So the pagan fall festival themed event is live. The 12 new skins, and dozens of other character items are pretty nice looking. You can tell Blizzard put the usual time, effort and polish into the new stuff that they usually do. I'm especially partial to the Reaper pumpkin head skin, the Junkrat Junkenstein (It's JunkenSTEIN!) skin and Zenyattas Skullyatta. Genji's highlight intro has him carving a pumpkin in mid air and it's pretty awesome.
Even better, they learned their lesson from the Summer event and all of the fall event stuff is purchasable with regular loot crate coins! That's right, unlike the summer even where they lied about their previous promises and made all of the loot pure RNG only, this time around you can buy it. The downside? The event skins and other stuff cost three times the coins of the regular stuff, but that's not so bad, at least they can be bought at all. Now the 7k coins I've been saving up have a use!
I stopped playing for a while after the summer event; mostly disgusted with Kaplan's lying bullcrap. But I'm back playing now that he seems to have visited the proctologist and had his head removed.
Just yesterday they announced they'll change Witch Mercy's ultimate voiceline to "My servents never die" from the Halloween event due to popular demand.
One of the biggest ways they've responded that isn't talked about much is they increased the servers to 60 tick from 20 tick (how many actions per second are processed by the server), after complaints that the game wasn't responsive enough or things were happening differently then they appeared on the screen.
That took real money, but they put it in to make the game better. Obviously they're in a position to do this, being Blizzard and because of the bucketloads of cash the game is making, but they actually did it.
Overall it's a very assuring feeling knowing the Dev of the game you like is listening to the playerbase. Pretty rare nowadays tbh.