And then they send email notifications to your significant other making it look like you used their credit card to subscribe to questionable sites on the Internet.. If you still don't re sub, they send people dressed in black to your house to kick your dog. Oh, and if you ever find your car was scratched by a carriage in a parking lot, Yep....SE has people everywhere.
I mean, if we are going to make shit up let's go for broke here and have some fun.
Well thats good if it is not true. But their other practices do leave lots of room for doubt and distrust. And come to think of it my old characters DID dissapear, but I was unsubbed last time for better than a year. Still though, many games keep toons of old paying customers for decades. With the prices of storage space nowadays, there is no reason not to.
They demolish your houses if you unsub for a couple of months, these are massive investments
No other mmo punishes you for daring to unsub, their desperation at droppin sub numbers is obvious. Sad thing for them is it didnt work, was still a massive player drop after hw.
They demolish your houses if you unsub for a couple of months, these are massive investments
No other mmo punishes you for daring to unsub, their desperation at droppin sub numbers is obvious. Sad thing for them is it didnt work, was still a massive player drop after hw.
No other mmo punishes you for daring to unsub, their desperation at droppin sub numbers is obvious. Sad thing for them is it didnt work, was still a massive player drop after hw.
There's nothing shady going on other than you attempt to present yourself as an intelligent and competent human being.