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I just came back and made it through the last 3 expansions and got to Timeless Isle. On Sargeras for us Horde it seems there is no real reason to go there. The server is basically 95% Alliance but moreso than that its just a giant cluster of people scrambling over each other to kill anything.
At this point I have no real commitment to the server and was curious if this was the norm or if I should just pack up and head to greener pastures before I do commit to staying here?
I appreciate any feedback. If it's the norm I suppose I'll ride it out and level alts til the new expansion.
rpg/mmorg history: Dun Darach>Bloodwych>Bards Tale 1-3>Eye of the beholder > Might and Magic 2,3,5 > FFVII> Baldur's Gate 1, 2 > Planescape Torment >Morrowind > WOW > oblivion > LOTR > Guild Wars (1900hrs elementalist) Vanguard. > GW2(1000 elementalist), Wildstar
Now playing GW2, AOW 3, ESO, LOTR, Elite D
Good to know. I have no issues with sharing kills with others and the open kill system, it just seemed to be a bit too packed for my taste. I'm to understand that Huolon(sp?) is meant to be one of the larger kills in this area but on Sargeras, if you're not very literally camping him when he spawns, you won't make it to the fight in time. He usually lasts all of 15-20seconds. It feels as if there are three people to every spawn on the island.
I have no issues being social and teaming up to do stuff I was just hoping it wasn't so extreme everywhere else.
As is, it feels as mindless as the FATE grind system in FF14.
I appreciate the feedback though.
This isn't a signature, you just think it is.
Probably gonna depend on the times you visit to a degree as well.
I am on Emerald Dream EU which is a pretty busy server and the island is always bustling with people but i can always finish the daily's/weekly's pretty quickly on the whole. You will miss dozens of rare kills, but the more common ones spawn so often that it makes little difference and once you move up and kill the Ordon, they spawn so fast that you need to watch your back rather than worry about how many people are around.
Have fun.
It must be Thursday, i never could get the hang of Thursdays.
Yeah had the same issue recently. On my old server (Dreadmaul) you had plenty of time to get to bosses and the zone wasn't overly packed, but my friends convinced me to start new characters on both the Alliance and Frostmourne (most heavily populated oceanic server). Its pretty much pointless doing anything other than camping Huolon for the mount (he has a 30 min timer, so its easy to know when to head over).
Also they ninja nerfed the drops from regular mobs so hard, that its not worth going to Timeless unless you are name farming, and since the names die almost instantly on spawn, its kinda pointless on high pop servers.
EU Sha'tar - we don't get that many load here tbh, then again the server is pretty dead by todays standards.
I only do the daily to get 1k coins tbh now, its a grind-fest, funless time sink that I do not look forward to seeing again, in WoD @ 100.
# SW:TOR : Tylantia, Sivis, Aeonis, Aehris, Xaehrin, Vhyce, Tehren, Suvis
# Ryzom : Kasumi / Secor / Anuihlm
# City of Heroes/Villains : @Tylantia
# Age of Empires Online : Tylantia (Abydos server)
# Stargate Worlds : Kadael
# WoW : Tylantia, Siinaar, Sivis, Moofangles, Aehr, Cehr, Chaizen, Ocep, Tzias
I have heard a few people say this but i think that it is purely luck of the draw. I have run seven characters through the area and all have had a different experience in terms of drops. I ran my Mage until he had all of the 496 gear and he had never seen a burden in all that time, the minute i stepped on there with my Paladin, he had two burdens drop in the space of 20 minutes. My rogue seemed to have nothing but mail and plate drop for a couple of days, not one leather item but my Warlock had cloth after cloth drop like rain, except for a chest piece which i ended up sending from my mage.
It must be Thursday, i never could get the hang of Thursdays.
Sageras can be said to be the Mal'ganis version of Horde's server. Frostmourne and Illidan are also Alliance top heavy.
So why are you Horde even there?
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