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Here's a link so you know what C.R.E.D.D. is.
Now then,
I've always agreed that buying gold from Gold Sellers who hack people accounts was a pretty distasteful thing to do. But for some reason I have no problem buying some from the developers while simultaneously helping a fellow player who's low on funds in real life. It's basically helping other players play for free and gaining a profit for doing so. I don't know, I've seen a lot of people posting on this website that the Credd system is cheating and they refuse to play the game because of it. But I just don't agree. Eve has PLEX which is almost identical in nature to credd, and I've never heard of anyone saying that buying and selling Plex was cheating.. so what gives? It's the art style right? You don't like cartoons! Cartoon hater. :P
Also, do these same people consider buying an epic scalable mount or battle pet in WoW to be cheating? I mean they give you a clear advantage of looking awesome or haveing a cool new pet to kick ass with that less fortunate players just wont have. Not exactly the same, but I mean it's spending money to obtain an in-game advantage.. so is that cheating as well?
Discuss, flame and/or ignore at your will!
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Buying gold is like buying drugs....I don't care if you do it. I think things like that are better off left up to the person to decide if they want to or not.
I would much rather that person give the devs the money than some company in china that's never going to add anything to the game I'm playing with the money other than some asshole spamming in town.
I don't think there is a way to stop a supply when there's a demand and the calls to come up with a better system always have wonderful ideas that either wouldn't solve the problem or are just stupid. Things like CREDD are a bandaid at best but they're a better solution than doing nothing or random bannings.
I dont have a problem with CREDD, but I dont like the Sub + cash shop. I was hoping to play this, but I will definitely keep playing GW2 as I feel the devs are pretty honest over there. I'd rather pay per expansion/box and cosmetic cash shop, or sub, but certainly not both. That is just gouging, and I lost a lot of respect for this game as a result, as funny and quirky as there promo videos have been.
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"Small minds talk about people, average minds talk about events, great minds talk about ideas."
I think it's an awesome system, just like in EvE Online.
And where's all the cashshop-crap come from that's being thrown around? There's no such thing you could call a cashshop in Wildstar.
According to this, there are no plans for a cash shop beyond selling CREDD. If they do add one, it'll only be for convenience/cosmetic items. While it's worth keeping an eye on this for any changes, there isn't one at the moment.
Currently playing: WildStar, Guild Wars 2, EVE Online, Vain Glory.
Correct, And from what I keep reading they don't even plan on implementing a cosmetic cash shop. They have reiterated that they went with the subscription model so that players have access to all content and NOT just some.
C.R.E.D.D. is just another way to pay for your subscription. If you play the game a lot and have stock piles of gold you can use your gold to purchase your subscription. Or you can use real world money for you subscription. Pretty simple. There's nothing to cheat.
Voted I don't care. Because I don't care if it's "cheating" or not. What I care about is whether it's bad for the game, and I think it's good for the game, provided the economy holds up.
Favorite MMO: Vanilla WoW
Currently playing: GW2, EVE
Excited for: Wildstar, maybe?
I don't like it. I feel it's a sleezy move by both player and developer. I have no respect for gold buyers.
That being said, I've relaxed my stance. Where as I used to be "I wont play it." Now I'm "if I can compete without." I don't have much of a choice if I want to play mmorpgs
they have a sub...that sub is paying for those convenience/cosmetic items. It's double dipping in a game that tells you a box + sub gives you full access.
"Lastly, we talked about the dreaded microtransaction, and if WildStar would opt to also have a cash shop. In short? It won’t, at least not yet. They don’t want to close that door completely, but for now the only thing extra you can buy will be CREDD. If they add other MTX options, it’ll only be stuff that won’t screw their customers over. Cosmetic items, convenience things, and so forth. "
LOL? Just like GW2, but with a sub. Just like I said.
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If they go down that cash shop route, possibly. As I said, they have no plans for it at the moment, but we'll need to keep an eye on it to see if they push that door open. Don't get me wrong, I can completely see where you're coming from (especially if it's to the extent of GW2 instead of something like WoW).
Currently playing: WildStar, Guild Wars 2, EVE Online, Vain Glory.
Yeah but in EVE Online had an ever need for more ISK that make people buy PLEX and made it a worthwhile commodity. I had so much friggin gold in WoW I really don't know why I farmed mats or put stuff on the AH even though I never used that gold for anything.
EVE revolves around the "WHEN" factor of you ship being blown up and you need ISK to buy and reoutfit another one. This mechanic is lacking in every themepark MMO that makes it pointless to have CREDD. Sure you might get some buyers but I don't think it will be a great sale.
Maybe there is more to the mechanics than I know as I stopped following WS some months ago. I'm just dubious that CREDD will be worth much to your avg player or the need to have an ingame currency since most themepark games one has to grind raids or something to get the best gear and purchasable gear is something that will drive many away due to the "P2W" factor. EVE one loses their gear which makes it a non issue.
I don't agree with gold farmers/sellers/buyers. Hate them enough to do bad things (better leave that go for now...).
I am not happy with EvE's PLEX system either.... I know it's getting abused... however it is better that CCP at least tries to control the RMT crap than let it go out of control. Wildstar's CREDD system seems like it will work in a similar fashion.
Cosmetic items.... this I am going to be hated for.... I actually don't agree with them and never have. I want to see the real armor that Warrior is wearing... You know... that Warrior that's bashing my head in and making me take a dirt nap? Yeah that one. If that Warrior is wearing plate mail I want to know it....even if that slave outfit makes his thighs look slimmer....
Joking aside, Cosmetic items in my opinion "clutter up" what should be straight forward gameplay between Players.
Yes I joke about it but I have nothing else I can do. Compared to most MMO Players I am in a tiny minority and it's getting smaller by the day. Obviously Gold Buying is on the rise, as well as cosmetic armor and fancy mounts all over. Too much bragging off the battlefield for my tastes. Too many Players are seeking to gain unearned advantage over others.
I will say this in regards to Wildstar: I hope they have a modifiable armor system like SWTOR has... even though I feel SWTOR is a big pile of bantha ... at least their armor system rocks.
Boobs are LIFE, Boobs are LOVE, Boobs are JUSTICE, Boobs are mankind's HOPES and DREAMS. People who complain about boobs have lost their humanity.
1st you say that you want to know which armor your opponent is wearing and hint that cosmetics make it harder to know which class your opponent is. then you say SWToR armor system rocks. i don't understand at all. isn't it hypocrisy? in SWToR a jedi can beat you up in slave outfit but you are saying you are fine with this, but if in another game if a warrior is wearing costume in costume slot and let us see that costume; it is not alright at all. i don't understand at all.
Boobs are LIFE, Boobs are LOVE, Boobs are JUSTICE, Boobs are mankind's HOPES and DREAMS. People who complain about boobs have lost their humanity.
What majority out there don´t understand is that to be able to play WildStar for free, you have pretty much to spend your time grinding/farming for CREDD, leaving you with no extra time for other chores, like farming/grinding for ingame money/mats = gear up.
2014 is prolly too late for this game already.
I missed this, sorry about late reply...
What I mean by "SWTOR's armor rocks" is I find it refreshing that the BioWare Devs created an armor system that let's Players not only tailor their Armor the way they want to with the use of Armor modules, Modification modules, and Enhancements, but also a Character can acquire a set of Armor they find attractive, that they feel "fits" the character they have created and are running, AND that allows them to keep and upgrade that same set of Armor all through their journey through the game. I also hope the Armor system is WildStar is similar for it will allow us to tailor our Armor according to how we play, and as how we play changes as we leveling up and begin to do different things, then so too can our Armor be altered and modified to coincide and grow with our characters.
The only thing I would change in SWTOR's "Orange" Modifiable armor system is I would definitely permanently assign each armor a "Type" assignment, for instance Armor with heavy Armor Mods should LOOK like Heavy Armor does like with non-Orange Modable armor. Example: I don't see any possible reason how anyone can justify a Slave Costume as Heavy Armor, Light yes, medium maybe, but not Heavy, and yet it is completely possible to set up the Slave Costume to be Heavy Armor. I have always felt that was bogus and believe each armor should either be light and medium assignable, medium and Heavy, or Heavy Only.
To me as great as I think the armor system is I think it has too much "freedom" in this regard. if it were the way I suggest we would be able to look at a character in SWTOR and have an understanding of what Role they are filling just by Armor appearance (it wouldn't take too long to learn which Armor is allowed to be used for what class of protection).
I look forward to WildStar, for this is a brand new IP, and the Devs will make it what it will become, and Players will fill in the gaps. No major Motion Pictures to dictate to us what the ingame universe should look like and no screenwriter's ideas cluttering up our brains. As it should be in a MMO imho.NO. Simple thing for me the CREDD is not stolen from someone else's account.
If your daft enough to think that they earn the gold through playing the game your a frigging idiot.
It's nice to see that the ones who think this system is cheating are a vocal minority. I personally think it'll be advantageous, as with my play time, I should be able to afford CREDD every 2-3 months.
Hopefully the game is worth a sub. Still need more detailed info about endgame progression. I'd like to see what the tier 1 armor sets will look like and how much variation we will have in style and appearance, though that's kind of a small thing to care about. I'd also like to know if they plan to implement an transmute type of system and if there might be Heirloom gear in the future.
I have no problem with C.R.E.D.D. Looks like a good system without having to have a cash shop. This alone may make me buy the game and pay my subscription fee, even though I'm not crazy about the 40 man raiding.
(IF) I decide to play, I'll probably buy some up to sell, as well as pay my monthly subscription. Gives subscription players a way to make a bit of extra money off people that don't wanna pay a subscription.
What happens when you log off your characters????.....
Dark Age of Camelot
The theory behind the system sounds fine and convenient, however I am sceptical as to how it will work in reality - this is based on my experiences in PWI so someone can maybe tell me how it works in EVE or Wildstar:
In PWI you can sell your gold in the auction house for currency so here's how it worked. Some people for a variety of reasons had access to large volumes of in game currency - these could be the merchants or people with the ability to solo farm certain areas where others were unequipped to enter - people who could farm these things were often people who initially put real money into the game to equip there chars and then made money in-game with their new well equipped chars.
People like me, who played casually, but may have played for years as I did, were then way behind the above mentioned people, irrespective of the fact that we had plenty of time to play, but didn't have the access to real money to try and catch up in terms of gear or in terms of the amount of in-game currency we had access to.
Now to the auction house - because those people above had the vast amounts of currency, and the ability to earn more, they could buy the gold in the auction house at heavily inflated prices, and people like me were left out of the market. It didn't matter that there were plenty of people buying the gold and selling at the auction house, because those rich people in game were always ready to buy any available supply.
For years we called for a regulation to the gold market which would have evened the playing field but to no avail and to this day the rich get rich and the poor/average are left behind - the argument as posted in the original link to this thread, about money/time didn't work.
EDIT - I should add that the gold market heavily contributed to the death of PWI.
C.R.E.D.D would be just fine if it was easy to look up exactly how much currency a specific player has bought.
The problem is not honest cheaters. It is the large amount of dishonest cheaters that threads like this one demonstrates. While a game can never make dishonest cheaters be honest with themselves, it can at least force them to be honest with others.
I'm an older guy with a family and real job. I cant sit and play MMO's for 8 to 10 hours a day like some of the basement dwellers around here. If I can just buy the mount or crafting materials I want and have more time to play for fun and not grind then I am all for it.
If buying things just reduces the amount of time I need to grind, I dont consider it pay-to-win. I think of it as pay-for-not grinding. If paying for things gives me more power than someone who has played all the content and maxed his char out for free then I consider it pay-to-win.