is giving the fourth Revelation Online Giveaway, but the results of the second and the thrid are not showed yet.
In the first giviaway they named the winers in the same week, now it's taking too much, what is going on? Any ideas? Am'i missing something?
Also, why no adm/moderator say anything in facebook? Whats the deal in having a facebook page, that no one is looking for LOL... I don't get it. Maybe if someone at least reply something the're, it may get more views/likes/replys.
While I can agree with this...also remember there are people, who for whatever reason, never (or almost never) post. They could go by a minimum number of account logins - but I don't know how sophisticated their new systems are. I just don't want to be unilaterally disqualified because I've only posted 6 times in more than 2 years !
But yeah, also kinda curious who's actually winning these things.
Archeage EU - Nui
I must admit that my first thought was like "they only have 100 keys and want to trick people in a lot of giveaways for registration, without having the keys, hoping that no one complain about it"...
Well i only hope i'm wrong in this, because in all the giveaways that i've participated in the past, this never happened.
I think i will let know what is hapening here.