I'm not sure if that's intentional, but it seems like a peculiar thing to do when you generally ban political debates on the forums. Hovering over the ads makes an "AdChoices" label appear, and the URL has Google in it, so that's probably the ad network that it's coming from.
Thank you for reporting this. MMORPG.com has no intentions of having ads like this appear on our site I assure you.
- MMORPG.COM Staff -
The dead know only one thing: it is better to be alive.
I've used this site off and on for years to look up new games that I might want to try and I understand you need money to operate the site but when I start seeing shady ads on a website I usually stop using said website. You guys/gals have made a great website but I feel like some of the ads I'm seeing cheapen the website you've worked hard to make. I'm not saying get rid of ads but maybe look into getting a new ad network or asking your current ad network about the quality of there ads.