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Basically, its an indepth and detailed explanation from one of the former devs on what exactly went on with mourning. Im making this thread to open the eyes of anyone whom even considers following mourning today (yes they actually reopened). Link below
Heres a few snippets from the interview:
A: In the heat of an intense conversation, Ado (repeteadly) called the other gamedesigner stupid, who lost his temper and broke Ado's nose.
A: Yes, there is what I call Ado's Internet Fetish. He had these... urges... to read forums, spend time on irc and most important, downloading things. This had some good part - he was doing managing the community. Bad- he wasn't doing his job as game designer. And most of the downloads had nothing to do with RoT - they were just games and demos for him to play at home, and most of them were not related to our game's genre.
Its hilarious to read about the most unprofessional mmorpg developers in the business. And like i said, before you even give mourning any consideration, please for the sake of everyone including yourself, read about ego, dave and ado's antics. For a quick laugh if anything.
I am the flipside of the coin on which the troll and the fanboy are but one side.
"A: The QA guy came prepared with 2 quest examples (printed on 5 or 6 pages), like Egomancer requested. He described the quests (the whole team was gathered), they were fine, but Ego, very upset, noticed that they were single-player quests, not suitable for a mmorpg (like there are no single-player missions in todays mmorpgs). BUT he (Ego) had never ever told him (QA guy) to write a quest for a mmorpg. He'd only told him to write a quest. any quest.
Q: Well, most quests I know of in MMO's are single player... so what happened when Ado came in? "
See this is what im talking about. A good MMO doesnt need any quests. PLayers will generate their own content by ROLEPLAYING. And im not talking about fake-roleplaying, im talking about relationships between players and GM's you find in the old AD and D games. It was all natural.
A good MMO doesnt need quests.
Im sorry... what?
Unless the developers provide the tools with which you can create your own content it wont work. SWG is a classic example of a game without quests, and boy was it boring. MMO's need content, quests are content. And mind you, please dont talk about gm/player relationships when it comes to mourning.
The mourning Staff was to its playerbase what an abusive husband is to his wife.
I am the flipside of the coin on which the troll and the fanboy are but one side.
I know nothing about Mourning, but I do know what a quest is.
In SWG, there are player generated quests. You create your own quest when you want to buy a new weapon. You have to shop for a new weapon. Thats your quest, SHOPPING. If you dont think your on a quest to SHOP for a new weapon, then you enjoy shopping too much.
If PVP actually worked properly in SWG, people would be generating their own battle-QUESTS.
In Planetside you create your own quests yourself. If your trying to take a tower your on a QUEST to take a tower. If your transporting people in a galaxy, then your on a QUEST to transport people.
Player generated content, not forcefed crap, and not grinding. Quests are for singleplayer games.
The quest to find a rifle? Yes, that does sound amazing. The only type of game that wouldn't suffer from a lack of quests is a pure PvP game. And I don't see anything like that being offered anytime soon.
The quest to find a rifle? Yes, that does sound amazing. I hope your being sarcastic because that is what some computer-generated quests are all about.
Pure PvP games, WWIIONLINE, Planetside. No computer mobs to hack and slash for experience in those games.
This is sad. And it only shows the state of MMORPG development today.
"Before this battle is over all the world will know that few...stood against many." - King Leonidas
Never show any support for mourning EVER.
Sorry, I like quests. I want quests in my MMO. Although, I enjoy PvP, I don't want a "pure" PvP game, at least not the kind I think you're talking about. I want quests, crafting, and all the other goodies. I want it all! I don't want to rp that I'm shopping for a weapon although I wouldn't mind questing for a special weapon. I don't want to play an FPS or a war simulation such as the games you mentioned. I won't even begin to tell you how much I dislike them.
The MMOs I play DO need quests.
They say there is no such thing as bad PR but im mournings case, im afraid thats not true.
Whats funny is the fact that the Egomancer is still stalking these boards trying to lure people into his crappy game when a year ago, they said they wanted no affiliation with (after having their game removed from the site, haha).
Egomancer does a terrific job at showing his unprofessionalism in every post he makes. I truly feel sorry for the lapdogs that follow mourning today, gosh you people must be desperate...
I am the flipside of the coin on which the troll and the fanboy are but one side.
QFT! say it loud and say it proud, Signe! lol
name one non-fps mmorpg that doesn't have quests that is successful. i can't think of one. you know why? because the players don't want to create their own content for the most part. they want someone else to entertain them. thats part of the whole reason for buying a game. if i want to create my own content, i sure as hell will not pay someone else so that i can make my own content in their game world. i want to be part of a story. if my content actually had some kind of effect to the game or the world, then maybe it might work. not this bs of i need a new weapon. i will pretend i'm on a quest to find one. if i wanted to do that, i would play D&D.
Precisely, sir.
Not necessarily pointing at DnD-style games or saying that a good MMOG doesn't need "any" quests, but overall, I agree.
I had always felt that "quests" should be some long, time-consuming, effort-required, complex but non-linear affair. NOT these Fedex or escort or shopping list or kill X mobs, etc., quests -- that's just hand-holding and very boring.
But that the "main" gameplay should be a business left up to the imaginations of the players -- and this requires a game that allows "flexible" gameplay. How you complete the quest, kill the mobs, when you do it, where you do it, with whom you do it -- these should be left OPEN and FLEXIBLE so that players create "the way" to complete the quest or any other accomplishment they wish in the game.
~ Ancient Membership ~
i tend to solo a lot so quests are really good for me.
at least quests give you more reason to play than to go out and kill everything you see.
i would like to see more long and drawn out quests that take awhile to do than all the dumb fedex and kill x mob quests though.
Aren't those "pure pvp" games basically first person shooters?
And wouldn't most popular games need something like 10,000 GMs with massive power to run a game anything like D&D? Presuming, of course, that those GMs don't eventually start warping people off the edge of the map or spawning dragons in the newbie areas.
.. this aint the best mmorpg drama i ever read , i created one myself. just dream of one and poff .
Bollocks. I do quests because they're fun.
[quoteOriginally posted by Nerf09
The only reason players do quests is it because it gives more gold/experience over time then normal hack and slash grinding. Not because it is fun.
Bollocks. I do quests because they're fun[/quote]
i agree with this 100%. I enjoy quests, they give your MMORPG an actual point and story. I like to know what im fighting for and quests give me a good idea. they also fill in backstory and new story. Plus, quests that require a party are great. partying up in a MMOPRG is prolly one of the best things in video gaming period.
The linked post is just a typical day in the life of any Adinisrator, Moderator, or developer for DarSpace.
Sadly this poor soul has never quite made it to join our ranks. He lacks a certain... flair, he is just a little too... normal.
Enjoy :-)
Drafell Moraxi, DarkSapce Community Liason.
DarkSpace Developer - Play DarkSpace - Play For Free!
Medusa Engine SDK - Free MMO Game Engine
Hampton Roads/East Coast Video Gamers Association
No, that's the only reason *you* do quests. Please don't generalize your preference to the entire community. I for one enjoy well-written quests and do them whenever I get the chance (and I play FFXI, where quests give *no* experience and only nominal gil).
Quests really can be a lot of fun, and if done correctly they help a lot in getting new players immersed in the game's universe. Even in WoW, they did a decent job at the lower levels. I played mostly Undead and they have some very interesting quests. I had to poison a farmer's dog to test out a new toxin we (Undead) were developing in our continuing efforts to create more Undead. That's just one example that popped in my head, the point being, yes, the Fedex type quests and kill X number of X creatures are boring. But not all quests are and when done correctly they are an awesome (and integral, imho) part of an mmorpg.
I have to admit that, except for Nerf09, I've never heard that opinion about quests expressed by anyone. In fact, I usually hear the opposite... give us more quests! An MMORPG without quests, story arcs or lore would be just awful, I should think. I don't know about fps games or military sims, I don't like that sort of game. I suppose Military games would have some sort of premise... like WWI or something... but probably not quests or even story arcs. Dunno.
I think this thread derailed a bit somewhere in the middle. Can we please get back to the topic of discussion, and belittle the mourning devs for their incompetence as was originally intended.
I am the flipside of the coin on which the troll and the fanboy are but one side.
The quests also reveal much of the game's story. I don't need to be involved with every single person playing my game, nor do I want to. I think you are a very, very small minority, Nerf09. I think you are almost unique in your ideas. I wouldn't play an MMO such as the kind I think you're trying to put across. It doesn't sound like much fun, actually.
(Sorry, Pirrg. I agree with everything said about EgoMonster and that other bloke. They have made Baby Jesus cry. )