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Blizzard is getting ready for some big news regarding Diablo III. A new site has appeared on the Battle.Net site called "Reaper of Souls". The quote comes from the Book of Tyrael and reads, "Death, at last, shall spread its wings over all."
Blizzard has promised a "big announcement" at Gamescom. Perhaps a D3 expansion? Judging by this site, that seems to be the case. We'll keep you posted as the story develops.
I think the announcement will be related to "The Dark Below" they registered a couple days ago,, which is probably the next WoW expansion.
In the WoW lore, "The Dark Below" is the place where the most vile beings that plague Azeroth live.
It´s also probably where that kraken thing kidnapped Neptulon to.
^ This could be true, but i don't think "reaper of souls" has anything to do with "the dark below" because if you see closely in the "Reaper of Souls" website it says book of tyrael
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If you read the bottom of the page where the trademark text is you see diablo is mentioned.
So I guess it's Diablo expansion and not WoW expansion as some of you are suggesting
The WoW-expansion that they are talking about is in reference to Blizzard taking out a trademark on something called "The Dark Below".
Speculators thought that "The Dark Below" would either be a Diablo 3 expansion or WoW expansion. Since the Diablo 3 expansion appears to be called "Reaper of Souls", then it is very possible that "The Dark Below" could be the WoW expansion.
people are suggesting that
Reaper of Souls is D3
Dark Below may be WOW
EQ2 fan sites
Angels are the bad guys in this one!!!
Impreious was pretty pissed off at Tyrael and the Nephalim; he will gather angry angels and they shall spread their wings over all.
Hostile take over of earth by angry angels! OMG, it's Supernatural season 8! lol
Can't wait, D2 wasn't that great until LoD, hopefully D3 will be all that and a bag of crisps with an xpac.
How long has it been with no new content? D2 had the excuse that it had no way to bring in income, but bliz raked it in with rmah, and so far the endgame grinding have only made rmah more important to success with no real content added.
They need to step it up and quickly. I don't know how people can do the same runs (and almost all solo) over and over again. It doesn't even have the appeal of jumping into a game with 7 others to kill baal or cows. sigh...
Sounds like Legion the movie.
I'm excited. I'm almost POSITIVE that one of the features will be the "endless dungeon" they've been talking about.
I just hope some really good core changes are made to the game. Along with plenty of new places to take down demons. If it's only one more new act I hope it's larger than the others.
I'm pretty excited.
Monster Hunter since '04!
Currently playing: MHW & MHGU
I can only hope you're correct. But that ARR move cost them a ton to do lol. But Blizzard is well capable of that amount of cash as well......*Crosses broken fingers*
Monster Hunter since '04!
Currently playing: MHW & MHGU
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