I've been hearing really good things about Stardew Valley. Is it really that addictive, charming and fun? I was thinking of picking it up on PC, PS4 or Switch when it's available. The price is right!
If you enjoy games like Harvest Moon and Animal Crossing (though it's much closer to the former) then yeah, you'll love it. I'd even go as far as to say I enjoy it more than any HM game (even my favorite two, Friends of Mineral Town and Wonderful Life).
Its a great game, lots lots lots to do haha, the harvest moon comparison is accurate, but it goes further, feature wise, than HM. pick it up if u like those types of games, u wont regret it.
"Well let me just quote the late-great Colonel Sanders, who said…’I’m too drunk to taste this chicken." - Ricky Bobby
I am by most measures an indie junkie and my impression of this game is that there are many 'like' it some before it existed some after it existed but for whatever reason this one rose to the top for the 'non-indie' crowd to notice. Not sure why but it did.
My point being keep looking (in addition to buying this one if it interests you) without concern of being validated by others. just look, if the game looks cool then jump on it.
case in point, I personally would play Another Brick in Mall instead (for 8bit graphics experience) but I understand this game has some specific elements that some gamers appeal to that do not appeal to me.
Please do not respond to me, even if I ask you a question, its rhetorical.
My point being keep looking (in addition to buying this one if it interests you) without concern of being validated by others. just look, if the game looks cool then jump on it.
case in point, I personally would play Another Brick in Mall instead (for 8bit graphics experience) but I understand this game has some specific elements that some gamers appeal to that do not appeal to me.
Please do not respond to me, even if I ask you a question, its rhetorical.
Please do not respond to me