Obsidian Entertainment & the Allods team have released a brand new developer diary that gives Skyforge fans some background information about the combat system. Developers give visual examples of what they are talking about with the video packed with gameplay footage. Check it out!
Would you say the combat is anything like Tera possibly? Been interested.
No combat is more like Champions Online. For instance once a projectile is throwned it's locked and will always hit its target. Same for melee, if you're in range when a melee move starts, it will always hit, even if the target jumps backward or anything.
So basically the game feels like Champions Online with gw2 quest system.
Not quite accurate. Basic attacks will generally always hit with 'proper' skills behaving different depending on that skill specifically. As they stated you can also use abilities to negate/avoid damage but that's a little off point. So for example lets say a skill has you drop rocks (or something. Just an example) on an enemy. Well in PvE they probably won't move out of the way (I'm unsure of how in depth some enemies can get. Safe to assume they won't start actively dodging). However in PvP the same skill could potentially be easily dodged.
Ignoring all that and despite their progress, it's still much earlier in the games development than you'd think. Things are still being fine tuned. Lots of aspects can and probably will change drastically.
Surprisingly correct logic.
If everyone thought this way instead of riding hype/hate trains the MMO community would be far superior.
The more I hear and see of this game the more im looking forward to it. I was initially skeptical but the more video's I see of the game in action the more it appeals to me. The graphics look great and the way combat is designed I think it will be alot of fun.
I just need to wait and see if I get lucky enough to get in beta, if not I will be giving it a try when it eventually launches. It's ticking all the right boxes for me so far.