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Is it happening, or isn't it? Whether ArenaNet will admit it or not, we're hard-pressed to believe that a boxed expansion to Guild Wars 2 isn't coming in the next year or so. So today, we're listing out five things the staff of want to see in an expansion. Leave your thoughts in the comments!
There are five professions "missing" from Guild Wars 2 that were originally in GW1, but we don't need all of them added to make an expansion worth playing. But we'd be lying if we didn't want to see the Dervish or Paragon make their way back to Tyria. The Guardian is the "successor" or the Monk and Paragon, but there's something to be said for a spear-wielding badass and a martial arts master. Plus, the Monk could be one of the game's first true "support" specializations, though we know ANet sort of frowns on that design in GW2. Some of these professions may now be redundant, but we'd love to see some of their territory revisited in an expansion. Either way, a new profession is a must, and if we're following the GW1 model, new professions would mean...
Read the rest of Bill's A Guild Wars 2 Expansion Wish List.
Try to be excellent to everyone you meet. You never know what someone else has seen or endured.
Trinity lover detected, initiating teleport beacon. -grey knights squad teleports in-
Trinity has hold back the genre for years
what is "real" open world pve?
Also, instead of implementing the holy trinity, why not have better encounter design (which I think they are getting better at)?
Trinity dumbs down PVE. No thanx. I'm sure you can find hundreds of MMOs that already follow that tired mechanic though.
"If I offended you, you needed it" -Corey Taylor
No trinity... please no. Maybe pseudo-trinity like the turrets in Tequatl. But no trinity in GW2 plox.
Trinity doesn't necessarily dumb down PvE. And it wouldn't in GW2 either. Mobs are still going to drop huge AoE's and dodging is going to be of utmost importance in the game always.
But... that is the only thing that PvE is about these days in GW2. There's no healing, no -crucial- support roles (especially levels 1-79, it is totally completely non-existent).
Imagine playing a Kodan Monk, dodging huge attacks, and non-tab-target healing teammates as THEY dodge and run around. Talk about a full time, action packed job. Throw some interesting buffs (shield on friendly if attacked knocks opponoent(s) back). Make it fun. Keep the players moving, like we currently do. Use cooldowns to make dodging necessary (no spam healing).
It can be implemented into GW2 and would change group content forever, for the better.
It won't happen, because everyone (as seen here) hates it... but PvE in Guild Wars 2 is a little too simple without it. You deal damage, and you dodge. -yawn-
It can happen, but not in the traditional sense of Tank-classes and Healing-classes. ANet could do tanking and healing as bundles that would be taken and equipped by one of the party members (think Abomination Suit in WoW:WotLK or the Hylek Turrets in Tequatl).
But we'll see... TA is getting a revamp next week. Not sure if they're building slowly to this pseudo-trinity or bundle-play in dungeons. I do admit that dungeons are zergy, except for the encounters where it's not a DPS-race (Frizz's Lab, Thermal Core, Gaheron Baelfire). Then again (after reading that bit I wrote) the dungeons I enjoyed were more of mini-games than straight up fights.
Let's start with guildwars..
Player created factions
A pvp world as big as the other 2
100 more slotable skills for each weapon.
More weapons
No more weapon and item drops from every other mob. Everything new in the xpac should be player created. With randomized varying stat levels.
Hold back how and how did GW2 dps fest improve the genre exactly? After playing GW2 I'll always support trinity and meaningful roles/classes.
1 way point per map, with mounts added.
More weapons skills to choose from in respective weapon sets (ie, more shield skill choices, sword choices.
More utility skill choices and healing skill choices. These choices should be acquired at skill point locations, not through spending skill points as a currency. Make some of them require a second or third person.
New weapons added: Crossbow, spear.
New race: Dwarf should make a return.
Take the Magic: The Gathering 'What Color Are You?' Quiz.
How exactly does it dumb down PvE to have a trinity? That makes absolutely zero sense. Unless you mean to tell me encounters in GW2 match what occurs in encounters in say Siege of Orgrimmar. Nothing about what GW2 did revolutionized PvE unless zerg DPS fests are what you were looking for. GW2 needs something to spice up the PvE right now and some kind of trinity might help with that.
storry, good stories better stories, more stories stories, stories..
the only reason i am playing only at patchdays is to play the little story parts..
but the gamein my vision really neads intrigueing stories that pull people further intoo the lore... So better start with 5 racial stories ( each open for all players) that each are as long as the initial personal story.. No more useless choices, just straight on..
Best MMO experiences : EQ(PvE), DAoC(PvP), WoW(total package) LOTRO (worldfeel) GW2 (Artstyle and animations and worlddesign) SWTOR (Story immersion) TSW (story) ESO (character advancement)
What's a "real" MMO?
Mission in life: Vanquish all trolls - especially TESO, WOW and GW2 trolls.
ArenaNet has never been very good at transitioning their lore and story into the GW universe. They did a better job at in GW than they did with GW2. Just something they apparently aren't focusing on which is sad as I've always found the world of Guild Wars intriguing.
Account based exp boost like the magic find has changed into...
I have 7 characters, do I really need to exp farm through all the content over again to reach the max level..
I can understand that the exp boost mechanic is a income source, but still I really dislike leveling a lot of characters over and over and I'm not one to spend for exp boosts anyways.
I still have to go out and kill stuffs but at least reaching 80 again goes a little faster... perhaps make it so every time you hit 80 and those post 80 rollovers gives you a 1% account boost. for mob kills etc.
More better bagging, any currency should goto currencies ie continue coins.
Items that are crafted but are not gear should be able to be deposited to collectables:
dowels , filigreed gems, pasta noodles, etc.
I dislike my bag containing a lot of crafted mats that I either have to destroy or vender most the time after a crafting session..
Consumables should get a collectables like stash, make it a purchasable upgrade and make it account wide.
Expand the capacity of the stashes... When bags are full, i hate having to destroy mats i can't deposit for more loot.
Make a retro game bag slot that only holds continue coins etc from that( not sure if there are other items that are only usable in that retro game I haven't played it much, but having continue coins on all my chars is an annoying loss of 7 inventory slots.) Perhaps offer larger retro bag slots to hold retro items?
A smart merchant system that offers you better prices on the items you craft...
Instead of offering 30c on an item crafted with 5 silver worth materials (based on ah average lowest price) merchants buy the item at that +10%... so they would offer 5s50copper. I am a crafter in games, and having no outlet at all to sell the things I make ruins the crafting role play aspect of the game. The real money of the game should be in the gear not the mats (outside rare and hard to find mats) used to make the gear.
I do agree that dungeon encounters need improvement though. Anet has proven that it knows how to make a good fight with Tequatl. Lets see what they can do to improve the other world bosses and dungeons.
Also, it would be incredible if one day Anet can resolve the skill lag issue in WvW, as well as hopefully combine all the WvW maps into one mega map.