Did any of you read about Star Trek Online? Here's a link to the interview on this site-
http://www.mmorpg.com/sto_interview.cfm Now me, I love star trek and to think there's going to be a mmorpg Star Trek game is awesome. From what I read in the interview, it sounded really great acually getting to walk around your own ship while it's flying in space (I've been waiting FOR EVER for a space sim, rpg, etc. that involves flying space ships to implement that into the game!!) , but that was just an interview. Read the interview, tell me what you think about it.
I enjoy startrek quite a bit, heck I even got into the card game when it first came out years ago. Which was quite possibly the nerdiest thing I have ever done. Fortunatlly that phase passed quickly enough.
As to the Startrek mmo, I honestly have not the slightest bit of interest in it. Startrek to me is one of those things that is greatly entertaining to watch, however playing it just is not the same.
I think Star Trek has the makings of a great MMORPG. So many races with inherent traits to exploit. Ranking structures. RPing on land (ala Star Trek: DS9). RPing in space. For those who like combat - away missions! For those who don't engineering! For those who like managing a guild, negotiations, diplomacy - become a captain! It practically writes itself. (If only it was that easy, huh?)
The only thing that would be missing is economy. I'm not sure how they would incorporate it.
--Ha, Pwned--
Pvp = godliness
Playing: WoW
Waiting on: Gods and Heroes
I only hope it doesn't cost that much. I think somewhere around 7$ a month or something. A 35$ for 1 year set up would be great.
more than likely it'll be 14.99 to 15.99 a month
But yes, this is a mmorpg im looking forward to as well
People who have to create conspiracy and hate threads to further a cause lacks in intellectual comprehension of diversity.
I'm definately looking forward to this project!
Oh, cruel fate, to be thusly boned. Ask not for whom the bone bones. It bones for thee.
as much as i like star trek i seriously think with todays technology we could never do any justice to a star trek mmo. it would have to be almost 90% exploration based to remain in context of the star trek ideals
If you have also any suggestion of Star Trek games or somebody of your friend are developing it, I`ll be greatly indebted to see it here and play it..;)