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I think we need a few new game gizmos. Sorry MJ, creating extra work for you.
Besides all the good info we can view on the Herald we want more… (might not get it but we can wish)
We all have a smart phone/tablet/work computer and want to interact with the game when we are not in a position to actually be in the game. So here is one idea that can help us get our wishes.
Assuming there is bank storage and or guild bank storage. It would be nice to have an app or site where we can view its contents while not in game. Viewing the contents should be simple mechanic that could be quickly done. But what I really want is the ability to transfer items from my bank to the guilds bank from this app or vice versa.
Example usage: Let’s say a guild mate calls me and requests materials to help with the defense of our keep and the guilds supply has run out. If I had access to my bank I could transfer the needed materials to the guilds bank and save the day.
I am sure other players have similar wishes/ideas that just need to expressed for consideration.
i like the idea.
I like the idea and I have an additional idea:
Guildchat/PM access from a mobile device.
Methos, Armsman, EU Excalibur
Jager, Infiltrator, EU Excalibur
Phos, Cleric, EU Excalibur
Mortify, Sorcerer, EU Excalibur
Actually, I hope it stays old school. As far as UI, sure keep it with today's times. As for the rest I'd much rather have an mmo that isn't a typical themepark of today's time. Part of what has me excited about CU is it's old school style and appeal.
There's enough clonish, non-immersive, stale mmo's out there already. The problem with today's mmo's are they are out for the quick money grab for the Playstation/Xbox customer (that devour content, then move on to the next game like...well what they're called..Locusts), instead of creating an mmo that the mmo customers want to play for years to come.
What happens when you log off your characters????.....
Dark Age of Camelot
Def like the idea of being able to assist 'on the fly'. Grabbing a coffee/smokebreak at work ... toss your guildies some needed stuff to keep fighting. Stay calm and RVR on!
Guildchat/PM seems like a must in the market today. I completely agree with this.
I am always impressed with the creativity of the boards here. People seem to really think up some good ideas. Any other ideas for mobile gaming applications? What about a basic crafting interface so we can park out guys and maybe craft a bit on the go in our downtime?
I think it's bad thing why?
1) Because it will take resources to the place which is not so important in game
2) Let people 'rest' sometimes. When they are not in home not playing It could be too tempting to use that apps and it would create too big addict.
It might be good addition, but let's focus on realease on the most important things like combat, PvP, having fun.
Considering that, at this point, CSE is primarily a mobile app studio, I don't think it'll be as much a distraction as you think.
Taking DevA and DevB and saying "hey, you know, we need a mobile app. Go learn android and iOS" starts to become a problem. Especially as they learn it and go "oh, we need to change this and that on the infrastructure end to make this work etc"
Whereas if DevA and DevB already have that knowledge, as things are designed, these ideas can be streamlined etc.
Mark has already hinted at a mobile crafting...something. I think it was more of a minigame thing, I don't know. I'd love to craft from the shitter though ;
re: a distraction for the player...that's up to the player. If you don't want it, don't use it. I want it. I want all of it.
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Wazluk - Legionnaire of Terminus
Draken Stalker
Agreed *cough, cough, march on oz*
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Wazluk - Legionnaire of Terminus
Draken Stalker
What about BlackBerry and Windows Phone?
The trouble with mobile apps is that they are always going to leave out some subset of the subscriber base. I prefer web-based portals that any Internet-enabled device can use via their browser.
Epic Music:
Kyleran: "Now there's the real trick, learning to accept and enjoy a game for what it offers rather than pass on what might be a great playing experience because it lacks a few features you prefer."
John Henry Newman: "A man would do nothing if he waited until he could do it so well that no one could find fault."
FreddyNoNose: "A good game needs no defense; a bad game has no defense." "Easily digested content is just as easily forgotten."
LacedOpium: "So the question that begs to be asked is, if you are not interested in the game mechanics that define the MMORPG genre, then why are you playing an MMORPG?"
re: Blackberry...who cares? If their new OS is as handy as they say, and app should be easy enough to support. As far as windows phone, even MS doesn't support that anymore. Easy enough to do a blackberry version I imagine.
re: requiring the device - first I disagree, second if you can afford to pay a monthly sub for an MMO you probably have a smartphone already, or at least an ipod on wifi. However it won't be "required". If you're that amped about guild chat in your hand, you'll pick up a used ipod or something. My nexus 4 and 7 were both pretty cheap. (The 7 moreso of course, no cell)
Microsoft certainly does support Windows Phone; in fact, it is outselling the iPhone in several countries. You may want to check your facts first.
Which countries? According to gartner, it isn't even outselling RIM (er, Blackberry), at least on a global scale. (I don't know the local market in, say, thailand)
Windows phone isn't bad. But it's also not great(tm). If anyone wants to eat at android (and then apple)'s market share, they have to do great(tm).
Time will tell if blackberry hit that mark, but MIcrosoft surely didn't. WP9 may change that but I won't hold my breath.
Anyway, you spend dev time on the most common platforms. Android and iOS are easily the two. Blackberry and Windows phone blipping on the radar for a half second on the end. (Although I understand android's marketshare is hurt by fragmentation issues - IMO it's fair to only target 4.0 or higher, or 3.x if you want the old old tablets, but skip gingerbread...)
Source below:
How dare you bring facts into the conversation. How are people supposed to pass their opinions off as fact when you do something as irresponsible as that?
I am sorry. Anyway, we're off track - point is, MOBILE GOOD. NOT MOBILE BAD.
Facts? He stated Windows Phone is not supported by Microsoft. That is not a fact, it is a lie. Microsoft is actively updating and developing the platform.
As for countries where Windows Phone is outselling iPhone:
I never claimed Windows Phone or BlackBerry made up large marketshare, but then again, I do not lie or falsify facts. Some do. I simply claimed Windows Phone is being developed (true) and it is outselling iPhone in some countries (true).
To get back on topic a little, I'm cautious about too much game interaction from outside the game. I don't mind an app that let's you see frontier conditions or similar, browse leaders and info, and maybe see guild/alliance chat, but I'm not too keen on allowing people to do things in game from an app.
First off, it opens new possibilities for hacking, stealing stuff, and people just screwing around (Ex guildies with alts still in or someone who thinks it's funny to get on his friends phone and mess with stuff.) All this is probably a small likelihood, but just more headaches.
Second, not sure how something like that would interface with the in-game UI element. What if 3 people try to move the same item from the app? It's bound to happen in bigger guilds a lot. And then at the same time someone is viewing the item in game...will it just poof if they take it out? Not a big deal and sure there are ways to mitigate that stuff, but again, more headaches.
The biggest thing, though, is the fact that too much reach outside the game will really tip the balance for overpopulated realms. If the app alerts a realm when theyre under attack, any realm with a heavy advantage in player number will have a lot more people available to just run to the computer and log in to defend. It will be very difficult for underpopulated realms to have any element of surprise. Conversely, underpopulated realms will not be able to respond as well, while overpop realms mounting a big attack might have players log in just to be a part of it. That means big attacks would succeed more and the players on the underpopulated realm would experience a lot of frustration.
You are taking things too seriously. The not supported by MS was a part-joke (see: not upgrading older 7.5 phones to 8, and some 8/8.5 phones not getting 9)
"Some countries" is pretty vague. The truth is "In each country less than 100,000 Windows Phone units were shipped"
Quite the victory, lol. I am sure apple is concerned about the Ukrainian market.
I really don't see a small studio like CSE (or indeed, any studio) focusing on development for either. Although as I said, if it's as embarrasingly easy ( ) to get your app working on BB10 as Blackberry claims, that might be possible. They really go out of their way, and after having lost so much marketshare, they had to.
MS...not so much. (Although if you watch Hawaii 5-0 it would be easy to get confused. They product place more blatantly than Ford in White Collar)
I would of course love to see a fully functioning 'herald'-style site, as well as access to guild chat and maybe some crafting information.
However they've already hinted at a mobile...something. We're supposed to see more during the kickstarter launch. Our feedback is probably better served then (Tomorrow?) once we've seen the concept.