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Second Closed Beta This Weekend & Consolers Can Join in Too - Defiance 2050 -

SBFordSBFord Former Associate EditorMember LegendaryPosts: 33,129
edited April 2018 in News & Features Discussion

imageSecond Closed Beta This Weekend & Consolers Can Join in Too - Defiance 2050 -

Defiance 2050 News - Trion Worlds has announced that the second closed beta test for Defiance 2050 will be taking place from Friday, April 27th through Sunday, April 29th. In addition to current and new PC players, both XBox One and PlayStation 4 players will be able to join up if they receive a closed beta key.

Read the full story here



  • ManestreamManestream Member UncommonPosts: 941
    but it was very dissapointing. Its basically identical to what we have now. Same cut scenes, movies, quests, graphics about the only thing differant is the EGO layout (now made so you have to purchase class's) and how your characters equipment is laid out.

    This could easily have been done via patching the original defiance game but nope they made a big whoo haaa about how its going to change, and its a differant game when it is not, it looks like it is clearly goign to target the wallet and you will have to rebuy and redoe everything you already own in defiance already.
  • AlbatroesAlbatroes Member LegendaryPosts: 7,671
    but it was very dissapointing. Its basically identical to what we have now. Same cut scenes, movies, quests, graphics about the only thing differant is the EGO layout (now made so you have to purchase class's) and how your characters equipment is laid out.

    This could easily have been done via patching the original defiance game but nope they made a big whoo haaa about how its going to change, and its a differant game when it is not, it looks like it is clearly goign to target the wallet and you will have to rebuy and redoe everything you already own in defiance already.
    Unfortunately, this is who Trion is now and probably has been for the past 2-3 years. I'd like to say this whole "easy money" thing started back with Devalian, with them trying to sell 150$ "founder packs" for a generic gender-locked arpg, but it could've really been them behind the whole AA scamming thing (lets not forget all the 150$ founder packs they had charged to people's accounts back then that even caused banks to send out public notices about the high volume in charge backs as a result). It really is a sad thing. I hope nerdslayer (the guy who does a bunch of death of a game series) does the death of a company featuring Trion to highlight who they used to be, why they used to be like, and where exactly things went down hill and why. Maybe they will watch it (more than likely they will watch it) and change but I doubt it. They gotta keep people employed and this is honestly the easiest money they can make with little resource investment.
  • EightBitNinjaEightBitNinja Member UncommonPosts: 34
    I must be one of the few that doesn't mind thay Defiance is stayomg pretty much the same. I greatly enjoyed the original game and only stopped playing because I traded my ps3 to get a ps4.
    The only issue I had with the game was the horrid texture pop in. As long as they fix that, I will be more than happy to jump back in.
  • ololuluololulu Member UncommonPosts: 164
    The original defiance was lacking content so it died off pretty fast, can't see how this is any different now. Also Trion already started showing true face after the release of Rift.
  • Panther2103Panther2103 Member EpicPosts: 5,777

    ololulu said:

    The original defiance was lacking content so it died off pretty fast, can't see how this is any different now. Also Trion already started showing true face after the release of Rift.

    The release of Rift was before the release of Defiance. Also what are you talking about? Rift was updated CONSTANTLY and didn't get bad until it went F2P.
  • ScorchienScorchien Member LegendaryPosts: 8,914

    Same SHIT different cash-shop.............
  • Tenaka30Tenaka30 Member UncommonPosts: 84
    I suspect they really wanted to call this Defiance Legends but it sounded too familiar......
  • evolgrinzevolgrinz Member UncommonPosts: 151
    Played the original and the beta and to me it's just the same game with a somewhat refreshed UI.
    The biggest issue I had from the OG is still in 2050 and that is the fact that enemies are just big bullet sponges. Even a random trash mob will take a full clip of a heavy machine gun into the face, before it dies. If it's a little bit more than a random trash mob it will take even more.

    I was excited when I heard about this, but now that I played the beta I am not even sure if I even will be playing the game at launch.
  • KitsunamiKitsunami Member UncommonPosts: 101
    Boring. I was very excited since they said remake and set 4 years later, but it's just the same game with better graphics and slightly improved gunplay
  • sgelsgel Member EpicPosts: 2,197
    Why would they release the same game with so minor changes?
    I don't understand.
    They had a chance to take player input and fix the game and make it more appealing to people who enjoyed the original & to appeal to new people.
    Why would they screw it up so bad?


  • hyllyhhyllyh Member UncommonPosts: 477
    yeah! wonderful, another crap to dust
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