I feal its still popular but its more of a time sink still. You will see alot of players closer to the 55 - 70 range but there are some lowere lvls. You might be happer elsewhere since now to have fun with alot of people its more of like buy the expantion that just came out. Since thats where about 70% of the people are. Do have to say the new DoD expantion with the MM and Shrouds are nice to play with anylvl person.
If you have even a spark of ever nearing the pinnicle of game play in EQ i have to suggest not to begin Sony's EQ unless you are going to be a multi-account player. Populations are not barren, but they are hurting(evidenced by the massive server mergers). Also the way Sony treated their premium server Legends just recently wasn't exactly a great promotional invite either: After months, if not years, of players paying $39.95 a month & continually trying to communicate with Sony about the server's future, Sony decided all of a sudden to discontinue it in Feb. '06. If you are just going to play for casual sake then good luck, but wait for the new Titanium EQ package to have all the expansions(to be released in Jan. '06). Most of the EQ population are old timers or multi-accounters now, casual play survives but not really thrives. i played about a year & 1/2 investing about $150-$175, level 65 out of 70, nearing 200 AAs when there's around 1450 total. i played mostly for casual fun with a spurt from time to time of progressed determination so progress could be much faster(multi-accounting i have seen REALLY helps). This wont guarantee you will be able to see certain zones nor acquire certain items no matter your willingness to invest time & money however, Sony has it set-up this way, but the higher your level & longer you play the better your chances. Sony might just be milking the cow for all it's worth since they've been set in stone for awhile now, but expect another expansion in 3-6 months probably. EQ is still a good game, community is overall great, still can be much fun, but get ready for some, "Thank you Sony(SOE)." LFGing(Looking For Group) hours upon hours.
If you decide to play again, join Tribunal. I hear they're a bit farther behind the rest of the servers as far as high-end goes, so you may be able to catch up quicker and get into the hang of things.
Some high-end geared friends of mine are transferring from Zek to that server soon and have an agreement with a guild to run some of the raids with them to get them going to high-er end raids soon.
If you have friends who are already playing EQ then it might be enjoyable for you. Otherwise I would stay clear of this game. There is very little new blood entering EQ. Finding a guild to progress with is more difficult these days too. If you are looking for progression in the game there are far fewer guilds that would be options for a new player then there was just a short time ago.
There are many more choices for a gamer these days. Understand that coming to EQ now will mean that most of those who you group with will be veteran players who are working on leveling up their alts or bots.
Once you get the hang of it, I think you will learn to like the game as so many people have. Just ignore the jerks who speak so badly of it. There is still a lot out there for people to enjoy. Find a good friend that you can group with and stick around with and go from there.
Just a warning, you will most likely get addicted.
Definitely passed its peak, worth trying the free trial just so you can see what MMORPG's used to be like but there are so many better games around now, don't pay money to play this.
I feal its still popular but its more of a time sink still. You will see alot of players closer to the 55 - 70 range but there are some lowere lvls. You might be happer elsewhere since now to have fun with alot of people its more of like buy the expantion that just came out. Since thats where about 70% of the people are. Do have to say the new DoD expantion with the MM and Shrouds are nice to play with anylvl person.
If you decide to play again, join Tribunal. I hear they're a bit farther behind the rest of the servers as far as high-end goes, so you may be able to catch up quicker and get into the hang of things.
Some high-end geared friends of mine are transferring from Zek to that server soon and have an agreement with a guild to run some of the raids with them to get them going to high-er end raids soon.
If you have friends who are already playing EQ then it might be enjoyable for you. Otherwise I would stay clear of this game. There is very little new blood entering EQ. Finding a guild to progress with is more difficult these days too. If you are looking for progression in the game there are far fewer guilds that would be options for a new player then there was just a short time ago.
There are many more choices for a gamer these days. Understand that coming to EQ now will mean that most of those who you group with will be veteran players who are working on leveling up their alts or bots.
I say go for it!
Once you get the hang of it, I think you will learn to like the game as so many people have. Just ignore the jerks who speak so badly of it. There is still a lot out there for people to enjoy. Find a good friend that you can group with and stick around with and go from there.
Just a warning, you will most likely get addicted.