I ran a guild in SWTOR starting pretty much day one. We got big (by my standards, 300 members) and we had a great deal of fun. It was a great ride for awhile, raids, multiple weekly events, etc. Eventually I decided to leave the game and left it in the hands of some very responsible people who had been leaders. When I left I also unsubscribed from the game.
It took me a few months to get to the point where I wanted to leave and un-sub, specifically because I loved what I had created and wanted it to live on. But once I decided to turn it all off, it was because I was prepared to hand my "baby" over to others, it was not going to be mine anymore and I needed to be prepared for it to change. Even for the worse.
Well, as many of us do we come back, and I did, the guild still existed but was a skeleton. I got leadership back right away only because the half dozen people left could not care less, it was given to them automatically as leaders kept dropping. I was bummed that it did not live on as I would hope, but I wasnt angry. I wasnt upset at BioWare or under the impression I was robbed or un-justed. Why would I create a ticket stating "my guilds been taken over and the bank is empty". I quit the game!!!! The people that let it go and emptied my bank we the guild leaders!!!
I understand your being upset, but its nobodies fault, nobody did anything wrong. If left a box of donuts unatended in a public place for a month should I be mad when I only find an empty box when I return?
"Compromised" is the wrong term to begin with. It simply got taken over by other people who did what they wanted with it, but this entire procedure was by design.
Be happy that there were at least some members still playing. Had you left the guild without the automatic system, no management could have taken place and everyone would have surely left.
Now I don't fault you for leaving, truth be told I've sinned toward leaving without much notice in the past too, but you do have to take responsibility for your actions.
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hate to break it to you but what did you expect to happen when you quit? they do this so guilds have an activel leader, sadly it is the PEOPLE who do things like this not the game. They got greedy and thus took things, and you where not smart enough to pull all the important thigns from the guild bank and hold them on a character. i always do no mater the game due to most mmos having this system.
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Be happy that there were at least some members still playing. Had you left the guild without the automatic system, no management could have taken place and everyone would have surely left.
Now I don't fault you for leaving, truth be told I've sinned toward leaving without much notice in the past too, but you do have to take responsibility for your actions.
Feel free to use my referral link for SW:TOR if you want to test out the game. You'll get some special unlocks!
Watch, he will show up and reply a year later here and be confused as to why we didnt agree with him.
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Click here for trove referral, bonuses to both!
I had moved on what about you guys?
I was replying back to his immature reply. I forgot to post here while ago but I have the guild back for a long time.
I thought you were away for few months only.
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