For some reason i never got round to WAR. I do fancy trying it.
I like to do dungeons but also pvp with vertical progression not horizontal. Ive had enoug of GW2 to be honest.
Is the pve ok in this game to. i like to mix it up a bit?
population EU side?
thanks in advance
The PVE is there but you won't find many people to group up with. Warhammer has become a PvP/RvR game where none cares about the PVE anymore.
PvP/RvR is vertical progression and it has the holy trinity. The RvR is also tier based in 4 tiers so it's not like in GW2 where all levels are together in W v W.
A more or less common way to start and play Warhammer online.
Log on and get some levels through PVE (3-7 or level 9-10) and arrive at the warcamp in Nordland. From there on it's RvR mixed with scenarios (sPvP 12 vs 12) till the end.
Every tier has 1 dungeon.
T1 dungeon is still done sometimes
T2-T3 Mount Gunbad and Lost Vale nearly never done
T4 Bastion Stairs still done once in a while
LoTD constantly done for some goodies
Some of us still hunt the Tome Unlocks and do some questing once in a while. But we start to do most of it once lvl 40 just for fun.
As I said warhammer is PvP/RvR. If you want to log in, waaaaaaaaagh and try to kick the hell out of the opposing realm than it's going to be your game. If you're more PVE minded with some PvP/RvR you're going to be disappointed.
Hope this helps you out to make your choice.
Why do people always think warhammer being almost dead?
It's a smaller community but a very PvP/RvR dedicated one. And since a month or so more and more are coming back as GW2 isn't as fun PvP/RvR wise for them. Two servers left, but this doesn't mean the game is dead. We're still beating the crap out of each other and pushing to City 24/24 7/7.
Because when I was playing for a few years ago I had major problems get into RvR. Eveyrone had their private parties and so on. T2, 3, 4 was pretty much dead.
I was one ofthose people that bought WAR the day of release and still go and play it from time to time. The games is dead for the most part. RvR is a blast though !!
You will find most of the population in T1 and then dead all the way to T4. Once you hit T4 the game doesnt feel quite as dead but the small community prides themselves in the RvR.
So in otherwords if you planned on PVE dont bother! If you can take it as it is and enjoy the RvR It can be really fun!
This game is anything but dead at least on the EU server. T4 is very active. I wouldn't recommend the game for PvE. PvP is what warhammer is all about, which is a good thing btw.
Its a shame, because WAR should have been great PvE.
The Tome of Knowledge is by leaps and bounds of enormous magnitudes better than any achievement system in any MMORPG, and there is so much lore and character to this game. The PQs were a blast (better than the average rift or GW2 event IMO). And the dungeon design wasnt bad either.
But people flocked to the game for DAOC2 and the PvE side suffered and fell out of favor. If they had been able to continue developing PvE it might be the best themepark on the market. but they didnt, and its not.
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