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Great read.
I've always had a great experience with the LoL community, so it got me thinking about the vocal minority regurgitating the "community is horrible" message: I have to wonder what attitude THEY enter the game with. Maybe they just were getting back what they were giving out.
Some of the nicest people I've encountered in games have been in LoL. It certainly encourages me to keep playing.
I actually just got out of a ranked match. The way I see it, the lower elo/rank you are shows people stupidity and ignorance. People in Bronze or unranked and most silvers seem to be more of the ragers and shit talkers. right now im at 1700 Elo Gold 3, and the teams i have are amazing. Theres always teamwork and EVERYONE has encouraged positive behavior even when losing and if someones doing bad. Where as, in low silver/bronze people rage at champ select lol
completely agree, summer time was horrible. Bed time and 8/9 hours of school FTW.