Liked that it wasn't instakills, but the damage was borderline too slow. Movement too quick, combat too chaotic. Slowing it down and making abilities a little more impactful would probably go a long way to making it more strategic and less chicken with head cut off.
Your youtube link is broke and your combat that allows players to stand in front of each other and spam away has no friendly fire and therefore is broke too.
Link works fine for me, anyway here´s that video embedded:
Now, combat looks good only compared to the previous build (it´s alpha and yadda...), so people playing it earlier are very satisfied with the improvements.
Speaking of combat pace, video opens with a bunch of tanks & healers, and a range fire DPS that recently got it´s burst traded for mobility. Also, things won´t be that slow in large scale fights + you don´t want it too quick in a game with (among others) FFA/FL servers.
Now, combat looks good only compared to the previous build (it´s alpha and yadda...), so people playing it earlier are very satisfied with the improvements.
Speaking of combat pace, video opens with a bunch of tanks & healers, and a range fire DPS that recently got it´s burst traded for mobility. Also, things won´t be that slow in large scale fights + you don´t want it too quick in a game with (among others) FFA/FL servers.