroth. It will always have a warm place in my heart. It used to be fun to hate on the game because I had come back to several expansions and was very dissapointed. Was a good article. Much nicer to hear an old game thats still being loved. Hopefully Blizzards next mmorpg can do the same, lately I have been losing hope. Though truthfully. I am not 17 anymore and life has become so much more important then games, unsure if I will ever be able to enjoy such things in the same way. Though there have sure been some moments the last year. GW2 PvE grind/story. Tera combat.
Hero Evermore Guild Master of Dragonspine since 1982. Playing Path of Exile and deeply in love with it.
i have 8 lv 85s, 4 on ally 4 on horde, and i stopped playing a while ago, i played the 10 day free trial of MOP and after a short time spent on it i was assured that there was nothing new and i wasnt missing out on anything ..
Blizzard hasnt changed, they still dumb things down, the talent tree's are even worse than they have ever been .. and i thought the last time they changed them was as bad as it could get.
I wont be getting this expansion, or going back to wow it seems ever again .. i can only guess it will keep getting worse than it is now since it has kept in that direction for so long now.
ALL i know is that this expansion is suffering, and HARD at that. Within mere weeks of launch i've received offers of 25% off, then 50% and, no lie, just got one for 75% off plus free weeks of play just to try and get someone to actually buy the expansion or at least play it without buying it so that you might decide that the new pokémon system is worth a monthly fee.
This article is both hellarious and pathetic, begging people to try the dailies. (dailies being hands down the most unworthy thing to pay a monthly fee to do in the history of mmos) And using misleading language like "the only reason people aren't doing dailies currently is cause there is SO much else to do" (i.e. pokémon system) which is not at all the case, rather dailies suck and no one wants to do them, no one but the author gives a rats @$$ about the lore of the pandas or whatever else, and hiding random quests until someone does do a daily is, frankly, assinine.
Wow is a sinking ship with this expansion, and the attempts from blizzard and mmorpg authors practically on hands and knees begging people to try this expansion out when they KNEW going into it that it was not in the least compelling, is just wasted breath. no one wanted pandas. anyone that did want pandas should have been both slapped and summarily ignored. everyone wanted a new big bad and updated character models for the original races that look like shit (the female troll still doesn't blink....). people wanted the ability to mod their toons bodies again (something that was just figured out once more) cause they are lonely nerds and wanted to make their dancing female night elf more busty.
wow certainly isn't dead. it can't die at this point, unless blizz deliberately pulled the plug. however, this expansion it is plainly evident, completely failed to meet the expectations of the devs and deservedly so. pokémon be damned, i wont be back to Azeroth until at least the 6th or 7th expansion, if ever. and my money will not be missed.
wow 5.1 can be the heaven, but is an abuse being buying expantions and paying montly subscriptions. Is a 7 years old engie, the changes in the talents trees is just a cosmetic look and feel. Guest in the next expantion another talent tree will come because the previous was a mistake, i heard that so many times get tired.
Lfg cool tool but screw the social aspect of the game. So many addons turn the adventure into a gear grinding. The wow-comunity has to be blame too, when they request N gear score to receive group invited.
I am currently playing 8 different MMO's and I am constantly dismayed by all the Blizzbashing that goes on out there. I wonder if any of these naysayers truly realize that playing any MMO let alone WOW itself is not a mandatory thing. I have played WOW since it was Vanilla and remember going places and being amazed with how awesome it was and how much fun I was having getting places and taking screenshots. But I also remember having to grind to level and being forced to do instances for 1 drop and then have a party member take it for their Alt. I remember not being able to do endgame content because my gear wasnt good enough and the elitest players treating me like a NPC not a player. But then Blizzard did something about it. They realized that their game has to be accessible to new players and casual players. They made it fun again, they gave me the chance to be a hero. Fighting beside epic NPC's like the King arm in arm. Being able to PVP and hold my own and not being laughed due to my opponents flawess victories. I have been able to capture towers and graveyards and hold them, I now feel like part of the story and I like not being forced to do group quests and instances. I like that I can play the game solo. Mists of Pandaria brought the joy of playing back for me. I hit 90 and have some much left that I can still do. Then Landfall came out and I do those dailes and progress the story more. I go into those pug scenarios and I survive, I can play for 1-2 hours a day and leave fullfilled. This is because it is accessible. MMO's are for everyone not just a few. Gone are the days of making characters only to be ganked in the first minute by a PK. I do not have to count my DPS to the 5 decimal point and then re-gear for that extra 1/1000 of a point then I say good. Yes we older players have lost a lot over the years but I feel that we have gained so much more.
Wpvp. I'm amazed that the releases earlier this year didn't have it. Heck even TESO is doing a funny pseudo Wpvp area thing, unbelievable.
I played WoW for 5 years, and RIFT for 10 months. The others didn't make it past four months, with 3 weeks on the low end.
The WPvP thing isn't all that surprising considering Matt Firor of DAoC fame is part of the team for TESO. That's probably the main factor that will get me to try TESO out.
I decided to give this game a go week before this patch, I am really enjoying it how ever it isn't the game for me to keep playing at level 90. So I play other games too, kinda like that.
Originally posted by pmiles Blizzard blew a great thing the moment they changed the previous content. I would wager that if they had original vanilla wow running on just 2 servers, they would be packed 24/7. Once players had their fill of vanilla... TBC would await them... as it was, untouched. So on and so forth. This constant, dumbing down of the old to polevault players to max level was the dumbest move they ever made. Instead of years of content to digest, they merely have days. So for a company that lives off of subscriptions... they made the biggest blunder of all time. I loved having to find groups just to complete questlines... you know, actually interact with players. WoW today is very much so single player with a hint of multiplayer. Might as well be playing with a bunch of bots... because your connection to them is as fleeting. Nothing they have done as of late has been anything but garbage. No point in updating the old when it is nothing but a ghost of it's former self. Blizzard erased it. What made WoW great was erased. Players today have NO IDEA what they missed out on.
Blizzard marketing at work. The usual "lets take some extremly well receive feature from another games during their launch and pretend our game has it too (even if its doesnt even come close) and hype it as their own one.
This scenario and featured screens are clearly tackled at ArcheAges extremly prominent large scale naval combat and heavy rvr, which is technically worlds apart from the archaic and limited gameplay of WoW. Even added the flying mounts now to mimic the glider combat. Kinda hillarious how obvious it is again.
They did it when GW2 reavealed dynamic events with their joke of "world events" like Black Wing randomly popping up at some spawnpoints, cutscenes and "storytelling" scenarios when SWToR revealed its storylines, or when Aion revealed open world siege mecahnics they suddenly added the joke of a wallzerg in Wintergrasp, faction warfare during BC because of WAR. But the worst joke is, countless even eat it up and strongly believe they got even a grasp of better working, more complex and indepth features of other games and hang them self upon the popular myth of Blizzard "improving/polishing" the poorly cloned and at best dumbed down features of other games.
Understood, agree a bit, but also want to make a note. GW2 and their events can only be described as dull. You do the same events every 5 minutes. It's worse than a quest hub. At least the quest hub ends and you move on.
Originally posted by pmiles Blizzard blew a great thing the moment they changed the previous content. I would wager that if they had original vanilla wow running on just 2 servers, they would be packed 24/7. Once players had their fill of vanilla... TBC would await them... as it was, untouched. So on and so forth. This constant, dumbing down of the old to polevault players to max level was the dumbest move they ever made. Instead of years of content to digest, they merely have days. So for a company that lives off of subscriptions... they made the biggest blunder of all time. I loved having to find groups just to complete questlines... you know, actually interact with players. WoW today is very much so single player with a hint of multiplayer. Might as well be playing with a bunch of bots... because your connection to them is as fleeting. Nothing they have done as of late has been anything but garbage. No point in updating the old when it is nothing but a ghost of it's former self. Blizzard erased it. What made WoW great was erased. Players today have NO IDEA what they missed out on.
TOTALLY agree with this. I left because of the dumbing down of content, and the "single player feel". I loved trying to find groups, playing with people of different experience levels, teaching them how to play better, and them doing the same for me. Daily quests in sunwell felt really weird for me to do, and felt like it just detached the whole group experience that was WoW. All we have are memories now, and honestly im fine with that WoW is certainly dead in the eyes of a person who liked those 40 man groups, and the difficulity of organizing 40 people to complete a raid, it felt like pure unity and teamwork when you took down a boss and brought tons of people together.
10 and 20 worked better for me (40 people doing BIO breaks, crud what a pain), but I agree with everything else.
I am currently playing 8 different MMO's and I am constantly dismayed by all the Blizzbashing that goes on out there. I wonder if any of these naysayers truly realize that playing any MMO let alone WOW itself is not a mandatory thing. I have played WOW since it was Vanilla and remember going places and being amazed with how awesome it was and how much fun I was having getting places and taking screenshots. But I also remember having to grind to level and being forced to do instances for 1 drop and then have a party member take it for their Alt. I remember not being able to do endgame content because my gear wasnt good enough and the elitest players treating me like a NPC not a player. But then Blizzard did something about it. They realized that their game has to be accessible to new players and casual players. They made it fun again, they gave me the chance to be a hero. Fighting beside epic NPC's like the King arm in arm. Being able to PVP and hold my own and not being laughed due to my opponents flawess victories. I have been able to capture towers and graveyards and hold them, I now feel like part of the story and I like not being forced to do group quests and instances. I like that I can play the game solo. Mists of Pandaria brought the joy of playing back for me. I hit 90 and have some much left that I can still do. Then Landfall came out and I do those dailes and progress the story more. I go into those pug scenarios and I survive, I can play for 1-2 hours a day and leave fullfilled. This is because it is accessible. MMO's are for everyone not just a few. Gone are the days of making characters only to be ganked in the first minute by a PK. I do not have to count my DPS to the 5 decimal point and then re-gear for that extra 1/1000 of a point then I say good. Yes we older players have lost a lot over the years but I feel that we have gained so much more.
Getting ganked isn't fun (don't do pvp servers), but having victories handed to you is just BS. I remember going to Un'Goro Crater with my lock and beating the Vanilla WOW, Epic raptor that was summoned on the East wall when it was 4 or 5 lvls above me (RED lvl quest against an epic critter...hard man, very hard - I soloed it on a LOCK) . I planned that battle. I saved various foods buffs, scrolls, picked out specific gear.... I earned that victory. It's a memory I keep today. For those who experience your accessible WOW and like it.... I ask where is the challenge to fight for. Why waste time if all you have to do is kick the mob in the knee and it falls over. Last time I payed to play was Cata and it didn't last long. You can make the damage meter go BINGO with big hits, but who cares. It's boring. You can play for 90 lvls without dying (I played 85 without dying), but it's so boring. I WANT my Vanilla WOW server. I would pay to play it again.
As a long time player of wow from 2006 vanilla to pandaria -20 diff chars 2 accounts 8 level 90`s ive finally had enough. Reasons-the amount of daily quests needed to get motes etc planting silly seeds etc.and their repitition . This a total total waste of gametime and i suspect was put in to slooow chars abilities to improve gear thus having to spend more time doing this than anything else in game. c;mon be honest how long did it take to get the rep for the mote seeds =longer than levelling from 80 -to 90??and u cant exchanget them even on an account mmm. and it`s supposed to be fun??
The alteration to the weapons system - my main a hunter using bow /xbow only now with a crappy scope -especially when compared to tank . rogue, even a priest weapon ench-also only beast mastery any good now in both pvp, pve.
As for the new talent tree thats a complete joke - tell me what variation there is for any class all cookie cutters now as such- and some of the choices are laughable if not downright insulting to our intelligence -there ought to be a vote by all players on whether the pandaria changes to the talent trees should be reversed and also the new weapon implimentation!!! another dumbing down
thought the writing was on the wall when activision took over-dumb and dumber springs to mind , atering the game for the american market i.e. dumbing down the game on every level, for newcomers (after 2010) no offence to our american cousins, which will fail in the long term. A very big patch only weeks after launch (never before in wow history, they took months) and guess what -more dailies and dumbing down-and a few tweaks yo make it easier
All vanilla players pre 2009-can u remember when pvp battles in a/v lasted hours and hours - etc. and the promotions and armour were the challenge-and took weeks and months. A true grind.
The race for guilds to be the 1st to take down rag. and the effort it took in gear, pots, and enchants to do so, were all part of the challenge, and I admit it also was flawed for the casual player if not in a decent friendly guild, guild runs were very enjoyable, but now how long did it take to take down cat main boss and panda boss. a good example -uldeman could take 3 to four hours, how many midlevel dungeons in l.king /cat takes that.
Will admit that the quests in dungeons have easier access due to cross realms, have better stories link and the new looting system is way better but how about -molten core and onxia-kaz nax. etc. -no wonder guilds are losing members - hit 25 level and thats it whearas guild runs were very enjoyable but no rare.
Getting ypur 1st mount was an achievement, the quest line for the pally mount was a major challenge. YOU can now get the pvp gear in 2 days - AND A MOUNT AT 20
Hitting 60 and 70 in vanilla and ouland (imo the best upgrade ever on wow) took time and effort-you can now level on mining and herb gathering at 70 in fact it is the quickest way in cat/pandaria!!!!, levelled 3 chars in just over a week in pandaria !!! and then started the dreaded daily daisy chain.
im my opinion wow has gone backwords in making the game a real challenge or guild friendly anymore, my 9 year old grandson can compete in all b/gs and dungeons inc.heroics its that easy -just make a macro and press 1 button to fight heal and buff- thanks but no thanks.
pandaria was the final straw -1 new char( 2 in nortthrend 2 in outland 2 in cat) smaller areas less dungeons less b/gs, easier levelling to 90, all your chars overpowered against npc`s= could kill 4 easily same level at the same time in fact could kill npcs 3and 4 levels higher 1 on 1 -never happened in vanilla without quality blue items -which are now in abundance and too easily obtained. the writing is on the wall ime afraid.
finally yes pandaria did attract players back- in my guild we had 10 return and they lasted no more than a week and they were hardcore 7day a week wow fanatics in vanilla, outland, lking and cat.
why do u think the french company sold it to activision early lhis year,
So farewell wow thanks for the memories,friends, enemies(horde) and many happy experiences, but you have not moved onwards and upwords but a big step backwards-with the gameplay. The game has really become a grind chore far worse than before. and happy hunting to those still playing .
if ithe gameplay etc.does improve( some hope imo) am quite willing to return but not with the pandaria set up.
I completely agree with you. Cataclysm was a good expansion, brung in some nice elements, but it never gave me the feeling that azeroth is really doomed. It looks like Blizzard is trying to flare tentions up between the Horde and Alliance like they were back in vanilla wow, and really the only threat they faced before the burning legion was themselfs. My guess is that there is going to be an all out faction war between the Horde and Alliance and then something really bad happends, like maybe the titans decend for the next expansion.
I loved wow, but they ruined something awesome to make it appeal. They dumbed the game down so much, things are just handed out, even legendary stuff -.-.
PvP (bgs) is a big joke, bots, bots and more bots and blizzard do nothing about it. this has been happening for several months now. we even have bots doing dungeons and farming items.
Arena is so broken, blizz buff a class then nerf it to high hell, they have no clue what there doing, they have dumbed arena down so much, used to be tactical and fun now it's 'spam every button' 'Use every CD' and hope the player dies.
Realms. God were do I start lol. So many dead realms, people struggle to get guilds or raids going due to the mass amount of people leaving. some realms have a max 100 people online at peak time and blizz do nothing, this has been going on for YEARS now and they still have no solution. they just want people to pay or reroll after 7 years of playing even though most players have 4+ toons on servers.
The community has gone to hell, people only care about themselves and no one else. Since cata I have added 0 people to my friends list because no one talk or communicates, all you get is threats, before cata I was adding people left, right and centre, building up friendships and making bonds. If your not already in a guild, I feel sorry for you.
I played WoW for 6+ years, but I disagree with the articles writer. WoW over the last 2 expansions only made me want to quit playing. The constant dumbing down of the talents and gameplay being the major put off. Pandas running around just did not excite me. Blizzard could have created a 3rd faction (maybe the Forsaken breaking away). NOW that would have peaked my interest in continuing my subscription. If they wanted WAR then they should have done something fresh and new to the game's combat instead of nerfing and carebearing the crap out of the talent trees.
I am a vanilla player and remember the days when WoW was great. Those days are gone as is my subscription.
Blizz has turned a fun game with good content into a speed fest to lvl as quickly as possible.
I started playing in BC and I loved all the endless CHOICES and leveling up of weapons, skills, etc., and having to carry ammo, and all the micromanagement in general...the game was more realistic and immersive then, and you enjoyed the journey, not just the destination.
And although things like dungeon finder are time savers, I preferred finding a good group of people and grinding thru several dungeons and actually having to travel to each, it was just more fun that way and each of you adapted to the other persons playstyles, and had more fun that way cause it didn't really feel like a grind. Nowadays dungeons feel more like a "job" thus they get tiresome very quickly.
The problem with Big Bads is that if you aren't a raider, all the buildup tends to be wasted. I still think that stories are not the optimal way to breath life into an MMO, but if you are going to have them, then I think having an episodic story that rolls out a series of transformations to the land is a nice way to go. The main concern on my mind is the sustainability of the pace and fragmentation of the community through an increasing complex maze of phases. Will the open world evolve into a collection of open instances?
TOTALLY agree with this. I left because of the dumbing down of content, and the "single player feel". I loved trying to find groups, playing with people of different experience levels, teaching them how to play better, and them doing the same for me. Daily quests in sunwell felt really weird for me to do, and felt like it just detached the whole group experience that was WoW. All we have are memories now, and honestly im fine with that WoW is certainly dead in the eyes of a person who liked those 40 man groups, and the difficulity of organizing 40 people to complete a raid, it felt like pure unity and teamwork when you took down a boss and brought tons of people together.
So true, i loved bouncing back and forth through dungeons in The Barrens, like wailing caverns and razer fin craul. I remember when I had a level 39 show me RFC in the barrens when I was around level 29 at launch, and I was amazed beacuse the dungeon was so hidden from view! Now you can see the dungeons in the finder, new players have no idea what they missed! The feeling of finding something almost hidden was amazing
You're right that there are a lot of great people in the game. Stay tuned for my next article.
I love mop. The farming actually took me by suprise I didn't expect to like it having hated farmville and the like. But farming in mop is actually fun and since i need those crops to cook its not a bad thng to do.
I got into a funk after cata released didn't play much , alot of my freinds left wow and i just got bored, cata to me sucked. mop got me sucked back into wow and wanting to level so i can get to pandaria.
I love the whole continent. mop has made wow fun for me again.
You haven't done a heroic raid at 90 I take it...These are some of the hardest raids i've ever seen in 12+ years of raiding (i think EQ is 13 now right? or is it 14, i lost count lol) The bosses require you to move constantly in most of them, and in alot of them you have to have good communication and be in sync with your group if you want to kill the bosses.
As for Landfall, I absolutely love it. The one thing that I missed majorly (it stuck out like a sore thumb to me) was the lack of open world pvp content. With Landfall the capturable objects are making a come back to Azeroth. Now I don't have to go hang out in outland to open world pvp
Hero Evermore
Guild Master of Dragonspine since 1982.
Playing Path of Exile and deeply in love with it.
i have 8 lv 85s, 4 on ally 4 on horde, and i stopped playing a while ago, i played the 10 day free trial of MOP and after a short time spent on it i was assured that there was nothing new and i wasnt missing out on anything ..
Blizzard hasnt changed, they still dumb things down, the talent tree's are even worse than they have ever been .. and i thought the last time they changed them was as bad as it could get.
I wont be getting this expansion, or going back to wow it seems ever again .. i can only guess it will keep getting worse than it is now since it has kept in that direction for so long now.
Ill go back to EQ, least its still a challenge.
ALL i know is that this expansion is suffering, and HARD at that. Within mere weeks of launch i've received offers of 25% off, then 50% and, no lie, just got one for 75% off plus free weeks of play just to try and get someone to actually buy the expansion or at least play it without buying it so that you might decide that the new pokémon system is worth a monthly fee.
This article is both hellarious and pathetic, begging people to try the dailies. (dailies being hands down the most unworthy thing to pay a monthly fee to do in the history of mmos) And using misleading language like "the only reason people aren't doing dailies currently is cause there is SO much else to do" (i.e. pokémon system) which is not at all the case, rather dailies suck and no one wants to do them, no one but the author gives a rats @$$ about the lore of the pandas or whatever else, and hiding random quests until someone does do a daily is, frankly, assinine.
Wow is a sinking ship with this expansion, and the attempts from blizzard and mmorpg authors practically on hands and knees begging people to try this expansion out when they KNEW going into it that it was not in the least compelling, is just wasted breath. no one wanted pandas. anyone that did want pandas should have been both slapped and summarily ignored. everyone wanted a new big bad and updated character models for the original races that look like shit (the female troll still doesn't blink....). people wanted the ability to mod their toons bodies again (something that was just figured out once more) cause they are lonely nerds and wanted to make their dancing female night elf more busty.
wow certainly isn't dead. it can't die at this point, unless blizz deliberately pulled the plug. however, this expansion it is plainly evident, completely failed to meet the expectations of the devs and deservedly so. pokémon be damned, i wont be back to Azeroth until at least the 6th or 7th expansion, if ever. and my money will not be missed.
wow 5.1 can be the heaven, but is an abuse being buying expantions and paying montly subscriptions. Is a 7 years old engie, the changes in the talents trees is just a cosmetic look and feel. Guest in the next expantion another talent tree will come because the previous was a mistake, i heard that so many times get tired.
Lfg cool tool but screw the social aspect of the game. So many addons turn the adventure into a gear grinding. The wow-comunity has to be blame too, when they request N gear score to receive group invited.
I am currently playing 8 different MMO's and I am constantly dismayed by all the Blizzbashing that goes on out there. I wonder if any of these naysayers truly realize that playing any MMO let alone WOW itself is not a mandatory thing. I have played WOW since it was Vanilla and remember going places and being amazed with how awesome it was and how much fun I was having getting places and taking screenshots. But I also remember having to grind to level and being forced to do instances for 1 drop and then have a party member take it for their Alt. I remember not being able to do endgame content because my gear wasnt good enough and the elitest players treating me like a NPC not a player. But then Blizzard did something about it. They realized that their game has to be accessible to new players and casual players. They made it fun again, they gave me the chance to be a hero. Fighting beside epic NPC's like the King arm in arm. Being able to PVP and hold my own and not being laughed due to my opponents flawess victories. I have been able to capture towers and graveyards and hold them, I now feel like part of the story and I like not being forced to do group quests and instances. I like that I can play the game solo. Mists of Pandaria brought the joy of playing back for me. I hit 90 and have some much left that I can still do. Then Landfall came out and I do those dailes and progress the story more. I go into those pug scenarios and I survive, I can play for 1-2 hours a day and leave fullfilled. This is because it is accessible. MMO's are for everyone not just a few. Gone are the days of making characters only to be ganked in the first minute by a PK. I do not have to count my DPS to the 5 decimal point and then re-gear for that extra 1/1000 of a point then I say good. Yes we older players have lost a lot over the years but I feel that we have gained so much more.
The WPvP thing isn't all that surprising considering Matt Firor of DAoC fame is part of the team for TESO. That's probably the main factor that will get me to try TESO out.
I second that. Well said.
Understood, agree a bit, but also want to make a note. GW2 and their events can only be described as dull. You do the same events every 5 minutes. It's worse than a quest hub. At least the quest hub ends and you move on.
10 and 20 worked better for me (40 people doing BIO breaks, crud what a pain), but I agree with everything else.
Getting ganked isn't fun (don't do pvp servers), but having victories handed to you is just BS. I remember going to Un'Goro Crater with my lock and beating the Vanilla WOW, Epic raptor that was summoned on the East wall when it was 4 or 5 lvls above me (RED lvl quest against an epic critter...hard man, very hard - I soloed it on a LOCK) . I planned that battle. I saved various foods buffs, scrolls, picked out specific gear.... I earned that victory. It's a memory I keep today. For those who experience your accessible WOW and like it.... I ask where is the challenge to fight for. Why waste time if all you have to do is kick the mob in the knee and it falls over. Last time I payed to play was Cata and it didn't last long. You can make the damage meter go BINGO with big hits, but who cares. It's boring. You can play for 90 lvls without dying (I played 85 without dying), but it's so boring. I WANT my Vanilla WOW server. I would pay to play it again.
As a long time player of wow from 2006 vanilla to pandaria -20 diff chars 2 accounts 8 level 90`s ive finally had enough. Reasons-the amount of daily quests needed to get motes etc planting silly seeds etc.and their repitition . This a total total waste of gametime and i suspect was put in to slooow chars abilities to improve gear thus having to spend more time doing this than anything else in game. c;mon be honest how long did it take to get the rep for the mote seeds =longer than levelling from 80 -to 90??and u cant exchanget them even on an account mmm. and it`s supposed to be fun??
The alteration to the weapons system - my main a hunter using bow /xbow only now with a crappy scope -especially when compared to tank . rogue, even a priest weapon ench-also only beast mastery any good now in both pvp, pve.
As for the new talent tree thats a complete joke - tell me what variation there is for any class all cookie cutters now as such- and some of the choices are laughable if not downright insulting to our intelligence -there ought to be a vote by all players on whether the pandaria changes to the talent trees should be reversed and also the new weapon implimentation!!! another dumbing down
thought the writing was on the wall when activision took over-dumb and dumber springs to mind , atering the game for the american market i.e. dumbing down the game on every level, for newcomers (after 2010) no offence to our american cousins, which will fail in the long term. A very big patch only weeks after launch (never before in wow history, they took months) and guess what -more dailies and dumbing down-and a few tweaks yo make it easier
All vanilla players pre 2009-can u remember when pvp battles in a/v lasted hours and hours - etc. and the promotions and armour were the challenge-and took weeks and months. A true grind.
The race for guilds to be the 1st to take down rag. and the effort it took in gear, pots, and enchants to do so, were all part of the challenge, and I admit it also was flawed for the casual player if not in a decent friendly guild, guild runs were very enjoyable, but now how long did it take to take down cat main boss and panda boss. a good example -uldeman could take 3 to four hours, how many midlevel dungeons in l.king /cat takes that.
Will admit that the quests in dungeons have easier access due to cross realms, have better stories link and the new looting system is way better but how about -molten core and onxia-kaz nax. etc. -no wonder guilds are losing members - hit 25 level and thats it whearas guild runs were very enjoyable but no rare.
Getting ypur 1st mount was an achievement, the quest line for the pally mount was a major challenge. YOU can now get the pvp gear in 2 days - AND A MOUNT AT 20
Hitting 60 and 70 in vanilla and ouland (imo the best upgrade ever on wow) took time and effort-you can now level on mining and herb gathering at 70 in fact it is the quickest way in cat/pandaria!!!!, levelled 3 chars in just over a week in pandaria !!! and then started the dreaded daily daisy chain.
im my opinion wow has gone backwords in making the game a real challenge or guild friendly anymore, my 9 year old grandson can compete in all b/gs and dungeons inc.heroics its that easy -just make a macro and press 1 button to fight heal and buff- thanks but no thanks.
pandaria was the final straw -1 new char( 2 in nortthrend 2 in outland 2 in cat) smaller areas less dungeons less b/gs, easier levelling to 90, all your chars overpowered against npc`s= could kill 4 easily same level at the same time in fact could kill npcs 3and 4 levels higher 1 on 1 -never happened in vanilla without quality blue items -which are now in abundance and too easily obtained. the writing is on the wall ime afraid.
finally yes pandaria did attract players back- in my guild we had 10 return and they lasted no more than a week and they were hardcore 7day a week wow fanatics in vanilla, outland, lking and cat.
why do u think the french company sold it to activision early lhis year,
So farewell wow thanks for the memories,friends, enemies(horde) and many happy experiences, but you have not moved onwards and upwords but a big step backwards-with the gameplay. The game has really become a grind chore far worse than before. and happy hunting to those still playing .
if ithe gameplay etc.does improve( some hope imo) am quite willing to return but not with the pandaria set up.
'The latest patch to World of Warcraft: Mists of Pandaria, "Landfall", has been widely hailed as a good step forward for Blizzard Entertainment.'
Said nobody ever.
Its all good saying this patch is awsome, but should be talking about the overall state of the game and not lure new people in with nonsense.
I loved wow, but they ruined something awesome to make it appeal. They dumbed the game down so much, things are just handed out, even legendary stuff -.-.
PvP (bgs) is a big joke, bots, bots and more bots and blizzard do nothing about it. this has been happening for several months now. we even have bots doing dungeons and farming items.
Arena is so broken, blizz buff a class then nerf it to high hell, they have no clue what there doing, they have dumbed arena down so much, used to be tactical and fun now it's 'spam every button' 'Use every CD' and hope the player dies.
Realms. God were do I start lol. So many dead realms, people struggle to get guilds or raids going due to the mass amount of people leaving. some realms have a max 100 people online at peak time and blizz do nothing, this has been going on for YEARS now and they still have no solution. they just want people to pay or reroll after 7 years of playing even though most players have 4+ toons on servers.
The community has gone to hell, people only care about themselves and no one else. Since cata I have added 0 people to my friends list because no one talk or communicates, all you get is threats, before cata I was adding people left, right and centre, building up friendships and making bonds. If your not already in a guild, I feel sorry for you.
The game is at it's end, this patch is horrible and brings nothing new, just broken WPvP. Due to realms being unbalanced and the same with factions.
just my 2cents