The OMD series is getting better and better. I love the characters and the dialogue is hilarious. OMD brings tower defense a new more interactive way. not just sit back and watch your traps do all the work.!
Always loved tower defense and moba games since i played both genres in warcraft 3 reing of chaos whats not to love in this game ? one of the best tower defense series OMD all the sarcasmn variety of traps it would be cooler if they buff the material drops tho but still its a pretty awesome game loving it so far
OMD:U is pretty good so far! The only real complaints I have is how long it takes to load into a game (almost certainly caused by players on older hardware), and the "grind" of gathering materials to craft traps, guardians, heroes, etc. Drops rates are pretty low and wildly random, so if you're looking to get a certain item crafted... good luck, it'll be a while.
It is actually a decent game that is Multiplayer with the opportunity to grow and develop into something unique and catching with staying power for 5+ years. The heroes have variety as well which actually require constant attention to standard attacks not just spamming all your abilities.
Always satisfying when you join a PUG and win against the odds.