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World of Warcraft News - For those of you who have enjoyed running old raids for World of Warcraft transmog items, your time investment will be increasing greatly as all health pools have increased by about 300% in patch 7.3.5. While raids from Vanilla through Cataclysm are still easily soloed, Pandaria and Warlords raid content on some difficulty levels is not. The increased health pools have made fight mechanics kick in that most times render soloing impossible.
For you vanilla fans, Saurfang definitely has a PTSD moment: "Nothing good EVER comes out of Silithus..." he growls.
As the former leader of the united forces there, no surprise, huh?
Dunno who this guy is but Blizzard listening to this kind of gamer is what killed WoW for me . Its made me decide to try one of my low level alts and give it a try to see if the OLD CONTENT really now has a vaiable challenge . I have my doubts that it does because the scaled content in Legion I found didn't really offer much of a challenge . Still worth a try .
Maybe the pristine servers they talked about would be a good idea so people who just want a rush to the endgame can be happy and those that want a more challenging gamer overall could get the type of gameplay they want too .
Its been long argued by Blizzard fans that Blizzard shouldn't have different types of servers that offer different levels of difficulty but it was also argued by many of those fans that Blizzard should never and would never offer us classic servers .
Another semi irritating thing: With Ulduar's difficulties merged into a single one for timewalking, it appears that items that used to be dropped in 25-man are now only obtainable either in timewalking only or by using tokens dropped from bosses at the Dalaran vendors. Using the token (R-click) will only create a 10-man version item. If you're looking for transmog from the old 25-man, spend the tokens in Dala!
Aloha Mr Hand !
Glad I quit the WoW hype a few months ago and I am not planning to get back.
Been there since Nov 2004 and I am done with it.
Heirlooms being nerfed, mobs having 3x more health... ugh the boredom of doing the same thing over and over is mind boggling.
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I mean, I get it: They have been saying for the past year or so that they want people to group up. In leveling zones, it's fantastic and something that was needed. In raids when as @Seelinnikoi said, you're looking for something to do outside of current content, it's either pet battles, mount hunting or transmog collection.
Zone and dungeon scaling, particularly for leveling, is great. Raid increase in health pools is silly and unnecessary. That it came without any explanation from Blizzard (SURPRISE....not...), makes it all the more insulting.
It's hilarious. Your post is all over the place.
I think the big issue is the constant gear resets. It has rendered all content outside of the current expansion completely worthless for most purposes. In EQ people weren't doing AHR or Emp (Luclin Bosses) in PoP for transmogs. They were still doing it for gear they wanted to use, or Ancient Spells dropped from those bosses.
The progression was much better in that game.
we have been soloing old raids since Woltk , i dont remember soloing BWL on TBC , (low manning yeah)
i dont see the point in buffing old raid HP, if u are able to solo it , u still can it takes what? 1 min more meh , this content is past it times (outside timewalking) , they are now just transmog content. and u only 1 chance every week
we already repeat them a massive amount, the reward was to quickly run them effortlessly on alts and later when they are irrelevant
Crush your enemies, see them driven before you, and hear the lamentations of their women...
This ^ I would like to know for my small older folks guild the heck do I delete a quote, been so long since i been on here
derpdelete plz
It is when you know what you're doing. This half-arsed scaling in WoW is not worth the news.
To me the scaling in ESO is crap also....ruined that game for me.