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..a place holder?
The current skin they have for this race looks very out of place, I mean WOW's current 2d models look more serious than this "cowardly lion" look.
I may be late on this as I just took a interest in the game, but jeez that model is terrible.
They've said that it was an early version and that they are still working on it and all races as the game is a ways off.
Kerran specific, they said there will be multiple types or breeds. So I'd imagine, lion, cougar, jaguar, tiger, etc. So it isn't a lion race. Can also assume that there will be some level of customization, so not everyone will be running around as simba.
I really like what they've shown for early concepts of the other races.
While the kerran isn't something I'd play, I still think it looks better than a lot of the generic human body + animal heads that some games do. It looks like a lion if it was humanoid.
But you aren't a lone and SOE is still working on it.
The Iksar concept art looks great, hopefully Ogres, Trolls (if they make it), and the more "evil" races can balance the game out since so far all we have are happy looking humans and kitties.
I'm glad they kept it.
Honestly, Guild Wars 2 did so much to kill my belief that an artistic MMO can exist yet. It's not that the hardware isn't there, it's that most people are using older hardware. They promised artisanal, but to this old fart, GW2 already looks supremely dated, and in places it even looks worse than Guild Wars 1. On the other hand, there's Wildstar. I hate Wildstar's gameplay, it's too WoW for me, and I'm just sick of MMOs with levels and vertical progression grinds anyway, but the aesthetics of Wildstar are stunning. They're how WoW should have looked. And, honestly, a lot of my irritation at WoW comes from its pop-culture world, and how they don't really know what story they're trying to tell, it's just one big mess of stuff, there's nothing cohesive to any of it. And over the years, especially with stuff like the high-res versus low-res models, WoW has become a mess, aesthetically.
And WoW never really looked like Ratchet & Clank, it's a different aesthetic. It's more... Phineas & Ferb. If I could have tolerated Wildstar's gameplay, I would have loved it for the aesthetic choices. I'm tired of games trying so hard to be artisanal anyway, it only makes them so much more dated all the more quickly. I think their choices are to go with a higher-end, quality cartoon aesthetic. And, honestly, if you can't appreciate quality works like the Lion King, then you're probably a raging tweener who doesn't understand what all the fuss is about, because hey, it's not soldiers blowing stuff up. Animation doesn't instantly equal bad, not even remotely, and anyone who's been on this planet for more than a decade should know that.
Some of the greatest films have been animated. I mean, back in the early days of point & click adventures, they had that aestehtic, too. And, honestly, the first Broken Sword looks less dated in its original conception than modern realistic MMOs do. I just think that they want a.) something that looks good in an animated way, and b.) something that people on lower end computer scan run. It's like comparing Diablo III with Torchlight II. Diablo III had a lot of internal struggle going on, so they couldn't decide which way they wanted to take the aesthetics, as such, you have awkwardly toony monsters set against realistic, grim-looking backdrops and such. Whereas Torchlight II has a very cohesive visual style, and thus doesn't have that problem.
I think the issue here, honestly, is that people have seen a lot of games which lacked aesthetic cohesion (Blizzard's stuff, mostly) and it's lead them to believe that just because Blizzard can't do it, no one can. Well, Wildstar did! And so did Ratchet & Clank, Sly Cooper, Jak & Daxter, and so many others. Everquest: Next looks like it's more on par with the latter games than it is with WoW, it actually has a good amount of aesthetic cohesion. But, again, people look at something cartoony and they automatically think that it needs to be less cartoony just because Blizzard did it badly.
Ultimately, the Kerra are fine, Everquest Next is fine, and if you've watched any of the videos it looks fantastic. Let's have a game that looks good for longer, rather than one that looks dated the moment it's released.
Edit: Honestly, I'd be less inclined to play it (and I may just not play it, full stop) if they changed the Kerra because of a minority of people complaining about their designs, especially when that minority has no appreciation for aesthetic cohesion. I mean, if they're going to sacrifice their aesthetics for a whining minority, they'll probably soon after sacrifice their ideologies regarding gameplay and a lack of levels. I don't want them showing that kind of weakness.
I'm probably the only one that likes the kerran model..
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Agreed. They seem to be intent on the Disney-fide cartoon look, so any changes to the model won't deviate from that very much.
You make me like charity
You honestly can't be serious OP. Yeah, I know WoW's graphics are cartoony, but they still looked VERY blocky, the graphics on EQNext look 10 times better, cartoony and all. The characters actually look like... well, characters.