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According to a Twitter post by Blizzard's Brian Holinka, World of Warcraft players can expect a new PvP season to start and finish prior to the launch of the Warlords of Draenor expansion. The good folks at have speculated that, at the earliest, the current season would end in February and a new season towards the end of June.
.@Shaee33 @Matteygf We're planning an additional PvP season for mists. Details on end of season rewards, timeline, & new gear to come soon.
— Holinka (@holinka) January 7, 2014
The speculation has it that the new PvP season would end and mark the release of WoD.
Can we therefore predict the length of season 15? Not really, but we can confidently say it's likely to be over 20 weeks. Bearing in mind that we're 16 weeks into season 14, we may well have another 4+ weeks to go, meaning that season 14 will end at best February 4, so a 20-week duration would put season 15's end on July 1. This would be highly optimistic. (Edit: And as commenters add, the season end has previously marked the pre-patch, not the expansion itself.)
Think they're right? Let us know what you think in the comments.
complaining just to be kewl?
If thats what your gonna do, then at least pick something that has a basis in reality
Godz of War I call Thee
Haha, not bipolar at all. Admittedly just bored for the most part. I'm not normally one to do such things, just saw the post and it stirred up some of my ill feelings toward the game. I used to love to arena, and achieved rank 1 one season and glad 5 others.. but the state of PvP is at an all time low in this game.
I assume by this you mean either:
1) Its more balanced than its ever been. While Warriors and Mages are on top at the moment, its not as ridiculously skewed to FOTM builds as it was in the past.
2) You are just bored of the game and felt like trolling it.
Probably the latter, unless you actually thought PvP in WoW was ever reliant on skill and that your 'achievements' mattered, which in itself is a pretty good joke.
Little disappointed, but I guess it does give me plenty of time to enjoy D3 expac and Titanfall in March/April/June.
GW2 Team Arena is not a joke. If you only played hotjoin i understand you hate SPvP. Try tournaments.
Yes and yes
Blizzards/wow's dirty little secret is that the battle grounds are the most uneven/and desfunctional events ingame.
hope they fix it-like they did LFR....wha?, theyve been around...11 years now?
Riiiight. I wasn't necessarily referring to the balance although I'm not particularly pleased with it. I was really just talking about the state of PvP as a whole. It just isn't fun anymore, at least for me, with all the bullshit they've added to the game. They punish casting and reward the use of instants, interrupts are through the roof, most teams just tunnel cleave something and actually succeed. You're right in assuming that I'm bored of it, but that's because of the direction they've taken the game.
It's mostly more about teamwork, coordination, and awareness (or at least it used to be) which I guess you could conceive as skill. I wasn't listing achievements to attempt to brag, rather just to illustrate that I was very active in the PvP scene for a while. Obviously achievements on a video game don't really mean anything, and Glad is pretty easy to achieve if you're mildly intelligent and have a couple of decent teammates to play with consistently that don't rage. Sadly, most people in this game are borderline retarded.
New Season?
Amazing. "Let's add a few new PvP items and watch the mindless masses delve into the same BGs over and over.... again."
Why do people accept this garbage? If PvP rewards were removed, nobody would play them.
because it's FUN